Monthly Archives: June 2021

Be Healthy And Youthful: Put An Ice Cube At This Point On Your Head

Could you imagine that placing a single ice cube on the back of your head will help cure many illnesses? Also, it is been proven that this certain system improves the flow of energy and will make you look younger and full of energy.

Still, for optimal results, you have to find the exact location of the pressure point. The specific point is located right where your head and neck unite. The technique is also known as Feng Fu, which is common in Chinese acupuncture.


To perform this, lie down on your stomach and place an ice cube directly on the Feng Fu spot. Leave the ice cube there for about 20 minutes, just make sure to secure it, with a scarf or a bandage that it doesn’t fall off.

Perform the treatment 2 times per day, in the morning before you consume anything, and in the evening before going to bed. Don’t worry you can’t catch a cold with this method. Remember to repeat this procedure regularly, while taking a break every 2 to 3 days.

The unusual thing is that at the beginning you may feel cold, but after 30-40 seconds you’ll feel the heat at the point. Also, the first few days you may experience a feeling of euphoria, due to the release of endorphins into the bloodstream.

Benefits of placing an ice cube at this point on your head:

  • Improves sleep
  • Excellent mood and general vitality
  • Proper work of the digestive tract
  • Say goodbye to colds (use to decrease high body temperature)
  • Relieves headaches, toothaches, and pains in the joints

Always apply this treatment when dealing with the following diseases:

  • Respiratory diseases
  • Dysfunctions of the thyroid gland
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Acute, gastrointestinal, and sexually transmitted infections
  • Neurological disorders and degenerative alterations in the spine
  • Hypotension, arthritis, and hypertension
  • Cellulite (especially at the beginning)
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle and endocrine infertility
  • Difficulties with gastrointestinal tract, obesity, and malnutrition
  • Psycho-emotional disorders, chronic fatigue, stress, depression, and insomnia

Avoid this treatment if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, epilepsy or schizophrenia.

Keep in mind that Feng Fu point doesn’t heal every condition, it simply restores the body and provides a strong impulse to life.


How to Supercharge Your Dopamine Levels to Never Feel Sad, Stressed or Depressed Again

One of the most important chemicals in the brain that affects your perception and makes you feel good are the Dopamine levels. On the other hand, having a low levels of dopamine can lead to adverse effects of depression and negativity.

Fortunately, there are 10 easy and natural ways to raise the dopamine levels in the body, without using medications. In fact, the Dopamine neurotransmitter is crucial for the well-being and happiness of your body.

Here are 10 amazing ways on how to supercharge your dopamine levels:

  1. Exercise

Regular exercise raises the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin. Additionally, you will not only strengthen your muscles but also reduce your stress in your everyday life.

  1. Avoid Addictions

Addiction to drugs, gambling, alcohol, and shopping, provide an instant satisfaction, however they are not a permanent solution. Addictions lead to less-rewarding lifestyles and can decrease your dopamine levels, so you will need your addictions more often.

  1. Detoxification

Make sure you regularly detoxify your system, as toxins and unhealthy bacteria can prevent your body at producing dopamine.

  1. Increase Tyrosine

Tyrosine is one of the most important chemicals for the production of dopamine levels. Plant-based foods can increase this certain chemical therefore, consume more watermelon, green tea, avocados, almonds, bananas, and dark chocolate.

  1. Music

Make sure to regularly listen the music you enjoy, so you can increase your feel-good chemicals.

  1. Organize your life

When people are organized and finish even the easiest task, they always experience a small rush of dopamine for completing the goal. Therefore, balance tasks to be 10 and 25% of new behaviors, in order to create the highest likelihood of success.

  1. Creativity

Find something that truly inspires you and makes you happy, you do not need to become a world-known artist but try singing, painting, writing, cooking, dancing, sculpturing, drawing, and you will feel much better right away.

  1. Get a Streak Going

The more times you achieve something in a row It makes you happier and increases your dopamine levels. Therefore, you should always find a way to enhance your routine.

  1. Supplementation

Some of these natural supplements will help you boost your dopamine levels:

  • Curcumin, the active ingredient found in turmeric, promotes dopamine production.
  • Ginkgo Biloba raises dopamine levels as well.
  • A healthy dose of Acetyl-l-tyrosine is a building block of dopamine.
  • L-theanine is found in green tea. It increases numerous neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine.
  1. Meditation

Meditation raises the levels of dopamine in a deeper way than cardio exercises. Also, it improves your mood, makes you more calm and relaxed, which will enable you to reduce stress.


Okra Controls Hunger And Diabetes, Lowers Cholesterol And Removes Fatigue

The hibiscus esculentus, also known as okra, gumbo, kiabo and lady’s fingers is a plant of Ethiopian origin. Thus, has a pleasant taste and a greenish color with tiny seeds that provide extremely healing benefits.

