Author Archives: Radu Serdan

You Need To Eat This If You Have Brittle Nails Or You’re Not Sleeping Well

Adrenal glands, also known as suprarenal glands, are of high importance for the entire body. These small layered glands are located on top of both kidneys. In fact, they are crucial for a healthy kidney function. In addition, these glands affect the health of your sleep, nails, and hair.

The adrenal glands produce a variety of hormones including adrenaline and the steroids aldosterone and cortisol. These hormones strengthen immunity, accelerate metabolism, regulate blood pressure, and are very important for your overall health. Plus, when released properly they can even deal with stress.

The following natural homemade recipe with Brazilian walnuts will help you with these health issues:

  • Hair loss
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Poor sleep
  • Thyroid problems
  • Brittle nails and/or dry skin
  • Chronic body and emotional fatigue
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Brain fog and memory loss
  • Blurry vision
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Heart palpitations
  • Lethargy
  • Low sex drive
  • Irritability
  • Low blood pressure
  • Muscle weakness
  • Body aches or chronic muscle pain
  • Unexplained weight loss or gain

Here’s the recipe that restores the function of your adrenal glands naturally:


  • Brazilian walnuts
  • Dried parsley leaves
  • Raisins
  • Ground ginger
  • Pure natural honey


At first, mix the Brazilian nuts and parsley leaves into a blender. Then add the honey, raisins, and ginger, blend again until you get a homogeneous mixture.


Consume 2 tablespoons of this homemade, natural adrenal gland early in the morning before breakfast and on an empty stomach. Consume the treatment no more than 2-3 times per week.

By taking this remedy, you will boost your adrenal gland and immediately see and feel changes in your body in a positive way. Your sleep quality will improve and your hair will look shiny in its natural form. In addition, it would be obvious to see that your nails will not break off at the slightest aggravation, as they will be healthy and stronger than ever before.

Former street dog shares her blanket to help another stray dog on a cold evening

There are so many street dogs that are looking after themselves and they don’t have anyone to rely upon. It is a sad reality.

As they don’t have anyone to return home to, these dogs are depended on the kindness of the people who give them food, water, and shelter.

There are so many kind people who take pains to help the local strays. But sometimes, the animals also come forward to help their own kind. The latest example of this is provided by a dog that made a heartwarming donation to a stray in need.

The name of the dog is Lana which began her life as a stray on the streets of Brazil. She was then rescued and taken home by a woman named Suelen Schaumloeffel and her fiancée.

The dog was provided with all the facilities and she never had to worry about living on the streets again. But there was one thing that always remained in her mind that is from where she came from and remembered all the dogs which are not having their homes.

One chilly evening, Suelen gave a thick blanket to Lana to keep her warm. But she saw Lana giving her blanket to a stray dog and thus she sacrificed her comfort to keep the stray safe from the cold.

Her owner was unable to believe what she saw. She said that her four-legged friend reminded her of an important thing, which is generosity.

Seeing this, the owner decided to help the stray. They decided to find a comfortable home for the dog but every time they got closer to the dog, the dog ran away.

So they just left food and water for the dog instead. It is really wonderful to know how kind and generous dogs can be. They can teach us many life lessons.

Don’t Waste Your Money on Pedicure Anymore: Just Two Ingredients from Your Kitchen Can Make Your Feet Look Amazing!

Good foot health is essential for a healthy and active life. Since rough, cracked heels can be really unsightly and embarrassing. Plus, they can even obstruct your quality of life and disable proper movement and body support.

Fortunately, there is a solution to improve your feet condition. One of the best things that affect the health of your feet is your personal hygiene and diet. Therefore, you need to incorporate it into your everyday routines.

Most people are getting expensive pedicures and sophisticated products to heal their feet. However, this is not always the most productive form of healing them. In addition, going to a beauty salon is quite expensive and time-consuming as well.

Here’s one homemade remedy you should try to take care of dry, flaky, scaly, and tired feet. You need only 2 ingredients that can be probably found in your kitchen at this moment. In addition, the preparation process is very simple and easy to follow.

