Just 15 Minutes Of Walking On A Daily Basis Can Drastically Change Your Body

Physical activity is extremely important for your body. Plus, you will experience a great impact on your emotional, physical, and mental health.

However, some people are busy all the time and cannot find time to work out. Yet, they no longer have excuses, as a recent study has shown that a 15-minute walk daily can give you some great similar benefits.

In fact, walking on a daily basis may add seven years to your life. Moreover, it alleviates depression, improves cognitive function, promotes your memory, boost weight loss and more.

According to the studies done by Harvard, walking lowers the risk of cardiovascular death by 35% and reduces the risk of stroke by 34%. Therefore, if you don’t have the time to hit a regular workout or go to the gym, you should definitely find time to walk for 15 minutes.

Here are the benefits of walking 15 minutes on a daily basis:

  • High blood pressure

Walking every day to significantly lowers the risk of high blood pressure and keeps it under control.

  • Mobility and body ache

Walking on a daily basis improves gastric mobility according to Tara Aleichem, a physical therapist at Cancer Treatment Center in America.

  • Strong bones

Regular physical activity promotes bone density and makes them stronger. Walk every day to lower your risk of osteoporosis, fractures, and shrinkage of the spine.

  • Cognitive performance

Recent studies have found that regular walks help you pay more attention, improve memory, reasoning etc.

  • Longevity

Numerous studies have proven that regular walking can help you to expect a greater longevity.

  • Mood

A 2016 study found that 15-minute walks provide positive mindset and decrease the feelings of negativity.

  • Digestion

Regular walking can help you improve your gastric mobility.

In fact, walking can make you calm and happy. Also, you should drink plenty of water, and always carry a water bottle with you. If you can’t walk alone, ask your friends or family to join you in.


Kind Man Built Tiny Home On Wheels For Sweet Homeless Woman Who Was Sleeping On Sidewalk

When a kind man learned that a local homeless woman was sleeping on hard concrete; no boxes, no tent, he went to his local hardware store and built her a tiny house on wheels himself.

Elvis Summers has an apartment in Los Angeles, and most mornings he is greeted by a friendly 60-year-old homeless woman named Smokie who asks him if he has any extra recyclables. After several encounters, the two began having regular conversations and became friends.

Elvis asked Smokie about where she was staying, and she would humbly just say that she was “living down the street.”

“I know you told me you lived down the street, but I mean where exactly do you sleep?” Elvis asked.

To his surprise, Smokie shared that she just slept next to a building a few blocks away, no tarp, no tent or boxes, just on the hard concrete.

“I figured she at the very least had a cardboard box, a tarp, or something, but she had none of that,” Elvis said. “She was like, ‘Well, I don’t have anything [so] I just sleep next to the building.’ “

“I asked, ‘Is there an awning or anything?’ She was like, ‘There’s a chair.’ “

Elvis learned that Smokie had been married previously, but her husband passed, and she ended up losing her house.

“I still am choked up over it,” Elvis said. “She was married for a long time and had a house and her husband died. She lost her husband and then she lost her house and that’s how she ended up on the street.”

Feeling a deep sense of compassion for this sweet homeless woman, Elvis decided that he was going to do what he could to help her. He skipped some of his own meals and bills in order to budget and buy the materials needed to build Smokie a tiny house: one where she could sleep in comfort.

“That got me. I just jumped in the car and went to Home Depot. I was like, ‘Screw it.’ I mean I skipped on buying a little bit of food – a lot of bit of food – skipped on a couple of bills and just made it happen.”

Elvis had read an article about a man in Oakland who had been making tiny houses out of discarded material, so he thought he’d give it a try. He Budgeted around $500 to get the materials, which included a front door, two locks, a window and sturdy wheels to go under the house. The roof shingles and siding were out of his budget, but a kind manager named Rick from Allied Building kindly donated them for Smokie after Elvis shared with him what he was using them for. It took five days to build, and Elvis created a time-lapse video of the construction.


“I had nowhere to really build it, so I just built it in the street outside of my apartment. The local LAPD cops have been super cool, and have told me they support it, as long as we move it to a different spot every 72 hours.”

The finished product is beautiful, and Smokie shared that sleeping in it has given her a sense of peace and relaxation that she hasn’t felt in a very long time.

“I felt so good,” Smokie said of her first time in her new home. “I was so relaxed. I think I must’ve slept half of the day.”