Thanks to its rich nutrient profile, okra has been used as a natural remedy to cure many illnesses and health problems for centuries. In fact, people have been using this vegetable as a way to control diabetes, lower cholesterol, curb cravings and even destroy cancer cells.

Also, you can eat this tender okra plant as a vegetable in salads, broths, stews, and stir-fries. It can bring your meal to another level, thus making it nutritious and delicious at the same time.

Here are the amazing health benefits of okra:

  • Treats fatigue

This veggie is extremely rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. Therefore, it supports the storage of glycogen in the liver and thus increases your energy levels.

  • Lowers cholesterol levels

The consumption of okra prevents fat accumulation and lowers cholesterol levels in the body. Additionally, it improves the production of bile acids in the stool, which then prevents atherosclerosis.

  • Controls diabetes

Okra seeds have alpha-glucosidase, a unique enzyme that breaks down carbs. As a result, it improves the insulin sensitivity of the cells and thus treats diabetes.

  • Prevents food cravings

Okra is abundant in soluble fiber that provides a feeling of satiety and prevents weight gain.

  • Protects from kidney diseases

The active compounds found in okra will improve the function of the kidneys and help you prevent kidney diseases.

  • Controls asthma

Because of its high vitamin C content, this vegetable is of great help in the treatment of asthma.

  • Improves eyesight and strengthens the immune system

Okra is rich in vitamin A, which increases the white blood cell count and thus promotes the immune system.

  • Improves hair health

Okra will improve the quality of your hair and make it shiny, healthy, and soft, while effectively preventing it from dandruff.

  • Fights gastritis

The juice of okra has proven itself as a powerful bacteria fighter, which helps to lower the risk of gastritis.

  • Fights constipation

Okra will stimulate the water absorption, assuring you free motion disposal, that fights constipation.

  • Stops bleeding and strengthen bones

The powerful vitamin K helps to reinforce your bones and promote better blood coagulation.

  • Improves skin health

The high antioxidant content will help you prevent pigmentation and premature aging. Additionally, will make your skin soft and healthy.

  • Prevents sunstroke

By consuming okra you can effectively prevent sunstrokes.


This Artificial Kidney Could Eliminate The Need For Kidney Dialysis

Taking good care of your kidneys it’s of utmost importance. In fact, there are a few steps you can follow that may help you to lower the risk of chronic kidney disease. Mainly, you need to be active, maintain ideal body weight, eat healthily, reduce your blood pressure, and don’t smoke or drink too much alcohol. Thus, chiefly helps to avoid overloading your kidneys.

The kidney play’s vital roles:

  • Helps to maintain the overall fluid balance
  • Regulates and separates minerals from the blood
  • Creates hormones that promote the formation of red blood cells, support bone health and manage blood pressure
  • Filter waste materials from food, medications, and other toxic substances

However, kidneys sometimes fail, this means they aren’t able to clean waste products from the bloodstream anymore. Therefore, dangerous levels of toxins begin to accumulate, leading to a chemical imbalance in the body. Now, a transplant is the only solution to end the stage of kidney failure.

However, there are more than 100 thousand people awaiting a kidney transplant in the United States. And the average wait-time for a kidney is between 3 to 5 years.

Since the waiting list for a transplant is so long, the patients waiting for a new organ are getting dialysis until they can receive a new organ. Yet, when a person can’t receive a kidney organ, they have to stick with dialysis for the rest of their life.

The average life expectancy of people with dialysis is 5 to 10 years. Also, every day 13 people die while waiting for a kidney transplant.

Here’s the artificial kidney that eliminates the need for kidney dialysis:

As a result of this, scientists are developing an artificial kidney that might solve the issue with this organ shortage. It’s a two-part implanted artificial kidney that incorporates recent developments intended to perform various kidney functions. It has special microchips, powered by the heart to realize the actions of a healthful kidney.

Moreover, the artificial kidney contains living renal (kidney) cells that will eventually develop around the chip and simulate a real organ.


25 High Protein Foods That Make You Lose Weight Faster

Protein is the single most important nutrient when it comes to feeling satisfied with your meals while maintaining a weight loss effort. Protein-rich foods have countless health benefits and are usually perceived as catalysts for building lean muscle mass.

In a combination with regular exercise, protein can help you build the body of your dreams. Therefore, when designing a weight-loss meal plan, you should always focus on increasing your protein intake.

