5 Foods You Need To Put In Your Breakfast To Speed Up Metabolism and Help You Burn Belly Fat

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that you should never skip it. In fact, a healthy breakfast provides your body with energy and nutrients that offer numerous health benefits throughout the entire day. Therefore, it’s crucial to include these 5 foods in your breakfast as they will speed up your metabolism and help you burn belly fat.

In addition, a healthy breakfast can help you lose weight, provide the energy needed for the entire day, keep you full longer, and help you reach the recommended daily amount of vitamins and minerals.

Here are the 5 foods you need to put in your breakfast:

  1. Lots of Protein

Proteins are essential nutrients. Plus, you don’t feel much hunger after having a portion abundant in proteins. You should always include nuts, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, a scoop of protein powder in your breakfast. Organic peanut butter is also a good addition to a healthy breakfast.

  1. Replace Sweet with Savory

Cereals, loaf bread, and muffins might be a good breakfast option however, they are loaded with sugar and may dramatically increase blood sugar levels. On the other hand, savory foods keep you fuller longer and prevent sugar cravings, plus they provide a feeling of satiety and do not skyrocket blood sugar levels.

  1. Add Fat

In order to feel fuller longer and get the needed energy for the following day, you need to add some healthy fats to your breakfast. Therefore, you should consume avocados, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, almond butter, seeds, and nuts as they are a rich source of healthy fats.

  1. Add Vegetables

The high amount of fiber in vegetables helps with bowel movements. For instance, if you are eating eggs stir some onion, peppers, or spinach into them and enjoy the multiple health benefits.

  1. Steel Cut Oats instead of rolled oats

Rolled oats are rolled flat into the flakes which get rids of their nutrients. On the other hand, steel-cut oats contain more nutrients and provide a feeling of fullness, oats can help the process of weight loss.


Meet Bea The Cat Who Works At Animal Hospital And Loves To Pet Her Patients

This is Bea, an adorable cat that likes to help others. She lives and works at Look Ahead Vet in California.

“The girls are Elfie, Uno, Bea and Peggy, and the males are OJ and Theo,” Crystal Bessmer, a vet tech at the animal hospital, told The Dodo. “They each were brought to us at various times by different clients. They were all found as stray kittens, and most of them had severe injuries.”

She is always there to help patients and their owners. Bea has an important role at Look Ahead Vet. Also, cat is head of the nursing department. Bessmer has said that she is so curious and likes to walk up to them.

Bea is obsessed now with a kitten named Peggy. She loves the little baby.

“She definitely loves everyone, especially the new kitten, Peggy,” she added. “She’s always been like that, too. She never seems to be afraid of anything either — even the really big farm animals.”

She is such a sweetheart.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Persimmon Many People Don’t Know About

Persimmon is also known as the “Apple of the Orient“ and is first grown in China. However, from China, persimmon diffused into Japan, where it still plays a primary role in Japanese cuisine. Nowadays Persimmon is spread all over the world.

In fact, persimmon is really not a fruit, but a large, round berry, with a smooth, thin peel of yellow to brilliant orange color. When ripe, persimmon is very sweet and some parts of the flesh may turn brown. However, this is not because it has turned bad, but is actually from the sugar in the fruit.

You can eat persimmons raw, juiced, or you can puree them and add them to smoothies. Either way they are highly fibrous, delicious and nutritious.

According to Rachael Link, MS, RD, “one raw persimmon fruit contains:

118 calories
1 gram protein
31.2 grams carbohydrates
6 grams fiber
0.3-grams fat
2,733 international units vitamin A (55 percent DV)
0.6-milligram manganese (30 percent DV)
12.6 milligrams vitamin C (21 percent DV)
0.2-milligram copper (9 percent DV)
270 milligrams potassium (8 percent DV)
0.2-milligram vitamin B6 (8 percent DV)
1.2 milligrams vitamin E (6 percent DV)
4.4 micrograms vitamin K (5 percent DV)
Persimmon is also abundant in potassium, iron, copper, calcium, manganese, and phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C, and B vitamins.

Here are the therapeutic benefits of persimmon many people don’t know about:
Cold and flu
Thanks to its high content in vitamin C, persimmon strengthens the immune system and relieves the symptoms of colds, infections, and inflammation.