Elvis even included a little sign for the front door which reads, “Home SWEET Home.”

After seeing Smokie’s happiness from having a comfortable and safe place to sleep, many kind hearts reached out to Elvis and told him that they wanted to help support his cause, so he created a nonprofit named The Tiny House Project.

“I’ve met so many homeless people, good people,” Elvis said. “Since I built Smokie’s, I’ve had several people ask me to make them a tiny home and it’s turned into much more than just the one house.”

Watch this time-lapse video of Elvis making and giving Smokie a new home:

You are Loved.


Don’t Ignore These 7 Warning Signs Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency!

Vitamin B12 is an extremely important vitamin that is involved in the metabolism of every cell of the body. In fact, vitamin B12 cannot be produced by the human body therefore, it must be consumed.

So, in case you have a B12 deficiency, the production of red blood cells is impaired. If left untreated you may experience fatigue, poor vision, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, pale or yellow skin, a smooth tongue, and even vitiligo.

Here are 7 warning signs of vitamin B12 deficiency:

  1. Pale Complexion

When the B12 levels in your body drop, red blood cells become fragile which zaps the rosy cheeks and causes a pale, yellow visage. Due to the lack of red blood cells, individuals who lack this vitamin in the body experience a pale complexion.

  1. Vision problems

If you’re experiencing blurriness or double vision for a long time, you may harm your optic nerve. It’s because retinal damage causes a blockage of the blood vessels in the eye. However, the vision can be fully improved by taking B supplements.

  1. Memory loss

if this symptoms become a daily occurrence, your low vitamin B12 levels might be to blame. Moreover, it’s a good idea to get your vitamin levels checked and if you lack it, you can take supplements and treat these issues.

  1. Unexplained Fatigue

It’s normal to feel tired after an intense workout or a long day at work. However, experiencing fatigue without any reason might be a sign of a B12 deficiency. Thus, happens when the body lacks red blood cells, and the transport of oxygen is lowered, leading to constant, powerful fatigue.

  1. Dizziness

When your body has low levels of vitamin B12, you may lose your balance and experience frequent bouts of dizziness and vertigo. Also, you might experience dizziness when you walk up or downstairs. Yet, in order to be sure, you should consult your doctor and treat this deficiency as soon as possible.

  1. Muscle Weakness

Lack of vitamin B12 and insufficient oxygenation to the muscles can cause sluggishness and uncharacteristic muscle weakness. For example, you may be able to do a deadlift with ease, but you may not be able to carry even a small backpack.

  1. Pins and Needles

if you feel pins and needles even when you’re not sitting or standing in a certain position for too long. It may be a a result of poor blood circulation in the case of low vitamin B12 levels.

Bully tells 3-year-old if he had a kid with ginger hair “he’d kill it” – mom asks internet to rally in support

Bullying, sadly, occurs in places all around the world, each and every single day.

Whilst the vast majority of us know that bullies and their cruel ways have no place in modern day society, this most vile of traits endures. It can be found in work places, in sports teams and even in friendship groups – where there are people, there are most often instances of bullying.

Perhaps most tragically of all is that children still find themselves bullied. Here we enter a gray area, since sometimes kids that bully others are deemed too young to know any better. Most of them grow out of the phase and become good adults and decent human beings. Some don’t.

Regardless, bullying among children is something every parent needs to have a keen eye on. The ramifications can be dire, sometimes deadly.

One mom has shared her story on Heartwarming Things in an attempt to garner support for her 3-year-old son, who was bullied because of his ginger hair.

As per Lauren Gilbert’s blog post, she was traveling on a public bus when another boy targeted her young son because of his hair color.

My beautiful boy was told social services should have taken him away because his hair colour is disgusting. The boy then turned to his friend and said if he ever had a ginger child he would kill it,” Lauren wrote.

Now my little boy is only 3 and was left very confused. I feel devastated as I to have ginger hair and no all too well what it’s like to grow up being singled out/ the target of such bullies.

She went on to explain that her little boy hasn’t stopped asking why people don’t like his hair and, even more heartbreakingly, if he could change his hair so people would like it.

Lauren continued: “I can feel my heart breaking every time he asks me. My little boy looks so sad and I want to make it better. The reason I am trying to go public with this is because I know these cruel bullies are in the minority.

“I want to show my little boy that there is more good in this world than bad. There are kind and caring non judgemental people who won’t ever single him out.

