Kind Man Buys Homeless Father A Hotel Room For A Week And Gives Him $1000

When a single father found himself homeless after moving to a new city, a random encounter with a kind stranger helped him get his life back on track.

James Moss had just moved to Denver from New York with his 2-year-old son in hopes of making a better life for the two of them. James had lined up a job and a place to live, but his living arrangements had fallen through, and he found himself staying on the streets and in a homeless shelter.

A British writer and TV host, Leon Logothetis, had just come to Denver while on a tour where he sought to promote random acts of kindness. He traveled and spoke with random people he encountered while walking around with the hope of encouraging them to be kind to others. After one of these chance encounters, Leon met James. He learned a little about James’ situation, and was impressed with how he was able to maintain a positive attitude in the midst of such a struggle of recently becoming homeless.

“I guarantee in a month’s time, I’ll make anything that I need to happen, happen,” James said. “You have to be brought down to your humblest point, so you can appreciate other things that are waiting for you.”

James shared that his son helps motivate him to keep a positive mindset, and that he maintains a sense of joy and peace through prayer and meditation.

After their friendly chat, Leon told James that he wanted to give him $1,000 to help him and his son. James was moved to tears.

On the spur of the moment, Leon also decided that he wanted to put James and his son in a hotel for the next seven days to make sure that they had a nice place to stay.

“Man you gotta be freakin kidding me man…. thank you so much man… I appreciate it man…” James told Leon as he hugged him.

Many hearts online appreciated Leon’s kindness for James and his son, and they also wanted to help. Kayla Heskett started a GoFundMe for James with the following note:

“James is an extraordinary father and man. Let’s make this [happen] for him and his son and show him some love and that there are still good people left in this world.”

With the help of kind hearts from around the globe, they were able to raise $56,560 to help James and his son get back on their feet and begin a new, peaceful life.

James was connected with a host family that let him stay with them after his hotel, and he was able to purchase a car. James said he plans to pay it forward by helping continue this blessing of kindness in his community.

“Just thought I’d post a quick update,” Kayla shared. “Thank you everyone for your donations and interest in James. He and his son are doing great, they have gotten a vehicle and are doing great things for the community by giving back. Thank you to the host family that they are staying with until they find what they need.”

James was deeply grateful to everyone who had helped and shown love to him and his son.

“I love you all, you’re like family to me now,” he shared in a video thank you note. “I never thought that an act of kindness like that would spark a huge chain reaction. I am so thankful, so grateful.”

Watch this video of Leon meeting James for the first time:


17 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Two Ripe Bananas Every Day For 30 Days

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world, extremely healthy and abundant in nutrients and antioxidants. Also, they provide one of the highest amounts of potassium among all foods.

The consumption of two bananas daily supplies the body with a huge dose of antioxidants. Moreover, these nutrient-packed fruits improve health, lower the risk of various diseases, and fight against cancerous cells in the body.

Here’s why you should eat two ripe bananas every day for 30 days:

1. Improve brain function, due to the high potassium levels which keeps you more alert, while magnesium helps to focus.

2. Balance your hormones, because bananas contain a high level of potassium and B6 vitamins.

3. Prevent brain disorders, the high magnesium levels help the conversion of fatty acids into DHA. Thus lowers the risks of neurological disorders such as ADHD and Alzheimer’s disease, plus B-vitamins prevent Parkinson’s disease.

4. Enhance memory, because of high levels of tryptophan, potassium, and magnesium.

5. Improve heart health, since bananas are low sodium foods, and are abundant in potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and B6.

6.  Treat heartburn, as fiber promotes digestion, and potassium decreases the stomach acidity.

7. Improve blood health, since the high iron content will prevent anemia and retain the blood healthy, including the B6 vitamin which aids with the production of white blood cells.

8. Lower blood pressure, the low sodium and high potassium, makes them a great dietary choice.

9. Help you give up smoking, as they are a powerful combination of potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6 it prevents nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

10. Fight depression, containing a high level of tryptophan it converts the serotonin and helps to alleviate symptoms of depression.

11. Cure hangovers, due to high levels of electrolyte it relieves symptoms of a hangover.

12. Treat constipation, because high fiber levels help the normalization of bowel movements.

13. Treat stomach ulcers, hence bananas contain sitoindosides, it prevents and heals ulcers.

14. Strengthen the bones, understanding that these fruits boost the absorption of calcium.

15. Fight illness, bananas provide cell protection against free radicals, thus helps in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and muscular and tissue degeneration.