Here’s how to promote your foot health:


  • 3-4 cups milk
  • 3 tablespoons baking soda


At first, you should warm up the milk. Then, pour the warm milk into a basin and add the baking soda. Mix well and dip your feet in it for 10 minutes.

Afterward, rinse your feet with warm water and dry off gently with a towel. The results will be incredible and you will be satisfied for sure.

Dramatic horse pretends to be dead when people try to ride him

We can be indolent at times. When work is there and we can’t just shake off laziness. It is really hard to shake off laziness especially if you are a silly horse.

There is a horse in Mexico who literally plays dead when someone tries to ride him. The name of this dramatic horse is Jingang who really has some big dreams and ambitions. This horse did not like to be ridden by others as a horse should.

The horse’s duty was to carry people on his back all day long and he was too lazy to do that. So he came up this brilliant idea to avoid work.

He started playing dead.  He is so good at acting that he tries to be as dramatic as possible. He sticks out his tongue and stretches his legs in the air. It is really funny. At times, he falls to the ground even before a human makes an attempt to ride him and the whole situation becomes very hilarious.

Really, this is one of the funniest acts by an animal and it is quite relatable. His ranch owners know his tactics and find it hilarious and naughty.

Actually, it is his way of telling humans that animals aren’t meant for hard manual labor. His message is loud and clear- Live and let live.

It is the best thing on the internet today and whoever sees this falls in love with it.


How to Make Amazing Non-Toxic, Long-Lasting, Organic Deodorant

The vast majority of commercial antiperspirants and deodorants are loaded with dangerous chemicals that impact the skin and lead to irritations and hormonal imbalances.

Nowadays, many antiperspirants contain aluminum to dry out the sweat. By injecting aluminum ions into the cells when your body starts swelling it keeps the ducts closed to prevent sweat get out. On the other hand, it is a much better option to use natural deodorants that allow sweat and toxins to leave the body instead of trapping them inside.

Fortunately, you can easily make the following homemade deodorant spray using safe and recognizable all-natural ingredients. The preparation process is extremely easy and very effective that you’ll never need to buy deodorant again. This is a pretty frugal way to enjoy your arm-pit needs and enable toxins and sweat to leave the body instead of keeping them inside.

Moreover, deodorants mainly contain antimicrobial chemicals to prevent only the body odor, yet not the flow of sweat. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is warning that the regular use of such antimicrobials may cause antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria

In most cases, the main antimicrobial chemicals used are either triclosan or polyhexamethylene biguanide. In addition, the majority of these commercial antiperspirants and deodorants neglect to keep the awful smell caused by apocrine sweat mixed with the bacteria.

Here’s how to prepare the amazing non-toxic, long-lasting, organic deodorant:


  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup arrowroot powder
  • 10 drop of any essential oil
  • 5-6 tablespoons Coconut oil


At first, mix the coconut oil, baking soda, and arrowroot powder in a suitable container, combine the mixture thoroughly using a spoon. Next, add the essential oil, and transfer the mixture in the container that has a lid, and put it in the fridge.

It will definitely be a bit strange to use this natural deodorant at first, but as soon as you experience its great effects you will never buy another one from the store. Plus, the texture is about the same as store bought.

Unbelievable recovery made by a husky after its rescue from heartless owners.

Though they are the most faithful and loving creatures, still some people treat them in a way that is not acceptable. They are treated like useless items- they are starved and neglected by their owners.

The same happened with Finn, the dog was rescued by the volunteers. At the time of its rescue, the dog was nothing but bones and skin. Luckily, Finn made a great recovery and had a happy ending.

The innocent dog’s life was not that good with his owners for the last couple of years. His former owner did not give him food and water properly. It looked like his owner was taking revenge on his ex-wife for whom he adopted Finn as a birthday gift. When the rescue team at the Pet Angels Rescue came to help him, his condition was heartbreaking.

His rescuers could not believe their eyes when they first saw Finn as he was the only bag of bones with barely any fur on him. But that was him earlier, he was a true fighter and made an incredible recovery after he spent a few months at the shelter. There, he was surrounded by love and care and he forgot all the things that happened to him in the past.