I ask you all to please share this and show my boy how beautiful he is. I want to show him the good in this world with the power of Facebook. It isn’t okay to bully somebody for their hair colour, not now. Not ever. Thank you.

I don’t know about you, but reading things like this just makes my blood boil. We’ve seen the tragic consequences bullying can have, and yet it seems as though some parents still don’t impress upon their kids just how dangerous it can be.

We want to make sure Lauren’s 3-year-old knows that he’s special, and that having ginger hair is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

Share this article to send this bullied child love and prayers, and to show you stand against bullying in all its ugly forms.


This Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe May Be The Best Ever (And 1 Million People Agree)

There’s nothing better than a steaming bowl of chicken soup on a cold winter night. In fact, this chicken noodle soup completely warms your soul and that’s exactly what your body needs when you feel tired or sick. In addition to the health benefits and warmth that this soup offers, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to prepare.

The following homemade chicken soup is abundant in vitamins and minerals that improve your immune response and provides a lot of health benefits. On the other hand, preparing your own soup will also help you avoid the cans of soup in your grocery store as they contain too much salt and other toxic additives.

Prepping this recipe only takes 15 minutes, and the cooking time will take about 45 minutes. The recipe makes you 10 servings, and the preparation process is extremely simple.

Here is the chicken noodle soup recipe:


  • 1 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 3 cups (about 8 ounces) egg noodles
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 4 medium-sized carrots, chopped
  • 2-1/2 pounds bone-in chicken thighs
  • 10 cups chicken broth
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1-1/4 tsp. pepper, divided
  • 1 tbsp. canola oil
  • 1 tsp. minced fresh thyme or 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 4 celery ribs, chopped


At first, you should pat dry your chicken using paper towels. Then, season it with 1/2 teaspoon of pepper and salt. Now, in a large pot over medium heat, heat the oil. Cook your chicken with the skin down for about 3-4 minutes. Remove it from the pot, and take a couple of tablespoons from the dripping for later.

Add in your onions, and cook until softened about 6 minutes. Add the garlic and cook until fragrant, 1 minute more. Then, add the broth and bring it to a boil. Add your cooked chicken, bay leaves, celery, carrots, and thyme. Reduce the heat to a simmer, put the lid on, and cook for 25-30 minutes.

Afterward, remove your chicken from the pot, and add the noodles and let it stand, covered, for 20-22 minutes. Next, remove bones and any undesired pieces from your meat, and add the shreds to your sup. Add some freshly chopped parsley and lemon juice. Take out the bay leaves, and adjust the salt and pepper if necessary. Enjoy!

Husband and wife of 77 years die 30 hours apart: Their children decide to keep them together forever

All love stories are special and offer a wonderful escapism, giving hope to us all, but very few stay with us.

Raymond and Velva Breuer’s unforgettable love story is one that’s got the whole nation talking.

Raymond and Velva spent most of their lives together. They grew up in the same city, were in the same class in elementary school and graduated from the same high school.

In trying to get Velva’s attention Raymond didn’t leave the best first impression when he tapped her with a hot poker, he didn’t realize was hot, leaving her with a scar.


17 Psychological Tricks To Make People Like You Immediately

Some people are simply born likeable and they don’t need to put others down to feel better about. In fact, it’s not easy to choose the things we love about these people, it might be their smile, their charisma, their wit, or the way they talk, or perhaps the energy they possess and share forward.

Many people believe that being likeable comes out naturally and cannot be learned. Fortunately, this is a misconception and we all can control the effect we have on others, as it is a matter of emotional intelligence (EQ).

Here are 17 psychological tricks to make people like you immediately:

1. Spend more time around them

According to the mere-exposure effect, people like things that are familiar to them. Therefore, you should spend more time around the people you’re hoping to be friend with.

2. Emphasize your shared values

According to a classic study by Theodore Newcomb, people are more attracted to those who have similar attitudes to them. If you’re hoping to get friendly with someone, try to find a similarity between you and the other person and focus on it.

3. Positive mood

If you want to make others feel happy when they’re around you, you should be in your best mood and focus on positivity. Being in a company of optimists, we tend to become more positive.

4. Smile

Smiling when meeting someone for the first time helps them ensure they’ll remember you later. Many studies have found that we like people who smile the most.

5. Make friends with their friends

The social-network theory suggests that 2 people are likely to be closer when they have a common friend. In fact, all of us are more able to accept a friend request on Facebook easily after we notice that we have mutual friends.