Due to its high content in fiber and water, persimmon have excellent laxative properties that effectively relieve constipation.

Diuretic effect
Due to its high calcium and potassium levels this berry posseses powerful diuretic properties. Therefore, daily consumption of persimmonis is amazing way to prevent or relieve water retention.

High blood pressure
Helps reduce high blood pressure and successfully prevents many heart conditions linked to hypertension.

Liver health and body detoxification
Its excellent source of antioxidants play a key role in liver health and body detoxification. Persimmon succesfully neutralizes toxins and prevent damage due to free radicals.

Natural energizer
Persimmons provide a lot of readily available energy thanks to its high levels of potassium and electrolytes.

Stress, tiredness, and fatigue
Because persimmons are loaded in sugars and potassium, they may relieve the symptoms of stress, fatigue and tiredness without the need to use special energetic and nutritional supplements.

A Disabled Dog Was Abandoned Twice But Now He Is Getting Better And Has A Lovely Home

A disabled dog has had a very tough life. He was abandoned on the road from his owners.

Scene happened a year ago in Sao Leopoldo, Brazil. In the video, there is a woman that gets out of her car and leaves her white dog with three legs on the side of the road.

This scene brought tears to million viewers. The Patas Geurreras Animals took dog and named him TinTin.

Now he is getting better and healthier day by day.

It is believed that TinTin was abandoned twice. Oh, poor boy.

But now he is happy again because has a new loving home. He deserves to be loved again and now he has all the care that he needed.

His owners love him so much!


Scientists Explain What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Green Tea Every Day

One of the most cultivated drinks in the world is definitely tea, but do you know why? Ancient Chinese legends say that tea brewing began 5,000 years ago due to its powerful health benefits. Nowadays, hundreds of millions of people around the world suggest that drinking a cup or two of green tea daily has positive effects on their lifestyle.

Therefore, green tea is one of the most beneficial drinks you can consume. In addition, due to its high concentration of polyphenols green tea fights free radicals. Thus, can prevent numerous health problems, including environmental, genetic, and dietary factors.

Moreover, it provides excellent source of alkaloids, vitamins A, D, E, C, B, B5, H, and K, selenium, zinc, manganese, and chromium.

Here are the best health benefits that come when you drink green tea every day:

1. Lowers Cholesterol

The antioxidants in green tea can easily improve LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. On the other hand, this tea considerably raises good HDL cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

2. Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Fortunately, studies have shown that green tea lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 31% and lowers the risk of a heart attack by 10%.

3. Lowers Blood Sugar Level

Japanese researchers have shown green tea can help lower blood sugar and reduces the chance of adults developing diabetes.

4. Improves Liver Health

The liver also benefits from the consumption of green tea. Due to high presence of catechins, it easily reverses the negative effects of alcohol on the liver and prevents the development of liver tumors.

5. Weight Loss

The phytonutrient, EGCG, boosts the “feel-good” hormones and accelerates metabolism. Thus, speeds up weight loss and the process of burning fats.

6. Improves Digestive Health

As a potent anti-inflammatory, green tea relieves symptoms of digestive issues. In addition, it prevents inflammation in the body, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn’s disease.

7. Improved Cognitive Function

According to a study conducted at the University of Basel in Switzerland, green tea promotes memory and helps in the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, including cognitive impairment.

Largest orca pod ever caught on camera off the coast of Norway

This is the incredible moment hundreds of killer whales have gathered together off the Norwegian coast. The large pod which numbered at least 300 individuals was accidentally spotted by an expedition boat and the footage left everyone baffled.

Naturally, such a large number of orcas raises a few questions given that these top predators usually stay in small groups. The massive pod was initially spotted by a wildlife guide. At first sight everyone thought they may be part of the same family, but when they noticed their numbers were getting larger and larger, they put the idea behind.

Orcas also gather in large numbers when the mating season starts. Nevertheless, these agile marine creatures are very secretive regarding their breeding habits, such a huge gathering has never been seen before.