Here are 25 high protein foods that make you lose weight faster:

  • Boiled potatoes are a great weight-loss food full of nutrients and protein.
  • Nuts can be an excellent addition to any weight-loss regimen, as they are rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats.
  • Oatmeal is rich in protein and is incredible in regulating the weight, as it increases satiety, and promotes digestion.
  • Chili peppers are excellent tributes to a protein-heavy meal, also they help to reduce the overall fat levels in the body, especially in the abdomen.
  • Broccoli is extremely low in calories, therefore it acts as a stellar weight loss agent at your plate. Additionally, a single stalk contains more than 4gr of protein.
  • Cranberries are abundant in antioxidants and rich in ursolic acid which, decreases obesity, glucose intolerance, and fatty liver disease.
  • Grape nuts although cereal are rich in fiber, minerals, whole grains, and protein.
  • Leafy greens are a ‘must’ addition to your meal, as they are full of protein and fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals.
  • Cottage cheese promotes the fat burning process and contains about 25 grams of protein in only one cup.
  • Dried apricots contain 3.5 grams of protein per one serving. Plus, they are rich in fiber, which helps reduce excess body fat.
  • Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are all rich in protein and fiber.
  • Avocados aside from being delicious, they’re abundant in protein and low in sugars, so they simply are a superfood.
  • Chia seeds have 16.5 grams of protein per 100 grams. Moreover, they contain high amounts of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which also makes them a real superfood.
  • Fatty fish like salmon or mackerel are extremely rich in protein, also they are excellent for losing weight.
  • All Fruits are sources of many essential nutrients, which help the process of weight loss. However, dates, raisins, guava, and prunes are the highest in protein.
  • Grapefruits offer 3 grams of protein in one cup, also, they’re packed with important nutrients that help weight loss.
  • Quinoa offers an unbelievable 14 grams of protein per serving, plus it is one of the best weight loss foods.
  • Cucumbers offer proper hydration, which is excellent for weight loss. Cucumbers can also be a good source of protein.
  • Lean beef is a great source of protein and other healthy nutrients. Also, it prevents the risks of serious health conditions.
  • Eggs are highly nutritious, promote satiety, and aid in weight loss. Also, they’re considered as one of the richest protein sources.
  • Seaweed is one of the best dietary foods which helps to activate the metabolism, also has high protein content.
  • Yogurt prevents weight gain since it is high in iodine. Plus, it helps digestion and improves gut health.
  • Coconut beside the decent amount of protein contains a whopping amount of dietary fiber.
  • Beans and legumes are great sources of protein and fiber. As such, they are able to suppress an unhealthy appetite and create a feeling of satiety.
  • Mushrooms help to control blood sugar levels, balance hormones and help with weight loss.


7 Herbs That Treat Internal Parasites Fast

Parasites have far surpassed epidemic levels in the United States. In fact, more than 85% of Americans have an internal parasite infection. These tough organisms live inside the body while, feeding off from food and blood, at the risk of the host.

There are parasitic infections that go away on their own and don’t require medical treatments. However, many parasites can attack your body and develop serious health issues.

There are certain parasites that stay alive by eating red blood cells and small bits of intestinal tissue. One of the most common reasons that people experience iron deficiency or anemia. Entirely as a result of this iron loss.

On the other hand, some parasite infections lay eggs that can cause itching, irritability, and even insomnia. While others consume your food, leaving you hungry, and unable to gain weight.

The most common factors for getting intestinal parasites:

  • Weak immune system
  • Poor hygiene
  • International travel
  • Living or visiting an area known to have parasites
  • Poor sanitation

The most common symptoms:

  • Stomach pain and tenderness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Bloating and gas
  • Passing a worm in your stool

Luckily, you can boost your body to fight off the harmful parasites in a completely natural and safe way. Simply with the help of these powerful herbs you can finally get rid of the health-robbing critters. These herbs also provide various health benefits, such as supporting your immune system, improving blood flow, and reducing inflammation.

Here are the 7 herbs that treat internal parasites fast:

  1. Thyme

Thyme is one of the best herbs you can use to prevent the growth of parasites. Additionally, thyme awakes the natural defensive system and protects your body from flu, colds, bronchitis, and sinusitis.

  1. Black Walnuts

This type of nut have the ability to cleanse the blood and the intestines. You should simply juice the black walnut hulls juice and use the liquid on the skin to kill off internal parasites.

  1. Garlic

Garlic can do wonders for internal parasites. It kills harmful microorganisms and promotes the removal of heavy metals from the body. Additionally, it repels fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.

  1. Diatomaceous Earth

Effectively kills intestinal parasites, detoxifies the body, and regulates the intestinal flora. You should simply take 1 tablespoon of Diatomaceous earth, once a day for seven days, to easily kill these harmfull parasites.

  1. Curcumin

Curcumin is the active ingredient of turmeric. Its extract has been traditionally used against various diseases, mainly for treating parasitic infections.