6. Imitate them

This strategy is called mirroring and during the conversation, you should try copying their body language, gestures, and facial expressions. This technique is also known as chameleon effect.

7. Be warm and competent

If an individual is seen as warm and competent while carrying good intentions. It means that the person will easily be liked and trusted by others.

8. Display a sense of humor

Having a sense of humor is extremely important. In fact, more than 80% report that a sense of humor is the most important quality in a friend and partner. Additionally, a study of 140 Chinese workers found that people were less liked and less popular among their colleagues if they were morally focused.

9. Let them talk about themselves

Show them your interest and don’t focus on yourself only. On the other hand, letting someone share a story or two about themselves could give them more positive memories of your interaction.

10. Don’t be complimentary all the time

According to the gain-loss theory of interpersonal attractiveness, suggests that your positive comments will provide better impact only if you deliver them occasionally.

11. Act like you like them

When we find out that someone likes us, we tend to like them as well. Therefore, show them that you actually like them and they would enjoy your company.

12. Casually touch them

Subliminal touching occurs when you touch a person so subtly that they barely even notice. Those touching’s can trigger warm feelings towards you.

13. Compliment others

Complimenting is a highly effective social skill that helps to make people close to each other. Whatever you say about other people influences how people see you. In other words, people will associate those given compliments with your own personality.

14. See the other person how they want to be seen

The power of perceiving people according to their own beliefs provide a powerful component of intimacy. This is also known as self-verification theory.

15. Occasionally reveal your flaws

People will like you more after you make some kind of bloomer. Many studies suggest that pointing out our vulnerability boosts our attractiveness and trustworthiness.

16. Tell them a secret

One of the best techniques to build relationships is self-disclosure. When you learn intimate information about the other person, you will make them feel closer to you and want to confide in you in the future.

17. Expect good things from people

If you believe someone is going to be friendly towards you, they are more likely to behave in a friendly manner toward you.

Bonus – Making Eye Contact

Maintain eye contact 50% of the time when speaking and 70% when listening. Eye contact can also help you to create better relationships.

Try these tactics and you will be thrilled by the results.

Six-grader risks his life protecting younger siblings from a vicious dog attack

What one young boy did for his siblings melted thousands of hearts. Now the entire community considers him a hero, but he says that he only did what anyone else would if found in his situation.

Deacon Ashmore, a six-grader, was out with his two little sisters, his brother, and some of their friends when two dogs started running towards them. The creatures started barking angrily and attacked the little ones. It was then when Deacon decided to fight the dogs with his bare hands. He told the kids to run to safety as he continued struggling to defeat the dogs who at that point started biting him.

Although he got scared himself, he cared more for his siblings’ well-being than his own. Sadly, one of the dogs sank its teeth into Deacon’s leg and tore through his muscle. There was blood everywhere, but Deacon didn’t stop trying to release himself. Luckily, shortly after, the dogs ran away.

His father, Peter, told Detroit Press that Deacon was rushed into the hospital after the accident where he was given medical help. Doctors needed to fix his tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Even during his surgery, Deacon didn’t stop asking if his little brother was okay.

Deacon was adopted from Ethiopia when he was very young, but he loves his family to the moon and back. He never felt like he was not his parents’ biological son.

Speaking of her son’s bravery, mom Elizabeth said: “For him, it wasn’t a second thought, that’s the kind of big brother he is.”

Although the surgery went well, Deacon’s path to full recovery would be long, and that means huge medical expenses. That is why a member of their church, Clete Bontrager, set up a GoFundMe to help the family.

“Many of you know Deacon Ashmore as a great young man! Deacon proved that Monday evening. His leg was mauled by a dog while playing outside with his siblings. Deacon stepped between the two dogs and his siblings so they could run to the house, but in doing so had his leg badly mangled,” the page said.

Thanks to people from the community and all over the country who praised Deacon’s heroism and bravery, the funds required were collected in no time.



Research: Fasting for 72 Hours Can Reboot The Entire Immune System

Fasting is voluntarily not eating food for varying lengths of time, sometimes even a week or more, and requires discipline. This practice has been linked to a number of health benefits, including weight loss, improved blood pressure, heart health, brain function, cancer prevention, and more.

Many studies have found that fasting kick-starts stem cells into producing new white blood cells, whose role is to fight against foreign invaders such as viruses and bad bacteria. Thus, is extremely beneficial in lowering the risk of many lifestyle-related conditions. In fact, it promotes the immune system and is highly beneficial for people suffering from damaged immune systems, like cancer patients on chemotherapy.