Eventually, the large number of marine birds that were fleeing over spilled the beans about these orcas unusual behavior. They also soon figured out that a fishing fleet was nearby. So these hungry orcas have all swim that way for one single purpose – to feed. These waters are very reach in herring, which is orcas favorite meal. So when fishing season begins, large groups of orcas gather here. However, this was the first time such a huge pod was captured on camera!

Watch the spectacular sight, bellow:


Nearly Half of Tested Honey Contains Mostly Rice Syrup, Wheat Syrup or Sugar Beet Syrup

Testing at a leading international scientific lab in Australia has found that almost half of the honey sold in Australia has been mixed with other substances. Thus, including cheap sweeteners such as rice syrup, wheat syrup, and sugar beet syrup. Yet, the ugly truth is even scarier since all of these products have passed the official government purity tests.

The problem is even worse in the United States when there is no standard or testing for honey purity. In fact, a 2011 lab analysis showed that 76 percent of grocery honey was free of bee pollen, indicating it is probably sourced illegally from China.

Perhaps a better way to ensure your honey is real, you should choose one that is raw and unfiltered, often labeled as organic. In fact, one ounce of raw, unfiltered tested honey contains approximately 20 vitamins, 16 minerals, 18 amino acids, and lots of antioxidants and phytonutrients.

Moreover raw honey is an antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal substance, that’s highly nutritious. Plus, it contains significant amounts of B2, B3, B5, B6, C, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, sodium chloride, calcium, and phosphate.

Here are some health benefits of tested honey:

  1. Increasing blood flow to your heart honey prevent plaque accumulation in the arteries
  2. Raw honey promotes a truly deep and restorative sleep
  3. Boosts melatonin levels
  4. Honey treats urinary tract infections caused by catheters
  5. Ease coughs and brings relief to your sore throat
  6. Honey acts as a potential prebiotic that promotes the growth of good bacteria in the intestines
  7. Honey promotes digestion and treats digestive issues
  8. Relieves nausea
  9. Helps with acne and other skin issues
  10. Honey is an excellent skin exfoliator for sensitive skin
  11. It may increase insulin levels and decrease levels of blood sugar
  12. Honey lowers cholesterol levels and lowers the risk of coronary artery disease
  13. Boosts blood circulation and strengthens the heart
  14. Treats the symptoms of seasonal allergies
  15. Honey fights inflammation and can treat respiratory conditions like asthma

Wild white lion saved from lifetime of pain

A lion without his bite is hardly a lion at all! This is how the famous Kevin Richardson describes Aslan’s heartbreaking situation. The nine years old majestic lion was suffering from rotten and broken off canines. I just cannot imagine the pain he had to be through.

The lion whisperer and the gorgeous cat are knowing each other for many years. So the lion’s condition makes Richardson to feel completely heartbroken as he sees those adorable creatures like his own children. This insupportable pain “made him more aloof, more agitated, more aggressive, and he isolates himself from the pride, ” the whisperer says.

For a lion, as much as for any other wild animal out there, is crucial to have working teeth. Therefore helping Aslan to use his canines once again was the main priority. And thanks to Fixodent, this was about to happen sooner than expected, to Richardson’s excitement. After all, the lion was about to regain his strong bite, but more than that, the terrible pain that torment him was about to vanish.

The video shows the surgical procedure of fixing the lion’s teeth. It took almost 6 hours, but in the end Aslan has four teeth fixed, instead of just the two originally expected. And most importantly, everything went well.

Dr. Gerhard Steenkamp declared in a post-operation interview that once he got into the lion’s mouth, it was clear that there had been ongoing chronic infection, and that had burst up into the nose. Aslan spent some time recovering and on antibiotics at the sanctuary before being released back to the wild with his pride.

Now that the pain is subsiding the white lion can have his life back!

You probably all heard about  Kevin Richardson before. He is running Kevin Richardson Wildlife Preserve, a self sustaining carnivore preservation. Their mission is  to save and preserve the species of this gorgeous wild cats. Over the years, the lion whisperer has developed a very affectionate and trusting relationship with prides of lions in South Africa.

Lions are being heavily hunted in Africa, and their numbers and habitat are dwindling dangerously low according to Richardson’s website.