16. Energize the body, due to the high fiber levels, and the three natural sugars fructose, glucose, and sucrose.

17. Stimulate weight loss, since bananas are low in calories, but rich in fiber are helping to feel more full and keep cravings at bay.

Formerly Homeless Man Opened Pizza Shop Where Each Monday The Homeless Eat For Free

After spending years living on the streets, one kind man decided to use his restaurant to help show the homeless that they are loved and that they matter.

Derrick Walton lived on the streets of Detroit for years after having a difficult childhood, and at times he felt like he was completely alone, and that no one cared about him.

“To be homeless, you feel all alone. You feel no one cares, and you have something on the inside of you that says, well, this is my fault. I’m here, so why should they care. But, I grew to learn that, that’s not necessarily true. We still should care for other people, even if they make poor choices and decisions because, they matter. I mattered at the time. Just because I was in a bad situation in my life, it doesn’t mean I didn’t matter. But we tend to think that we don’t matter… Well I’m here to say, we do matter.”

Derrick recognizes that he had made some poor decisions in the past, as many homeless and troubled youth coming from poverty have. From using drugs, to stealing, to working as a stripper, which after a run in with police now requires him to register as a sex offender, Derrick has not had an easy life, but he believes that those choices are not the sum of all who he is. His renewed faith, as well as kind people from his church, have taught him that everyone deserves another chance, and that he is still a lovable person doing his best.

Derrick recalled one of the first people who helped change his life for the better: a restaurant manager who believed in him while he was homeless and gave him an opportunity with a job. Derrick was tired of being homeless, and though he was unable to shower and only had one pair of dirty clothes which he wore every day, he tried applying for jobs in his area.

“I went place to place for employment, and I got tons of, ‘No, no, no,’ doors closed, ‘we’ll call you,’ knowing that I don’t have a number for you to call me,” Derrick said.

Just before he was about to give up, on his 10th day of searching, he went to a Greek restaurant and met a man who would change his life forever.

“Just before I was going to give up, on that 10th day, and I’ll never forget it, I went to a Greek restaurant in downtown Detroit. I met with a gentleman, I told him, ‘Look I’ve made a lot of poor choices and decisions in my life.’ I said, ‘I’m not looking for a handout,’ I said, ‘but if you give me an opportunity or a chance, I won’t let you down. I’m a great cook.’”

The kind man quietly looked at Derrick for several minutes; clothes ragged, unshaven, having slept on the streets the night before, and after several minutes, he told Derrick that he believed in him and would give him a job. Derrick shared that he will never forget the feeling he felt in that moment; when someone believed in him.

“Well he looked at me, and it seemed like, three days, but he looked at me for like three minutes, and that gentleman told me yes, right away, and he said, ‘I believe in you,’ and he threw me an apron. And when he threw me that apron, to this day I still can’t describe the feeling that I felt, because I’ve never felt it before in my life. And umm, overwhelmed with all the emotions and all these things that one person can believe in me, when tons of people did not believe in me.”

Derrick worked hard as a cook and went on to open up his own pizza shop, Rock Power Pizza in Des Moines, Iowa. His restaurant serves delicious food, has inspirational quotes on the walls, and every Monday, he closes the shop to the public and opens it to the homeless living on the streets and in homeless shelters across Des Moines.

Derrick and volunteers organize vans and buses which transport the homeless from around Des Moines to his restaurant and back. They serve the homeless a variety of home cooked healthy meals: sandwiches, pastas, vegetables, fruit, and other various delicious meals.

Kind people from Des Moines help donate food and funds as well to the homeless for their Monday meals, and Derrick pays for the rest. He knows how important it is to, at least once a week, provide a safe space for the homeless where they can have a night out, eat a warm meal, and celebrate life together.

“Monday nights are very, very special to me,” Derrick said. “Before this place is a restaurant, it’s a ministry.”

“Monday night stands out apart because, it gives the people, that’s less fortunate in their lives right now, an opportunity to have a night out.”

“We get to go over here, fellowship, watch TV, be served, and treated like the amazing people they are.”

The homeless who come to Derrick’s restaurant on Mondays are deeply grateful.

“I’d like to thank all the people who have donated to Chef D’s for the homeless. The lord sees your good works. We can beat this thing,” one grateful guest shared.

He cares. He actually loves everybody… It’s not only the free food, but you get to meet other people,” shared another homeless guest.