We often skip meals, eat on the run, eat more when stressed, or eat processed foods, and all of this confuses our digestive system. Therefore, fasting allows the body to relax the digestive system and apply 100% of its energy to the rest of the body where required.

Fasting for 72 hours can reboot the entire immune system:

Here are some fasting options:

  • Water Fasting: In this fasting diet, you consume only water for a specified duration. It help you feel full, detoxify the body, and treat chronic pain, arthritis, migraines, and more.
  • Selective Fasting: Also known for partial fasting it suggests abstention from only certain foods or for certain hours of the day.
  • Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting is often confused with dieting. It means you eat your calories during a specific window of the day, and choosing not to eat food during the rest., similar to the practice of the Theravada Monks.

Depending on which fasting option you will decide, the effects on your health will vary. However, here are 8 science-backed health benefits of this practice:

  • Fasting controls blood sugar levels and reduces insulin resistance
  • Longer daily fast can help you to delay the aging process and improve longevity
  • It fights inflammation and fights off infections, which helps to prevent the development of chronic conditions
  • Fasting might improve heart health by reducing cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglycerides levels
  • Fasting has been found to help in the prevention of cancer and manage some side effects at chemotherapy
  • It boosts the secretion of the growth hormone, which helps to build muscle mass, boost metabolism, and burn fat

Single dad’s card gets declined repeatedly, woman behind him won’t let him leave without food

The good we do for others is what makes us good people. The more we care for those around us, the more God gives kindness to us, and that’s something we should never forget.

A woman named Sara Fleming found herself in a situation in which she could help someone in need and she stepped up as a voice in her head urged her to do it.

It was around Christmastime and she was aware it was the period of the year when miracles happen, so she wanted to be the reason for one family’s smile by paying it forward.

Sara knows it was God who connected the dots and made her meet the family she helped again, and at a place where she finds her inner peace.

“Sweet friends, this is a true story. I’m sharing for others to hear of God’s goodness and mercy. It’s not about me. Great things HE hath done!”

As she was waiting in line to pay for her groceries, Sara noticed a father struggling to pay for his stuff. His card got declined repeatedly as he was heard asking the cashier to put some of the products to the side. But, his card wouldn’t pass and he had nothing else to offer.

“There was a girl and boy with him, and I heard them call him ‘Dad’ several times. The girl was a pre-teen, and the boy was about my son’s age. I could see the embarrassment written all over their faces,” Sara said.

She could see the devastation on the father’s face as his family was about to spend the holidays without the essential products and the food they needed so much.

At that moment, Sara heard the God’s command.

“Then suddenly, I felt it. It was like a gentle shove on the back and a mild electric shock to my heart.”

“Pay for these groceries,” it said. “It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the money…I’ll provide. Trust Me.”

She, however, didn’t know what to say because she didn’t want the man to feel even more embarrassed.

“That small voice still called again. Another shove. Stronger this time. ‘I’ve got it,’ I blurted out loudly, as heat flooded my face.”

He turned down to see who the kind person standing behind him was and said, “I don’t know how to thank you. I’m a single Dad. It’s so hard.”

“It’s okay. I wanted to help. I know it’s what God told me to do. And I have been there,’ I replied quietly,” Sara recalls.

She was happy she could make the day of the father and his two children who wouldn’t stop looking straight into her eyes.

But then, around two months later, something incredible happened. Sara was at the church when she spotted the family sitting at the end of her pew.

Sara started crying quietly. She was happy to see the father and his two kids again and she couldn’t believe how of all the churches, they were now in hers.

“I never told him I was a Christian. I never even told him where I went to church. The same One who brought this Dad and his family to my church that Sunday.”

Sara than knew that doing good for others wasn’t about the people showing kindness, but it was all about HIM.


Are You Aware Why Drinking Lemon Water First Thing in The Morning is So Healthy? Rarely Who Knows These Little-Known Health Benefits

Lemons are one of the healthiest fruits on the planet, and their juice is abundant in vitamins, flavonoids, proteins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants.

Your body is craving water when you wake up in the morning. Therefore, drinking lemon water first thing in the morning gives the body a chance to absorb vitamins more effectively. In addition, your health will be more than rejuvenated in numerous healthy ways, while promoting your immunity at the same time.