His recovery was nothing sort of a miracle and he had totally transformed and looked like a different dog. It did not end here, Finn also got adopted by a very loving family and he got a much deserved second chance of peaceful life.

According to Pet Angels Rescue, the family which adopted Finn was very good and they had given him the best life.

We are really happy that Finn got a good life after all the hardships.

How To Brew Your Own Ale For Pain: Reduce Chronic Inflammation, Migraines, And Pain (Include Recipe)

Among the many healthy products out there, nothing does the trick quite as ginger does. Ginger is a both beneficial and natural treatment that has a very long history of use in various forms.

In fact, ginger has powerful medicinal properties that are able to cure migraines, inflammation, and everything in between in no time. Thanks to its antioxidant content ginger is a great addition to every diet and remedy out there.

Thanks to its high content in these antioxidants: gingerols, beta-carotene, capsaicin, caffeic acid, curcumin, and salicylate. Ginger is also abundant in many other healthy compounds, such as carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, fiber, iron, and vitamin B6.

Here are some of the best health benefits that ginger offers:

  • Treats Digestive Problems
  • Cures Nausea
  • Fights off Inflammation
  • Relieves Pain
  • Cold and Flu Prevention

Here’s how to brew your ginger ale recipe:


  • 2 cups ginger, peeled and chopped
  • Raw honey
  • 2 limes, juiced
  • A little sparkling water
  • 4 cups water
  • Lime wedge for garnish


  1. At first, you should boil 4 glasses of water in a pot. Next, add ginger to the pot and reduce to a medium-low heat, let ginger sit for 5 minutes.
  2. Set the pot aside and strain well. Now, combine 1 part of ginger water with 3 parts of sparkling water, optionally you can add in a few ice cubes.
  3. Lastly don’t forget to add raw honey or lime juice to sweeten the remedy. Serve and enjoy.

Elephants destroy all banana trees, leave one with a bird’s nest untouched

Elephants are known as the most empathic species. They are highly empathetic animals and care for the emotions of other people.

Here is an incident to prove it. In this unusual incident, a bunch of elephants entered a local village in Tamil Nadu, India. As expected, the elephants destroyed the 300 banana trees in the garden of a local villager.

Related to it, a video also went viral which took the animal lovers by surprise. The surprising thing was that though they successfully managed to destroy all the banana trees yet they left one.

Now the question is why they left one banana tree. They intentionally left one banana tree and the reason is that particular banana tree had a nest on it.

This incident took place in a village named Sathyamangala in the Erode district of Tamil Nadu. The garden which they destroyed belonged to a man named Krishnamurthy. The elephants broke in and destroyed all his banana trees except one.

After the elephants had gone, the local people came to see the site of destruction and looked at the damage done by the elephants. Nevertheless, the people were taken by surprise that the elephants had spared only one banana tree from their wrath.

The main reason why only one banana tree was left that there was a nest that had a few hatchlings and a mother sparrow. The mother sparrow was sitting in the nest and looking after the little ones.

The video clip that went viral had been shared by a local channel called Thanthi. After which this video was picked by Twitter and other social media platforms and it became viral. It was loved by animal lovers all over the world.

This video was able to get millions of likes and views. People commented that the elephants were gentle giants. They even demanded that the elephants should not be punished for their act as they showed empathy for the bird and her babies.

Few people even demanded that the official should treat the elephants kindly. No matter what but one thing is clear that elephants are very empathetic and they should be treated with compassion.


Unbelievable: Treat Diabetes, Asthma, Cholesterol And Kidney Diseases With Okra Water – Now You Can Make It Yourself

The plant okra is a nutritious hero and a very available food when it comes to promoting your health. Okra or also known as “lady’s finger” and is cultivated in all warm and tropical areas in the world.

One cup of fresh okra contains 30 calories, 3 grams of dietary fiber, 2 grams of proteins, 7.6 grams of carbohydrates, 0.1 grams of fat, 80 micrograms of folate, 21 milligrams of vitamin C, and 60 milligrams of magnesium. Therefore, okra is a powerful plant that is highly beneficial for human health.