For Derrick, seeing his homeless brothers and sisters realize that they aren’t alone, and that someone cares for them, brings meaning to his life.

“It takes me back every single time. When I see them coming in here, they forget about all of their circumstances and situations for the most part, and they get the fellowship here. It shows them what it showed me. People do care. I still matter. So it’s truly amazing and means a lot to me… a lot to me… Monday nights,” Derrick said.

Derrick’s truly beautiful heart has helped hundreds of homeless people realize that someone loves them, and has made sure that they never feel as alone as he once felt, when he was homeless.

Watch this interview with Derrick of him serving the homeless:

Update: Derrick did have some further issues, with being in possession of a prescription pill which he did not have a prescription for, and also for not registering in the 45 day timeframe after he had moved to a new apartment for his two decade old sex offense charges related to stripping when he was previously homeless. Our systems and institutions should offer more rehabilitation and support for kind souls, such as Derrick, rather than more punishment. Derrick’s kind heart has done so much to help hundreds upon hundreds of homeless people feel loved, feel they matter, and share a warm meal, and his story of kindness deserves to be shared, flaws and all.

5 Ways To Lower Your High Blood Pressure

If you have any type of high blood pressure, your doctor can explore lifestyle changes and medications to bring your numbers down. The blood pressure is the force that moves blood through our circulatory system.

High blood pressure is a dangerous condition that can cause your heart muscle to weaken and work less efficiently. Luckily, there are a number of natural remedies you can try to lower your blood pressure, even without medication.

Here are 5 ways to lower your high blood pressure:

  • Lemon and honey

Honey is a sweet, thick liquid abundant in bioactive plant compounds and antioxidants. Just dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water, and add a juice of half a lemon. Drink every morning on an empty stomach and keep the blood pressure low.

  • Blackberry

The berries are packed with manganese, which helps to improve antioxidant status in the heart muscle. To prepare this remedy, you should add a tablespoon of frozen blackberries to 300 ml of boiling water. Then, cook for 10 minutes at low heat, and leave it cool. Drink 100 ml dose three times a day, before each meal.

  • Fennel seeds

These seeds are rich in potassium, an essential component that helps to control your heart rate and blood pressure. Add a teaspoon of raw fennel seeds to a cup of boiling water, and let it cool to room temperature. Strain the drink, and consume one-third of the cup three times a day.

  • Chamomile mix

Chamomile tea is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs, which helps to lower high blood pressure. Mix dry dried flowers of chamomile with a bit of strawberry and birch buds. Put a spoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water, and leave it to cool. Strain and drink every morning on an empty stomach.

  • Oil massage

Combine 3-4 tablespoons of any herbal oil, a few drops of non-alcoholic tincture of mint, and few drops essential oil of grapefruit. Warm up the mixture, and with gentle movements massage it into your back of the neck.

Kind Young Men Took Homeless Man Out To Eat Then Shopping After Seeing Him Each Day Before School

After seeing a homeless man on their way to school each morning, several kind young men decided to lend him a hand.

They went up to the homeless man after school and asked him if he would like to go and get something to eat with them. He was surprised, and gratefully agreed.

“We’re taking him out to eat” one of the smiling young men shared, who was excited to be able to help the homeless man he walked by every day.

They took him out for a warm meal, and ordered him an extra meal to go.

“He’s a happy guy… Beautiful man” they shared.

After eating, the students wanted to take him shopping as well, so together they went to Walmart and bought him a basket full of clothes and daily necessities.

The homeless man tried a few of his new clothes on, and he looks great!

“Fresh dressed like a million bucks!”

Going out of our way to help a homeless person can mean more to them than we will ever know.

Many hearts online have appreciated the kindness these young men showed to a homeless man.

“So many of America’s homeless are U.S. veterans, people with job instability or persons with undertreated mental illness. Kindness goes such a long way,” shared B.C.

“It makes me so happy to see young men showing kindness to an elder, especially an elder in need,” wrote Jessica T.

“It’s the little things we take for granted that go a long way for someone else. Well done guys!” wrote S.B.W.

“You guys are amazing! Thanks to people like you, I don’t lose hope in humanity :)” commented Barbara V.

“Very kind young men. Very grateful man. It’s more than the money, food, and clothes. It’s the time and effort invested in him,” shared B. L.


Drinking Grapefruit Juice Reduces Hardening of the Arteries, Prevents Heart Diseases And Stroke

Over six hundred thousand Americans die from cardiovascular diseases each year. Furthermore, according to the centers for disease control, one American encounters a heart attack every 43 seconds.