“The lion population occupies less than 20 percent of its former range in Africa. Numbers are estimated between 15,000 and 30,000 depending on who is asked,” the website reads. “This is alarming on its own. If allowed to carry on declining at the current rate we will have no lions left in the wild in as few as 20 years.”


Golden Milk Recipe – Secret Of The Ancient Indian Medicine

This detoxifying Indian beverage is an ancient healing remedy that’s extremely beneficial in treating colds and other minor illnesses. In fact, this golden milk recipe for many years is a symbol of healing power and good health according to Indian belief.

There are numerous reasons why this milk is so popular. In fact, this golden drink is not only delicious and easy to prepare but, it’s also enriched with powerful nutrients that reinforce the healing properties of your health and well-being. Therefore, make sure to include this ancient Indian medicine into your diet. Since, its healing properties provide a number of benefits for your immune system, joints, bones, spine, and every vital organ.

Here are few additional health benefits of this ancient Indian medicine:

Protect cells from damage and fights off disease and infections
It’s good for the brain and promotes memory
Boosts your mood and reduces symptoms of depression
It provides powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, that boosts your overall immune system
Here’s how to prepare the golden milk recipe:

1/8 tbsp turmeric
2 tbsp almond oil
1 tbsp honey
1 cup goat milk
1/4 cup water

Combine the water with turmeric in a saucepan and boil for about 6 to 8 minutes. Then, add the milk and almond oil and cook until it boils again. As soon as you reach the boiling point, immediately take the milk aside. Once slightly cooled, add honey and drink it warm.

Now that the golden milk recipe is so popular, nutritionists recommend it as a powerful cure for any problems you may have with the immune system, bones, joints, arthritis, etc. In addition, there are no side effects and you can consume golden milk whenever you need it. It is good to drink a cup of golden milk the first thing in the morning as it provides energy throughout the entire day.

Adorable video shows bald eagle, wild fox and cats hanging out on a porch in Alaska

When comes to very odd friendships, the animal kingdom never cease to amaze us. Apparently, nothing seems too much in the wildlife world. So, despite the heartwarming footage below, seem too surprising to believe, this Alaskan woman stable upon the most incredible sight. A bald eagle, a fox and her two cats were ganging out on her back porch.

When you live in the city of Unalaska in Alaska, both eagles and foxes, are a very common sight, but when you spot them chilling on next to yours cats, in front of your door, that seems a little exaggerating. Nevertheless, that the kind of sight Pam Aus, came upon, and not just once. Although Pam’s cats – Gizmo and Suitcase – are extremely friendly, she never thought they will befriend wild foxes, let alone bald eagles.

It all started on a snowy afternoon, when Pam who inside her home, heard some noise coming from the back porch, so she went to investigate. Surprisingly, her two cats were there, but not alone. Turns out, they got some very unlikely visitors.

“I was in my room on the computer and I heard the eagle squawking,” Pam explained for The Huffington Post. “I looked out my windows and saw this. It’s kinda common for the foxes to be friendly — same with the eagles. But seeing all three there was exciting. They all just sat there.”

Since then, the odd friends kept visiting Pam’s cats, and the woman constantly uploads videos of their heartwarming bond on Youtube. In one of her videos, can be seen not one, but at least two eagles visiting her cats. But this comes pretty natural when you thinks the place is famous for its massive eagle population. Though in Unalaska live around 5,000 people, the small harbour is home for nearly 600 bald eagles.

“The eagle couple claimed a lamppost across the street from my house,” Pam said. “They will come over and sit on my porch. Or they’ll just sit there and watch my cats.”


How to Use Dark Chocolate as a Medicine

Numerous researches have confirmed that eating dark chocolate has a positive impact on human health. Therefore, you should always opt for dark chocolate with the highest cocoa content of at least 70%. The darker the chocolate, the more cocoa solids you’re getting, thus meaning your body gets more nutrients.

Although there are plenty of health benefits, it’s important to know that chocolate has a very high-calorie content that comes from fat and sugar. Therefore, you shouldn’t swap all your fruit snacks and veggie with chocolate. It’s crucial to always consume chocolate moderately, like with many things in life.

Here are the amazing health benefits of dark chocolate:

  • High blood pressure

Moderate consumption of dark chocolate lowers blood pressure and protects heart and blood vessels.