One cup of lemon juice contains approximately:

  • 61 calories
  • 21 grams of carbohydrates
  • 1 gram of dietary fiber
  • 0.9 gram of protein
  • 112 milligrams of vitamin C (187 percent daily value)
  • 303 milligrams of potassium (9 percent DV)
  • 31.7 micrograms of folate (8 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligrams of vitamin B6 (6 percent DV)
  • 14.6 milligrams of magnesium (4 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligrams of thiamin (5 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligrams of copper (4 percent DV)
  • In addition to the nutrients mentioned above, lemon juice also contains some vitamin E, pantothenic acid, calcium, and zinc.

Here are the amazing health benefits of drinking lemon water first thing in the morning:

  1. Lemon juice can help to fill nutritional gaps and reduce joint pain
  2. The high potassium content will help to break kidney stones into tiny pieces and pass them into your urine
  3. Lemon water relieves gallbladder pain
  4. The strong antiviral and antibacterial qualities of lemons promotes the body ability to stop cold and flu
  5. Lemon water will strengthen your immune system
  6. It eases symptoms of fibromyalgia and reduces fatigue
  7. Consuming lemon juice will help you prevent food poisoning
  8. Lemon water helps to ease or resolve constipation issues
  9. Lemon relieves the symptoms due to GERD
  10. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that will reduce inflammation in your body
  11. Lemon water, if consumed regularly, can help you clear the skin and cure any skin problems
  12. Lemon water helps prevents muscle soreness
  13. Due to vitamins A & C lemon juicer promote healthy nails
  14. This drink will help you prevent alcoholic cravings
  15. The high levels of pectin regulate blood sugar levels, suppress appetite, and support healthy weight loss process

Jane Fonda’s outfit from the Golden Globes attracted the attention of many

We all know Jane Fonda and her influence in the movie industry. The name alone screams prestige and she’s among the most successful in the industry.

She has been in the show business for over six decades and her roles are always remembered by the mention of her name.

Jane Fonda made her acting debut in 1960 and received a nomination. She made her screen debut the same year in a romantic comedy.

Jane knows how to cause a media frenzy, as her first exercise video became the highest-selling of all time; she sold over 17 million copies.

She divorced her second husband Tom Hayden and went on to marry Ted Turner a billionaire media mogul. Jane divorced Turner in 2001 and went back to acting.


Some people believe that the 83-year-old actress got her fame because she’s the daughter of Henry Honda, a legendary actor, but that’s not the case.

Jane was born on December 21, 1937, in New York City and her mom committed suicide 12 years after she was born. Jane’s mom committed suicide in Craig House Psychiatric hospital while undergoing treatment. Jane losing her mom was something that affected her deeply and her father wasn’t a man of many words, he had his pain to deal with.

Jane was born to Frances Ford Seymour a Canadian-born socialite and Henry Fonda, an American actor. Henry once said that the family surname Fonda was from an Italian ancestor.

Henry married Susan Blanchard the same year he lost his wife and the marriage ended abruptly.

Jane wasn’t just an actress, she was also an environmentalist, former fashion model, and political activist. She was a political activist during the Vietnam war. She co-founded the Women’s Media Center in 2005, alongside Robin Morgan and Gloria Steinem.

Jane was known for many of her remarkable roles and she has several awards and nominations, even an Oscar award.

She got two Oscars for her 1972 movie, Klute, and the 1979 movie, coming home.

This year, Bridget Fonda received the Cecil B. DeMille Award and her outfit left many tongues wagging.

Years ago, Bridget Fonda told Ellen DeGeneres that she won’t buy a new piece of clothing again, and it seems she stood by her words as her outfit for the award was a white suit she wore before.


Destroy Your Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Age Spots, And Skin Tags Completely Naturally

Due to the fact that the skin is very sensitive, at some point in life, you may experience certain skin issues. The most common ones are skin tags, moles, clogged pores, warts, age spots, or blackheads.

These issues are mainly caused by changes in lifestyle and hormonal imbalance. Fortunately, all of them can be easily solved with the help of a few natural remedies, and the following ones are incredibly effective.

Here’s how to naturally destroy your moles, warts, or any skin related issues completely naturally:
Genetics and sun exposure are the major causes of moles. You should mix a bit of salt with lemon juice and soak gauze in the mixture. Then, rub the mixture over the moles, repeat on a daily basis.