Every person who takes the standard American diet is at risk of developing heart disease. Luckily, there are natural approaches to lower this risk, and reduce the hardening of the arteries.

Scientists have found that a glass of grapefruit juice daily cleanses the arteries and improves heart wellbeing. The phytochemicals in citrus fruits, known as flavonones promote healthier blood vessels and improve blood flow.

Another study was done by researchers at the french national institute and tested that grapefruit juice effect on the blood vessels of 48 women, 50-65 years old. The participants were divided into two groups. One of them was consuming 16 ounces of grapefruit juice daily, and the second group was taking a similar juice with no flavanones.

Researchers showed the results after 6 months, and people who drank grapefruit juice increased their cardiovascular wellbeing, while the other gathering did not encounter any notable improvement.

Grapefruit juice on its own has its unique fragrant aroma, and a bit unpleasant or harsh taste. However, it’s abundant in fiber and glycosides, so you will either love it or hate it.

Preparing this juice is surprisingly easy. In fact, you can do it at home with your slow juicer or a citrus juicer. Additionally, you can consume it raw, or add it to salads and desserts.

Here is a grapefruit juice recipe which prevents heart diseases and stroke:


  • 3 large grapefruits
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger juice
  • 4-5 mint leaves
  • 1 teaspoon honey (optional)


Wash the grapefruits, and cut them in half. Then, juice them in a juicer, and pour the drink in a glass. Grate a stump of fresh ginger, add some water and press to set up the ginger juice. Next, pour the ginger juice to a glass, and add the mint leaves. Sweeten with honey. Lastly, place it in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Enjoy!

Start consuming the juice, and reduce your blood pressure and diabetes naturally.

Mom Taught Her Daughter The Power Of Kind Words, Using Toothpaste, The Day Before Starting Middle School

The day before her adopted daughter began her first day of middle school, a kind mom taught her a profound lesson on the power of her words, using a tube of toothpaste, and a plate.

The night before Amy Beth Gardner’s daughter, Breonna, began middle school, she asked her to squeeze an entire tube of toothpaste onto a plate.

“My daughter starts middle school tomorrow,” Amy shared in a post online. “We’ve decorated her locker, bought new uniforms, even surprised her with a new backpack. But tonight just before bed, we did another pre-middle school task that is far more important than the others. I gave her a tube of toothpaste and asked her to squirt it out onto a plate. When she finished, I calmly asked her to put all the toothpaste back in the tube. She began exclaiming things like “But I can’t!” and “It won’t be like it was before!” I quietly waited for her to finish and then said the following:”

At a time when Breonna was just about to enter middle school, a place filled with a mix of children learning who they are while trying to fit in, Amy told her daughter just how important it is to choose her words wisely, and to always use them for compassion and kindness.

“You will remember this plate of toothpaste for the rest of your life. Your words have the power of life or death. As you go into middle school, you are about to see just how much weight your words carry. You are going to have the opportunity to use your words to hurt, demean, slander and wound others. You are also going to have the opportunity to use your words to heal, encourage, inspire and love others. You will occasionally make the wrong choice; I can think of three times this week I have used my own words carelessly and caused harm. Just like this toothpaste, once the words leave your mouth, you can’t take them back. Use your words carefully, Breonna. When others are misusing their words, guard your words. Make the choice every morning that life-giving words will come out of your mouth. Decide tonight that you are going to be a life-giver in middle school. Be known for your gentleness and compassion. Use your life to give life to a world that so desperately needs it. You will never, ever regret choosing kindness.”

Amy’s words of wisdom for her daughter have been shared online more than two million times.

“As a parent, I want Breonna to draw from my strengths and learn from my weaknesses,” Amy said.

Amy and her husband adopted Breonna and her younger sister two years earlier after having been their foster parents. Because of her girls’ difficult start in life before they met, Amy said she is careful to pay extra attention to their emotional development, and is constantly encouraging them and helping them to have and understand a great sense of self worth.

“Each morning when I go to wake Breonna up, I take a few minutes before we get busy with breakfast and rushing out the door to school to tell her how much I believe in her, how important she is to me, how valuable her life is,” Amy said. “I know that, as she becomes a pre-teen and teenager, the world is going to tell her what to believe about herself. I want her to hear my voice first each morning telling her what I see in her and how proud I am of her.”