  • Antidepressant

Serotonin levels increase with the amount of cacao intake, so darker chocolate or raw cacao gives the better effect. Thus, lowers stress and gives us a general sense of well-being.

  • Chocolate is one of the most powerful foods in the fight against cancer

Dark chocolate contains high concentrations of beneficial flavonoids that are known as one of the most potent anti-cancer weapons on your side.

  • Chocolate for a healthy brain

Studies have shown that dark chocolate protects brain cells and promotes blood flow in your brain and your heart. Therefore, consuming chocolate daily instantly improves your cognitive function.

  • Dark chocolate improves mood

Consume chocolate to improve their mood. In fact, many people are eating chocolate when we are stressed or despaired and makes them relaxed and calm.

  • Protect your heart

Dark chocolate can help you to reduce blood pressure, improve blood flow, and lower the risk of blood clotting. So, you can strengthen your heart just by eating dark chocolate 3 times a week.

  • Dark chocolate keeps you young

High in anti-oxidants, dark chocolate helps combat the radical cell damage. Therefore, chocolate will help you stay young and healthy.

  • Treat cough with hot raw chocolate

Chocolate contains theobromine which has a similar effect to codeine and soothes a cough. Combine some almond milk and raw cocoa and relieve your cough.

Caring cop saves tiny scared sloth stuck on a highway

Imagine you are waking up in a totally different world with nothing familiar around you. Only the thought of it is terrifying. Sadly this is what happens to so many wild animal due to habitat loss as a result of human hand. And while having highways makes our lives easier because we are able to travel long distances in a very short time, for wild animals crossing a highway is usually deadly. Especially when you’re the slowest animal on Earth.

Fortunately for this tiny sloth, a cop’s kindness was its second chance to live. Sloths are South America’s native mammals, known for their slowness and they usually spend most of their lives hanging upside down in the tropical rain forests. Therefore, when a little sloth seen itself stuck in the middle of a highway in Quevedo, central Ecuador, it instantly got frightened.

However, what happened next turned into the most adorable rescue mission. The local police went to the scene as several drivers called the authorities to report the poor animal. When seeing the officers, the little one soon realized their mission it’s to help him so he tried to be as cooperative as possible. Needless to say he kept a positive attitude the whole time.

As soon as it got rescued, the scared animal was taken to a local vet for investigation. Luckily, everything was fine with the little one and shortly after, he was released back in the wild. “We want to let you know the sloth was rescued and taken by officers to a vet who said it was in a good condition to be returned to its habitat,” the police wrote on Facebook.

However, despite it is a happy ending story, why the little sloth was crossing the road, in the first place? Find out more about sloths in the video bellow!


Easy 2-Ingredient Turmeric Bombs to Fight Off Inflammation, Joint Pain, and Stomach Pain

Eating better is one distinctive step at improving your health and well-being. In fact, healthy eating is all about eating smartly and enjoying your food. Therefore, here is a recipe that will make staying healthy a pleasure. It’s pretty hard to say anything against a recipe that contains only 2 ingredients right?

These turmeric and raw honey bombs are abundant in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. In just one bite you can lower cholesterol levels, control arthritis, boost your immunity, reduce cholesterol, and improve digestion.

Turmeric is known to fight pain, high blood sugar, inflammation, candida, and much more. However, it’s difficult to get enough in your diet unless you take supplements and those can be pretty pricey. Ancient history records of turmeric use, back for more than 4,000 years. One of the most well-studied bioactive ingredients in turmeric has been found to promote health and protect against a wide array of health conditions.

On the other hand, researchers have found that the antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of raw Manuka honey are a perfect treatment for numerous diseases. This amazing honey type has been found to be even more effective than all antibiotics available on the market.

In addition, scientists believe that it lowers high cholesterol, treats diabetes, fights systemic inflammation, relieves gastrointestinal problems, prevents and treats cancer, and soothes the eye, ear, and sinus infections. In order to reap all these benefits of turmeric and Manuka honey, you should prepare the following delicious bombs.