Here are one of the most important health benefits of okra:

  • It lowers cholesterol levels
  • It helps you prevent and control diabetes
  • Researches have proven that okra can help kidney diseases
  • It promotes immunity
  • It helps with asthma symptoms
  • Lowers the amount of glucose absorbed from food

The following recipe will provide the best way to get all the amazing benefits of okra. In addition, it will help you balance the levels of sugar in your blood in a completely natural way. Plus, it will boost your organism and restore its health at its best.

Here’s how to prepare the amazing okra water recipe:


  • A glass of fresh water
  • 2 fresh okras

Method of preparation:

At first, you should cut the okra’s heads and tails and then place 2 to 3 pieces in a glass of water. Then, leave the okra water to steep during the night.


The next morning, half an hour before your breakfast, just drink the whole glass of water.

The valuable nutrients from the okra skin and seed pods will be absorbed into the water. If you’re not crazy about the taste of okra, drinking this okra water solution is a quick and healthy way to derive the benefits of okra without eating it. On the other hand, some people prefer to cut the okra into thin slices instead of soaking them whole.

Ailing Tiger cub saved from circus makes incredible recovery

Sometimes the innocent animals have to undergo so much pain just to satisfy the monetary gains of the humans. They are not even given the necessary treatment required and are neglected considerably.

Here is the sad story of a Bengal tiger named Asha but in the end, she turned out to be a survivor. When she was just 9 months old her weight was only 30 pounds and it was very less.

Vicky Keahey who is the founder of Texas’ In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center was really concerned about the health of Asha and wanted her to be transferred into Keahey’s care. Keahey was really worried about Asha that why she was so underweight.

But as she tried to find out the reason she came across a very sad story that depicts how poorly she was treated. She belonged to a traveling circus and she shared her cage with a big tiger who would treat her very badly by picking on her.

Further investigation has found that animals at the circus are not properly treated and so Keahey decided to take Asha in and found out what plagued the cub was ringworm.

She was having bald spots on her body and her skin was dry and it was bleeding. Not only this she was also troubled by open wounds which were given to the cub by the bites from the larger tiger with whom she shared the cage.

After this Asha was taken to the veterinarian who confirmed Asha’s ringworm and she was shifted to an isolated enclosure at In-Sync Exotics. There she was looked after well as she received a medicated bath daily and Keahey did everything possible to make her well.

After 8 weeks of treatment, she was going to be her normal self as fuzz started coming back to the bald spots. At the end of the treatment, Asha started loving water so much that they have to put a small tub in her enclosure.


Now she was bigger and healthier thanks to all the efforts made by Keahey. She even started mixing with other tigers. Her recovery from a sickly tiger cub to a confident adult tiger is very good. We wish her all the happiness.

Workers saved the dog from freezing river but it wasn’t a dog at all

At times we are surprised by the surprises which life throws at us. You never know what will happen the next minute. Even when we are prepared to face the odds, and consider all the possibilities still there is something that will surprise us. Here is an incident that proves this.

It was a normal day for three Estonian dam workers Rando Kartsepp, Robin Sillamae, and Erki Vali. They were going on normally when something caught their attention. It was a dog who was struggling in the icy water. As the men were very kind, they quickly rushed to the river to save the animal.

They took him out and wrapped it in a blanket to keep it warm. They did not have a good look on the dog but it was a good-looking dog with yellow eyes. The dog had thick fur on his body that helps him in the freezing water.

Though they saved the dog, he still needed help as he was shivering a lot and he was in a poor condition. The body temperature of the dog dropped very low and he was facing the risk of hypothermia. In order to help the dog, the kind-hearted men took the dog to the veterinary clinic for proper care.

They put the shivering dog in the pick-up truck and took him to the local animal hospital. As they were moving the poor boy fell asleep on the way. The dog laid his head on Kartepp’s lap and rested. When they reached the hospital, there arose a problem. It was regarding the identity of the dog.