Get Rid of Facial Hair With These Natural Remedies

Hair is one of the most attractive accessories of a woman. However, when it comes to facial hair things such as hormonal imbalance and improper nutrition intake may cause some awkward situations.

A lot of women become desperate if they don’t know how to remove excess facial hair. Shaving and waxing are not the best solutions to this issue, as they can be a real torture. Additionally, these procedures give short-lasting results and in a few days, the hair will grow back again.

However, using the below natural remedies will not only avoid such harmful methods but, also will help to lighten your skin tone and give you a glowing and beautiful skin.

Here are a few natural ways to get rid of facial hair:

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is a miracle root, it provides an excellent antiseptic effect that prevents facial hair growth. Also, it fights skin-related issues and helps to avoid acne. Take turmeric powder and mix it with a little water to form a thick paste. Apply it to your skin and wait for a little till the paste becomes dry. Then, rinse away with a towel soaked in lukewarm water.

  • Egg

Eggs are packed full of proteins and amino acids that nourish the skin. The egg mask is perfect if your hair is growing out of control, plus it offers amazing benefits for the skin. To make this mask, simply take a bowl, add 1 egg white, 1 tbsp of cornflour and 1 tbsp of sugar. Mix together and apply the paste to the face. Leave for 20 minutes, and rinse your face with cold water.

  • Papaya

The enzyme called ‘Papain’ in papaya helps to destroy the hair follicles. To form this paste just mix together a little papaya and turmeric. Then, rub onto the skin, and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash off with water.

  • Gram flour

Gram flour is one of the most popular ingredients for home remedies in India. Also, this flour is a well-known method for eliminating facial hair. All you have to do is to mix it with some water and turmeric. Apply the paste on the hairs and the undesired hair will be easily removed.

Kind 18-Yr-Old Built A Handmade Crib For Struggling Family’s 14-Month-Old That Didn’t Have A Bed

When a high school graduate found out that his girlfriend’s 14-month-old baby brother did not have a bed, he decided to build him a beautiful handmade crib.

The young man’s mom, Stacey Henderson, shared that she saw her son building a handmade crib, and that she was so proud of her son.

“My 18-year-old recently graduated from high school and is building his girlfriend‘s 14-month-old half brother a toddler bed,” Stacey wrote.

It was out of the family’s budget to buy a bed, so he had been sleeping in a pack and play, which is a temporary foldable crib.

“Her father and the baby’s mother don’t have enough money for one, so he sleeps in a pack and play.”

Stacey’s son works at a store and builds furniture, so he thought that rather than just buying a crib for the young toddler, that he would build and paint one for him himself.

“My son could have just went out and bought one, but he works all day building furniture and comes home in the evening and has been building this. The last step is painting and decorating.”

Stacey was deeply proud of her thoughtful son, and for good reason.

“I am so proud of this young man for his thoughtfulness and caring,” she said.

Thousands of hearts online have appreciated this young man’s kindness.

“Great job young man. We need more like you,” wrote Lorraine G.

“I want to see the finished piece! This is beautiful and such a sacrifice for him to make – thankful for his giving heart!” commented Sundy G.

“What a special young man. God Bless him,” wrote Lucy L.

“Speaks volumes about what a brilliant man he is, you must be proud of him, so talented,” wrote Danielle A.

“Your son is a good, kindhearted man. Thank you for raising him to be conscious of other’s struggles,” shared Jackie B.

You are Loved.


7 Easy Ways to Remove Skin Tags Without Seeing a Doctor

The common skin growth is called a skin tag or acrochordon. Skin tags appear as a result of the accumulation of blood vessels and collagen in the thicker parts of the skin. In fact, they cause little to no harm and usually appear on the armpits, neck, groin, and areas with wrinkles.

These tags normally are of little consequence and require no treatment. However, when they appear in certain body parts may impact your personality and confidence.

Nowadays, there are lots of natural methods available, plus the removing process is extremely safe and leaves no scars behind. There’s no need for visiting a doctor.

You may be at greater risk of getting skin tags if your parents already have them. Also, they can appear on people who are overweight and obese.

Here are 7 easy ways to remove skin tags:

  • Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the best natural remedies against many skin problems including skin tags. To apply it, simply dab a cotton ball in some water and then pour at least 2-3 drops of tea tree oil on it. Then, lightly rub it over the skin tag in circular motions. Repeat on a daily basis for a week.