Small bumps or mucous membranes on the skin, which are mainly caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV. You should mix 2 tablespoons of juice with 2 tablespoons of honey, apply the mixture on the wart overnight, then cover it and secure it with a bandage.

Skin tags/ Age Spots
In order to prevent the occurrence of skin tags, mix a teaspoon of carrot juice, 1 egg yolk, and a teaspoon of sour cream. Then, apply the mask on clean skin and rinse after 20 minutes.

At first, mix an egg white and a teaspoon of lemon juice using a mixer. Next, apply the mask in layers, every 5 minutes as the mask on the face dries. Then, erase it with a cotton pad soaked in warm black tea.

Follow these simple tips in order to promote your skin in a healthy and glowing way:

Protect your skin from the sun. Your best way is to use sunscreen or wear protective clothing.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, which will provide nutrients that improve skin health.
Avoid smoking, as it speeds up the aging of the skin and causes wrinkles.
Help you recognize and release your stress.
Treat the skin gently and keep it moisturized.

60’s youngster heart breaker Bobby Rydell is 79 and as yet performing – this is the story behind his success:

Bobby Rydell (conceived Robert Louis Ridarelli; April 26, 1942) is an American vocalist, mostly of wild music. In the mid 1960s, he was viewed as an adolescent icon.

His most notable melodies incorporate “Wild One” and “Volare” (cover), and he showed up in the film Bye Birdie in 1963.

Background information:

Birth name – Robert Louis Ridarelli, Born in April 26, 1942 (age 79) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. Genres Rock and roll, traditional pop Occupation(s) Singer, actor Instruments Vocals, drums Years active 1958–present Labels Cameo-Parkway Capitol Records Reprise Records (U.S.) Columbia (U.K.) Website bobbyrydell.com


Rydell was brought into the world to an Italian family, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the child of Jennie (Sapienza) and Adrio “Al” Ridarelli. In 1950, he won an ability show on the TV series Paul Whiteman’s television Teenager Club and acquired a spot on the cast, where he stayed for quite a long while.


He changed his name to Bobby Rydell and played in a few groups in the Philadelphia region. After three fruitless singles for little organizations, he marked a recording contract with Appearance Records. Two or three lemon, “Kissin’ Time” arrived at the graphs in 1959.

In May 1960, Rydell visited Australia with The Everly Siblings, Billy “Crash” Craddock, Marv Johnson, The Champs, and The Crickets, recording an Australian adaptation of “Kissin’ Time” for the occasion.

His subsequent achievement, “We Got Love”, was his initial million-collection vender, acquiring gold circle status. “Wild One”, upheld with “Minimal Bitty Young lady”, was his subsequent million-selling single; his triumphs proceeded with “Swingin’ School” supported with “Ding-A-Ling”, and the million-collection selling Volare later that year.

He performed at the Copacabana in New York City in 1961, where he was the most youthful entertainer to feature at the nightclub. In February 1961 he showed up at the Celebration du Rock, at the Palais des Sports de Paris in Paris, France.

Rydell’s prosperity and possibilities drove his dad, Adrio, a foreman at the Electro-Nite Carbon Organization in Philadelphia, to leave in 1961 following 22 years to turn into his child’s street manager. Rydell delivered the tune “Wildwood Days” in 1963; it arrived at Number 17 on the Announcement Hot 100 diagram and stayed on the outline for nine weeks.

A painting on the Wildwood, New Jersey promenade (painted in 2014) respects Rydell, whose melody put the local area into the public spotlight. CBS That very year, he played Hugo Peabody in the film form of Bye Birdie with Ann-Margret and Dick Van Dyke.

The first stage creation of Bye Birdie played no genuine talking part for the personality of Hugo, however the film script was reworked explicitly to grow the part for Rydell. In 2011, Sony Pictures carefully reestablished this film.


5 Easy Ways To Burn Calories Without Dieting

Burning calories generally consists of simple tasks, such as exercising, dieting, and some harsh lifestyle changes. However, many people struggle with these pieces of responsibilities. In fact, working out regularly may leave you exhausted and hassled, on the other hand maintaining a strict diet can make you feel hungry and deprived.

Therefore, there are a few easy ways to burn calories without following these strict and heavy rules. In fact, the right idea is to eat well and burn those calories off with healthy lifestyle habits, a healthy metabolism, and a simple daily regimen.