Turmeric bombs with raw manuka honey recipe:

1/3 cup ground turmeric
3 tablespoons raw Manuka honey / or 100% unfiltered raw honey

Put all the ingredients in a small bowl, and mix until you get a peanut butter-like mixture. Then, roll into bite-size pieces and place them on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Keep them in the freezer for at least a few hours, enjoy!

Take one every day to improve your immune system, fight off inflammation, joint pain, and stomach pain.

Well-Mannered Giant Sea Lion Waddles Around Fish Market To Asks For Snacks

We often find the best ways we can to reach our goals. It’s highly recommended if your ways do not break any social rules or hurt anyone. This helps to advance yourself to perform better in the future.

And, a giant sea lion manages to do this. Instead of catching fish on his own, the mischievous animal waddles around the fish market to ask for his snack. The point is he acts in a good manner, trying not to disturb anyone at the market.

Huge animals can be well-mannered, guys. This sea lion is an example. He can’t hide his excitement when seeing all the fish in front of him. But the odd visitor kept his cool and patiently waited, hoping working men to give him some. And the polite beast didn’t try in vain. He got a big treat. Who can say no to an obedient animal?

The good boy kept wandering around the market to seek fish. And these adorable moments were captured and shared on the Internet. It has won millions of views and shares as people can’t get enough of the cuteness of the beast.

Actually, this huge friend used to catch his prey. However, he changed his tactic when seeing men working in the fish market. He decided to pay a little visit to the market every day to ask for his snacks. And, it works. People are nice to the giant sea lion as he is nice to them.

If you are looking for an adorable video of the sea lions, just give this a look.


It Tightens The Skin Better Than Botox: This 3 Ingredients Face Mask Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger

If you strive for a younger look and healthier skin, you do not need to give too much money. Moreover, this treatment is a much better alternative to expensive plastic surgery. In fact, the earlier your start to care for it, the result will be much better as you age, your skin will look at least 10 years younger.

Besides being a healthy food, egg white brightens your skin, reduces redness, improves your appearance, and treats oily skin. Egg white is also abundant in lysozyme, therefore it easily eliminates bacteria responsible for acne. In addition to being cost-effective, its effect is equivalent to the well-known Botox.

On the other hand, coconut oil is extremely rich in vitamin E. Therefore, it will hydrate your skin and prevent it from wrinkles and premature aging. Lastly, the lemons are abundant in skin-healthy nutrients like calcium, vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium. Thus, promotes elasticity and helps your skin produce collagen.

Here’s the 3 ingredients face mask for youthful look:


  • 1 egg white
  • ½ a teaspoon of lemon juice
  • ½ a teaspoon of coconut oil


At first, separate the egg yolk and whisk the egg white with a fork until it foams. Then you should add the lemon juice and the coconut oil, and mix well until you get a homogeneous mixture.

Apply the mask to a cleansed face then use your fingers and gently massage the face in a circular motion. Wait for 15 minutes till the mask dries and rinse the mask with warm water or chamomile tea. The effects are noticeable right away, as the mask will make blemishes, pimples, and wrinkles fade away.

Extremely Rare Black Tiger Snapped On Camera In India

Melanistic animals are gorgeous. They were born to be different and become conspicuous whenever they are. However, this physical feature sometimes puts them into disadvantageous situations. They might be easily spotted by predators or excluded in their colony.

Recently, an extremely rare black Bengal tiger was spotted in the jungles of Odisha in India. It has black stripes, a rare condition called melanism.

Soumen Bajpayee, an amateur photographer captured the gorgeous animal on camera. He snapped once-in-a-lifetime photos that every wildlife photographer desire.

The man was a bit shocked at first but later became excited. He didn’t meet his chance to take precious photos. The majestic cat only appeared on Soumen’s lens for few seconds and walked back into the trees.

“I was watching various birds in the trees, when I suddenly saw something which looked like a tiger but not like the usual tiger,” Soumen told NDTV.

Melanistic tigers are incredibly rare. Their Bengal tiger breed, in particular, can be found only in the forests of Odisha. They are on the brink of extinction with less than 10 individuals left.
Regarding its melanisms, it occurs when the skin lacks black pigmentation.

Melanistic tigers are highly elusive. It’s rare to encounter them. Soumen is such a lucky photographer. We also have to thank him for these priceless photos.