  • Pineapple Juice

Surprisingly, this is one of the simplest ways to remove skin tags. Just, apply pineapple juice on the skin tag several times per day, but don’t wash the juice off. The same method works for moles or warts as well and is pretty effective.

  • Castor Oil

Buy high-quality castor oil and mix it with baking powder. You should get a very sticky paste, then apply it to the skin tag for 2- 4 weeks, or until they fall off on their own.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is a great remedy for almost all skin problems. You should soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it over the skin tag, repeat for a month to make them fall off.

  • Onion Juice

Cut an onion in half and sprinkle some salt on it, then live it in a glass during the night. The next morning, extract the juice and apply it to the area for 10-12 days to remove the skin tag.

  • Banana Peel

Cut a small piece of banana peel and place the inner part on the skin tag. Then, cover it with gauze, and leave it overnight. You should notice the results after a few weeks.

  • Duct Tape

Stick a piece of duct tape on the tags for a period of 10-12 days, or until the skin tag is completely removed.

You can try the natural treatments at home, as they are 100% safe. However, you should never try surgical means or castration at home, as it may cause infections.

Kind Woman Helped Tired Young Mother Comfort Her Crying Child So She Could Continue Shopping

When a tired young mother was considering leaving a store to take her two crying children home, a kind woman came and helped comfort her 2-year-old, allowing her to continue shopping.

Rebecca Paterson was shopping at a target in Pearland, Texas, when her 2-year-old and 2-month-old both began crying at the same time. After noticing Rebecca preparing to leave due to her children being upset, a kind woman named Tiffany came over to help.

“Shout out to this wonderful, kind woman named Tiffany,” Rebecca shared in a ‘Moms of Pearland’ group online. “My 2 year old and 2 month old were both having a meltdown at the same time in Target. I started putting things away on the shelf and was about to leave when she came over to help.”

Tiffany helped comfort Rebecca’s 2-year-old while she cared for her 2-month-old, and she was able to continue shopping for the daily essentials she needed.

“She walked with me while I got essentials needed for the day and kept hold of my toddler while he calmed down. She saved me today moms!!! I am so sleep deprived and was running on empty. A little kindness and understanding goes a long way.”

Rebecca plans to honor Tiffany’s kindness by paying it forward and helping the next mom she sees in need of assistance.

“I’ll definitely be paying it forward if I see a poor mom in need of help. Thanks Tiffany, you’re an angel 😇” Rebecca shared.

Many hearts online have praised Tiffany’s kindness.

“So heartwarming. I love this so much ❤️” wrote Erin C.

“It takes a village. A loving, caring village,” commented Maureen L.

“Actually, you both are amazing. She for offering to help and you for accepting. Understanding that the needs of your children come first and that you needed a hand in doing it. I always hesitate to ask nowadays as everyone is so afraid… but, I always do… even if it’s to watch the empty stroller as they take their child to the stall. If they say no it won’t hurt my feelings, as I did what felt right,” shared Daryce H.

“I needed this specific reminder desperately in this very moment— good people ARE everywhere. Thank you for that ❤️” wrote Danielle M.

“Just last week at HEB a kind stranger offered to help load my groceries when he saw me and the baby in the heat. There is always someone good in the crowd. Another time a man held an umbrella over us to get into the car in the heavy rain. Neighbors come over to check if the garage door was left open or collect packages. Be the change you want to see in the world ❤️ Offer someone a little help,” wrote Jessica M.

You are Loved.



Lemon and Parsley Syrup to Help Dissolve Kidney Stones

Kidneys are one of the most important organs in our body. These pair of bean-shaped organs control blood pressure, eliminates waste and toxins, and maintains balanced electrolyte levels.

Therefore, it’s essential that we protect our kidneys, especially if we are prone to a disease identified as kidney stones. Most people who experience this disease are from the age range of 30 and 50.

Kidney stones is a disorder where your kidneys can’t filter the blood as they should. As a result, the body holds excess fluid and waste from the blood, which can cause additional health problems.

Kidney stones are actually crystals made of uric acid, calcium salts or struvite. Sometimes they are formed in the bladder, but they are mainly formed in the kidneys.

How to know if you have kidney stones, here are the main symptoms:

  • Blood in urine
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Heating sensation while peeing
  • Pus or white blood cells in the urine
  • Fever and chills due to an infection
  • Reduced amount of excreted urine
  • Severe pain in the groin or side

Lemon and parsley syrup to help dissolve kidney stones:


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup of organic honey
  • A bunch of parsley root
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 1 cup maple syrup


Cut the lemon and parsley root, and mix them in a blender. Then, add the rest of the ingredients to the mixture and blend again until you get a smooth mixture. When the syrup is ready, pour it in a glass jar and store it in the refrigerator.