The vets could not identify the breed of the dog and decided to call a local hunter. The hunter revealed that it was not a domestic dog but was a wolf. Everyone was surprised by the revelation as they did not suspect that he would be a wolf though they were not sure of his breed.

He would have done anything to the workers who brought him in their truck. But the wolf was docile or maybe he was weak to do anything. Maybe he felt that he was saved by those workers.

After he made recovery, he began to behave like any normal wolf. So he was kept in the cage for the safety of everyone. later when he had fully recovered he was sent into the wild. For his safety, the Estonian National Environment Agency even attach a GPS collar to trace his location. When he was released, he ran into the wild.

The latest update regarding the wolf is that he is doing well. Good luck, boy.


5 Signs of Nutrient Deficiencies That Are Written All Over Your Face

Vitamin deficiencies are pretty common nowadays and over 1 billion people across the world are deficient in Vitamin D. In fact, even if you eat well, there’s a good chance you’re lacking some important nutrients.

A blood test will often detect vitamin deficiencies. However, there is a better and more effective way to find out if you are deficient in some vitamins.

For instance, your face is one of the best assets that reveal your body’s internal state. There are 5 easy to spot signs of nutrient deficiencies that can easily be found and treated with healthy foods.

Here are the 5 signs of nutrient deficiencies written all over your face:

  1. Pale Complexion

The absence of Vitamin B12 in our body usually makes the face pale. In case your face gets paler every day, check your tongue as well, and if it’s smooth, you are definitely deficient in this vitamin. Other symptoms may include fatigue and memory loss.

Healing Foods: Salmon, red meat, fortified cereal, yogurt, and swiss cheese.

  1. Puffy Eyes

You will probably notice if your eyes are puffy after waking up, that’s a sign of iodine lacking in your body. Other signs include brittle nails, weight gain, and dry skin.

Healing Foods: Cranberries, kelp, strawberries, potatoes, yogurt, and navy beans.

  1. Painful or Bleeding Gum

The lack of Vitamin C results in painful, tender, and bleeding gums. Since this vitamin is crucial for overall health, its deficiency can lead to numerous health ailments. Keep in mind that the human body doesn’t make or store vitamin C, so you need to get plenty from your food every day.

Healing Foods: Strawberries, citrus fruits, berries, mango, cantaloupe, watermelon, kiwi, papaya, and red peppers.

  1. Hair issues

If your hair seems lifeless, dry, brittle, and you have dandruff, your body lacks Vitamin B7. Doses of biotin via vitamin supplements can be helpful for improving hair quality and even the treatment of diabetes.

Healing Foods: Eggs, mushrooms, and cauliflower, almonds, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.

  1. Pale Lips

If your lips are pale, it means your body is low in iron. Make sure to treat this issue as soon as possible as iron deficiency can weaken your immune system.

Healing foods: Red meat, fish, spinach, seafood, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, and peas.

Save Your Heart, Kidneys, and Brain: Clean Your Arteries With These 3 ingredients

In case you didn’t know, the arteries are the fundamental part of the human body and their health is more than important. In fact, the arteries are a type of blood vessels that transport oxygen-packed blood from the heart to the rest of your body parts.

Therefore, if you want to stay healthy and alive, you should maintain the proper function of all body organs. In fact, the best way to prevent cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and heart attacks, is to eliminate processed food, fast foods, and foods packed with fats since they ruin our cardiovascular system’s health.

Here’s how to prepare the 3- ingredient recipe that will cleanse your arteries:


  • 8 cloves of garlic
  • 1 piece of ginger (4-5 cm)
  • 100 oz / 3 liters clean water
  • 8 lemons


At first, wash the lemons and cut them into small pieces. Next, take the ginger and garlic cloves and clean them thoroughly. After that, put all ingredients in a blender and mix well until you get a smooth mixture. Then, transfer the mixture to a pot, add water, and cook until it starts boiling. Once boiled, store the mixture in clean glass bottles.