Here are 5 easy ways to burn calories without dieting:

1. Drink More Water

It may seem a bit contradictory, but most people don’t actually know how dehydrated they are. Just drinking more water can be a great way to lose weight. Since, a lot of people mistake their thirst signals with hunger signals. Therefore, keeping a bottle close to you is always a good idea. Water does a lot for your body and can be really helpful for weight loss. Invest in a water bottle that you can take to work.

2. Eat More Superfoods

Adding superfoods to your diet will fill your body with long-lasting energy and make your metabolism work better. Also, you don’t want to feel sluggish, tired, and worn out during the day, so don’t eat a sugary breakfast. On the other hand, just switch to a superfood breakfast, you’ll notice a profound difference in a very short time.

3. Pick an Active Hobby

There’s nothing more fun than finding a great hobby that we truly enjoy and are passionate about. Losing weight is just as much of a mental game as it is a physical one, once you find your perfect hobby you won’t even realize your purpose was weight loss.

4. Drink Coffee

Coffee is a healthy low-calorie drink, plus studies have confirmed that caffeine helps you burn calories faster. You should just drink some fresh hot brew with your morning breakfast in order to burn calories much faster.

5. Sleep More & Better

Lack of sleep has been linked to obesity. In fact, when you get less than 4 of sleep per night your metabolism slows down, so you burn calories a lot slower. Eating more frequently actually helps speed up your metabolism, too. You actually need to eat more but eat the right stuff.


“Heartless disgusting vile” bullies desecrate the grave of 12-year-old rape victim who died by suicide

Trigger Warning: This story contains details of rape and harassment that readers may find disturbing

A mother was left heartbroken after a heartless group of bullies “completely desecrated” her late daughter’s grave. 12-year-old Semina Halliwell was a “beautiful and funny” Southport girl, who was allegedly raped by a boy of her age in February this year. After months of physical and emotional abuse following the molestation, Halliwell was tragically left “traumatized.” On June 12, she died by suicide. Understandably, her mother Rachel Halliwell was devastated by her sweet daughter’s demise, but she sadly had more things to worry about. Rachel feared that the 12-year-old’s bullies would gatecrash her funeral and rightly so, they showed up that solemn day and appeared to be ridiculing her death.

If this wasn’t enough, her bullies have stooped to the lows of desecrating her grave. “It was covered in bricks and rocks and there was dog mess all over it,” said the defeated mother. “It was clearly done on purpose. Heartless disgusting vile people. There are no words to describe these evil people that could do this to a 12-year-old girl’s grave.” Revolting screenshots have appeared on social media which shows someone offering money to anyone who would “trash” the youngster’s grave and film the disgusting deed. Thankfully, the community that loved Semina came together and helped clean the child’s grave. However, it seems like the girl’s bullies won’t even let her rest in peace even after death.

Speaking to Liverpool Echo previously, Rachel revealed that Semina had been raped and then bullied online for the sexual crime that had been committed against her. She also shared footage that reportedly showed the Stanley High student being physically attacked by others earlier this year. The mother believes that the incidents took place in parks near their home nearly a month after the alleged rape incident. Semina’s case had left the community shocked and on June 23 Labour MP Apsana Begum asked Education Secretary Gavin Williamson about the things that could be done to protect kids from sexual harassment and abuse as she mentioned the 12-year-old’s tragic death at the parliamentary committee.

“I wanted to highlight the case of Semina who was 12 years old who disclosed that she’d been raped, and committed suicide,” said Begum according to Daily Mail. At the moment, the Merseyside Police continue to investigate the report of rape at an address in Southport. “Extensive inquiries are ongoing into this allegation and other matters relating to the same alleged victim, and it would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage,” said a spokesman with the department. They confirmed that the desecration of Semina’s grave is also being investigated. Condemning the bullies who resorted to this vile act, community inspector Graham Fisher said, “The community will no doubt share our shock and revulsion that a grave could be desecrated like this.”

He continued, “This is the final resting place of a beloved family member, and I can only imagine how upsetting it must have been for their loved ones to find that the grave had been treated in this way. While thankfully no permanent damage has been caused, it will have caused lasting distress to the family. Urging the public to come forward with any information that they might have, he said, “I want to appeal to anyone who may have been visiting the cemetery in recent days and witnessed anything suspicious to contact us so that we can bring the perpetrators of this callous crime to justice.” If you have any information relating to the crime, please message @MerPolCC on Twitter or Merseyside Police Contact Centre on Facebook. You can also contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 and leave a tip anonymously.