Take one tablespoon of the syrup every morning on an empty stomach. Additionally, consume a lot of liquids such as tea, water, and natural fruit juices throughout the day for best effects.

So if you do have problems with kidney stones, consider taking this home remedy and you will see the benefits immediately after drinking the syrup.

23-Yr-Old Adopts 13 Daughters Before Getting Married, Then Introduces Them To New “Dad” – Video

Katie Davis Majors is a young woman who adopted thirteen female children. Yeah- you’ve heard it right. She adopted thirteen children at the age of 23 itself. She hadn’t blinked twice to make this life-trading decision and let us remain in awe, realizing her guts of compassion. Katie is another religious woman who transformed the course of the chain of events into something surprisingly beautiful.

She went up to Uganda on a missionary trip during her Christmas vacation in High school. She is overwhelmed by the need for her purpose in there.

After a few years of compassionate volunteering by launching an organization Amazima Ministries, she realized God’s plans for her. Hence she deliberately went through three years of paperwork and adopted thirteen young female children out of love. Unbelievably She became a mother for deserted children in a country that has desperate financial issues.

Amazima Ministries acts life-transforming to the Uganda Communities since 2008, helps restore the relationships of many adopted children and their biological parents. But as push comes to shove one of Katie’s adopted children, named Jane, got found by her parents and claims to retrieve her back home.

This particular dilemma of restoring Jane’s life but losing her as a daughter becomes a difficult choice for her. She prayed for her well-being and let her parents claim Jane for good.

Katie never let God turn his face from her lovely deeds, so he had no other choice than to make Katie meet her soulmate Benjamin who is also coming as a missionary from his hometown.

God has his own way, right?. Katie relies on the 13 cutest bridesmaids for her marriage. From there, Benjamin became the husband and proud father of those bridesmaids.

Katie found the motherly love and the peace revolving around it and living her life inspiring enough to write a book, “Daring of Hope” and set an example for the world to be a better human.

One Of The Best Juice Combinations For Lowering Cholesterol, Weight Loss, And Better Sleep

Lack of exercises, irregular sleep, and poor diet have a negative effect on your cardiovascular health. In fact, cholesterol is considered as one of the most silent and deadly threats.

Surprisingly, a simple change in your nutrition can easily decrease your blood pressure and blood lipid levels.

Most notably, eating more celery and grapefruit will reduce arterial deposits build-up, and help you lower your blood pressure and blood lipid levels dramatically.

Here are some benefits of celery and grapefruit:

  • Helps reduce fever
  • Promotes good sleep
  • Reduce and control cholesterol levels
  • Reduces blood acidity
  • Reduce sugar and starch in the body, and thus helps with weight loss
  • Controls blood sugar levels

Here is the juice for lowering cholesterol, weight loss, and better sleep:


  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1/4 lemon
  • 1/2 inch ginger
  • 2 stalks of celery


Place all the ingredients in a juicer or blender and blend them well. Before consuming, you can strain the juice.

Warning: If you’re on any medication do not consume grapefruit or its juice, because it may interfere with the metabolism of the drugs.

How it works:

  • Benefits of celery

Celery contains a compound called 3-n-butyl phthalide, which lowers the blood pressure. Celery is also a powerful diuretic and helps to detox your body by expelling toxic build up in your blood and eliminate it through your urine.

Moreover, celery has the ability to lower inflammation, treat obesity, decrease the risk of stomach ulcer, treat certain cancer types, fight insomnia and prevent diabetes.

  • Benefits of grapefruit

Grapefruit contains a flavonoid called naringenin, it can treat diabetes, regulate the cholesterol levels and also prevent many different health conditions.

Additionally, this fruit has a positive impact on kidney function, insulin response, cholesterol metabolism, and blood sugar levels. In fact, the red grapefruit has the best improvement and is the only one to improve the triglycerides levels.

2-Year-Old Waits For His Best Friend The Garbage Man To Give Him Sweet Goodbye Party – Video

Since Deacon and his family were moving to a new place. It was time to say goodbye to his best friend O’Dee. The entire moment became a heartwarming scene that they will never forget. Children look up to all kinds of adults when they are toddlers, be it their parents, teachers, neighbors, or superheroes on TV.