Make sure to consume this natural remedy every day, 2 hours before meals, on an empty stomach. Apart from its consumption, it is also recommended that you do regular exercises at least 3 times a week.  Undoubtedly, this recipe will help you clean your arteries and get rid of all fat buildup in the blood.

Man saved a dog dumped with his mouth shut with a tape.

So many animals are dumped in shocking conditions. It shows that many people have pets that they cannot look after.

Here the dog that was dumped, his mouth was shut by the tape. The dog was shivering in the cold. The passerby  Bob Hoelter of Indiana was walking towards the store at night when he heard the strange noise.

He said he went to the place to see from where the sound was coming but didn’t see anything. Then he used his flashlight and saw a dog in a pitiable condition.

He saw a dog that looked scared and its mouth was shut by the black electrical tape. Looking at the condition of the dog, Bob immediately took it to Griffith Animal Hospital where the pup was assessed and it was found that the pup was four months old, hungry, having a broken leg and the skin was damaged where there was a tape.

It also appeared as the pup was thrown from the bridge into the water but instead of falling into the water, the pup landed on the banks of the river.

At the Griffith Animal Hospital, the manager Lori Kovacich wrote that it was something that they had not experienced in 30 years. The pupate the food given hungrily and waged his tail.

The pup was given the name that is Louie and he even found a forever home. Bob’s niece even arranged a meeting between Louie and Bob. It was an emotional meeting where Bob was greeted with love and kisses by Louie.


Why Are People With Blood Type O So Special?

Science is not able to explain how our personalities are determined by blood type yet, there are some interesting theories. In fact, there are 4 blood types, A, B, AB, and O, but there is something really unique about the blood type O.

The negatives A-, B-, AB-, and O- are red blood cells that do not have any A or B antigens. On the other hand, the positive ones have antigens present in them. According to historical data, it has been believed that people with type 0 blood are those that observed the environment and were aggressive hunters.

Here are some important facts about people with blood type O:

  • These people have a strong immune system and thin blood, therefore they live the longest.
  • Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s ‘blood type’ diet recommends that those with O blood type should eat more lean meat, and avoid diary and grains.
  • People with type 0 blood are predisposed to iodine deficiency, a chemical element whose sole purpose is to regulate the thyroid hormones, anger, and hyperactivity.
  • People with Type O blood are significantly more often bitten by mosquitoes.
  • Numerous studies found that the risk of pancreatic is more than one-third less among individuals with blood type O.
  • When it comes to their personality traits, they are productive, energetic, focused, and very competitive. Plus, blood type 0 is linked to organization, practicality, commitment, and logic.
  • Individuals with this blood type are passionate, optimistic, honest, ambitious, and confident.
  • People in this group have a lot of noradrenaline and adrenaline working throughout the body. Thus, means they should avoid gambling and extreme physical activity, especially when stressed or tired. Also, make sure to avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Nevertheless, unhealthy habits can lead to elevated stress levels. Therefore these people should take part in some physical exercise for at least half an hour, in order to maintain their emotional balance. Also, it will do wonders for their well-being.

Guys Spot A Giant Anaconda Crossing The Road And Realize She’s Not Alone

Last month, while traveling through a jungle in Brazil, a group of veterinary students happened upon an unexpected kind of roadblock.

There, spanning the dirt track in front of them, was an enormous anaconda — and she wasn’t alone.

One of the students who stopped, Antônio Stábile dos Santos, estimated the female snake to be around 20 feet long. As he got closer, he observed that she was being pursued by numerous smaller anacondas.

Santos eventually discovered that the smaller snakes were most likely males, aspiring suitors fighting for the attention of their much larger counterpart.

But, as you can see, she didn’t seem particularly interested:

It was an impressive sight, to say the least. But Santos and the other students weren’t the only ones forced to wait for the snakes to cross.

A lizard, too, had stopped in his tracks on the roadside — happy, no doubt, that the snakes had other things on their minds.

For Santos and the others, who spend their time studying animals, it was a scene they won’t soon forget.

“It’s not everywhere you see something like this — especially not in college,” Santos told Globo News. “It was very unusual.”