However, one two-year-old has a very unique idol, his family’s garbage collector. Deacon Ross is a 2-years-old adorable toddler from East Dallas, Texas. His best friend is O’Dee, a garbage man who comes by their house every Friday.

Both of them became good friendsand the toddler loves meeting him.

However, in a viral video people can see their farewell as the toddler’s family moved to a bigger home. Everyone knows that children are friendly, selfless, kind, and adorable.

They find good in everybody. So, here is a tale of a hard-working man who can’t hold his tears upon looking at how much he is important for a child he befriended. Undoubtedly, it’s a heartwarming friendship we would all love to hear and see.

Whenever Deacon sees his friend coming into his truck he becomes happy. According to the little boy’s mom, “Deacon can’t hide his excitement when Friday comes. No, it’s not because the weekend is around the corner.

It’s because the garbage truck is around the corner, making its way to Ross’ street. Local garbage man O’Dee always stops by Deacon’s house. They fist bump and have a little chat.” O’Dee is Deacon’s first friend, and that’s why he’s so close to him.

O’Dee has unquestionably made a tr-emendous feeling on the kid because Deacon eagerly waits for him every Friday. But, the video shows a small celebration, where they have to say goodbye to each other. Slowly life was changing for Deacon’s family. As the Deacon family was about to welcome their new child. So, they bought a bigger home to live in. Like an ordinary Friday, Deacon greets O’Dee and jumps into his arms. Please, have a look at the heartwarming moment when the toddler sees O’Dee. The way he excitedly waved his tiny arms in the air is priceless.

Summer told WFAA: “I don’t think he really understands that this could be the last time that he sees O’Dee.” Politely, he perhaps doesn’t. We certainly hope that Deacon and O’Dee will meet again in the future.

Hope that such a beautiful bond between the two doesn’t come to an end. O’Dee whose exact name is Oladele Olurunrinu will also miss Deacon. O’Dee said, “I wasn’t aware of how much the boy admired his company. I simply loved chatting with Deacon, but the boy’s admiration developed fantastically. “I’m going to miss him.”

Not only this, seeing Deacon being so much in love with O’Dee his parents are planning to name their new child O’Dee. Deacon’s mother said, “He’s already picked out a name.” Summer and her husband were thinking of calling their newborn O’Dee, in honor of Deacon’s first friend.

No doubt, Deacon is growing up in a lovely and caring family. They love everyone around them. It’s great that Deacon’s mother is admiring her son’s first friend. The family’s sweet gesture deeply moved O’Dee. Don’t forget to watch their lovely video below.

This Recipe is Going Crazy in The World! Heal Your Knees and Rebuilds Bones and Joints Immediately

Our bоdy gеts оldеr аnd wеаkеr аs wе gеt оldеr, our metabolism slows down and our bones and joints start to ache and wear out.

Onе cоnditiоn thаt is very cоmmоn tо аppеаr is the knee pain. You’ll probably experience the pain varies and that you have good and bad days. However, knee pain sometimes can be extremely intense and disturbing, that you won’t be able to do any simple activity.

Therefore, this nаturаl trеаtmеnt can help you heal your knees naturally. It hаs аmаzеd dоctоrs from all over the world, and its еfficiеncy has been shown to be 100% effective. Additionally, there are no unwanted side-effects and its completely natural.

However, you shouldn’t let the pain get too serious because it will be harder to cure, once and for all. In fact, the recipe should be taken immediately after еxpеriеncing аny typе оf pаin in joints, knees, and bones.

Here is the nаturаl rеmеdy to heal your knees:


  • 200 g of raw, organic honey
  • 40 g of pumpkin seeds
  • 8 tablespoons of flaxseed
  • 3 tablespoons of raisins
  • 2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin
  • 4 tablespoons of sesame seeds


Take all of the ingredients put them in a food processor and blend until smooth. Then you can place the mixture intо а cоntаinеr аnd stоrе it in thе fridgе. And thе rеmеdy fоr knее pаin is rеаdy tо usе.

Every morning before breakfast eat a spoonful of the mixture, also do the same later before lunch. You should use this remedy regularly 2 times a day. Thus, reduces the discomfort and soothes the pain as well. Additionally, in а short period of time yоur ligаmеnts аnd tеndоns will bеcome much strоngеr thаn bеfоrе.

When you run out of the mixture make a new batch and extend the therapy. As a bonus, your metabolism will also improve.

Once you experience the amazing effects, be sure to share this remedy with your friends and family.