  1. Clove

Clove is the only herb that can completely destroy nematode parasites while they are still in egg form. When combined with wormwood and black walnuts, it is even more effective.

  1. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is abundant in antioxidants that prevent damage from free radicals. Additionally, it has potent antibacterial, anti fungal, anti parasitic, and antiviral properties.


Meet The Stunning Blue-Banded Pitta, This Bird Wears a Permanent Xmas Jumper (8 Pics)

his bird is truly something special.

Meet the blue-banded pitta, a highly decorated songbird from south east asia

This charismatic bird which is also known as the ‘jewel of Borneo’, has a truly unique patterning.

The bright red plumage is really the perfect backdrop for the glittering light blue ‘necklace’ that sits across its chest.


It’s not just the males that are this striking in appearance, females are the same other than a slightly different color under the wings and tail.

Despite the birds loud looks, they are still rare to spot in the wild. Because of this, scientists are still discovering the basics of their social behavior.


Check out this stunning bird on video:






They are found in Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia.

For example, researchers observed the pittas making noises without calling to communicate, which is unusual for a bird.

In one instance, after the bird called out for a bit, then it lifted its wings up, puffed its feathers on its belly and then beat its wings like a drum.


As a shy and elusive bird, it likes to live in hilly areas and subtropical forests. In these areas, it likes areas of some disturbance, such as bamboo groves or fallen trees.

Their diet consists of snails, insects, and other similar invertebrates.

The blue-banded pittas can lay up to six eggs in trees or shrubs and even sometimes on the ground.


Due to the birds large range and elusive nature, they are not currently in danger of extinction.

No Bake Peanut Butter Granola Cups, Great Vegan Snack

When it comes to health-conscious, people nowadays seem to pay more attention to their diet and the foods they choose. Therefore, many prefer to make their own homemade recipe to bring more healthy nutrients into their diet. Since, the homemade alternatives are more trustworthy, instead of buying them or having them at a restaurant.

Accordingly, today we present the delicious no bake peanut butter granola cups that are extremely nutritious, and surprisingly easy to make. These irresistible cookies are vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, and refined sugar-free, plus contain only 7 ingredients.

In fact, granola is a very healthy ingredient that delivers healthy fats, protein, fiber, and energy-boosting bits. Additionally, it’s abundant in magnesium, copper, iron, selenium, vitamins B and E, and zinc.

Therefore, the following granola cups are an ideal snack that passes as healthy. Since, they contain all-natural ingredients, which makes them a perfect choice for a quick breakfast, or an energy-boosting snack in the afternoon.

Here’s how to make the no bake peanut butter granola cups:


  • 2 ½ cups granola
  • 1 cup peanuts, chopped
  • 3 tbsp. natural peanut butter or almond butter
  • 3 tbsp. honey or maple syrup (or more if needed)


  • 1 cup natural peanut butter


  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 12 oz. dark chocolate, finely chopped


In a medium-sized bowl merge the granola, chopped peanuts, peanut butter, and honey. If the mixture is too dry, you can add more honey.

Next, grease a cupcake pan and separate the mixture into the containers, the mix is enough for about 12 cupcakes. Press well against the sides of the pan until everything holds together, and make a dent in the center of each cup for the filling. Then, freeze for 5-10 minutes.

Melt the peanut butter and pour it into the center of each granola cup. Again, freeze the pan for extra 5-10 minutes, until the peanut butter is firm.

Lastly, melt the dark chocolate and coconut oil and spoon it on top of the peanut butter filling. Chill the pan until chocolate has set.

You can store the granola cups in an air-tight container in the fridge, or freeze for longer storage time. Enjoy!


10+ Spoiled Cats That Probably Live Better Than You

A spoiled cat doesn’t just have better food (than you do) and an expensive comfy bed, their lives thrive much higher than that. Below are some examples of felines being spoiled by their worshiper. Just don’t get too jealous, will ya?

#1 Personal elevator.

#2 Cat sized bedroom.

#3 Custom made hammock.

#4 Every king needs a kingdom.

#5 Expensive leather couch.

#6 Chalice of kitty.

#7 Who said sushi is just for humans?

#8 Cat playing with his iPad in his tent…

#9 Royal Bedroom.

#10 Now that is a real house!

7 Exercises to Reduce the Size of Your Belly

Reducing the amount of belly fat is quite difficult and challenging. Despite a healthy diet, regular exercise is also required to burn and eliminate the fat.

Yet, despite looking unattractive, abdominal fat raises the risk of heart disease, type II diabetes, as well as various other health issues. Therefore, physical activity can help you feel better, sleep healthy, and stress less.

Here are 7 exercises that will help to reduce the size of your belly:

  • Heavy Side Bend

Start in a standing position with the hands up while holding a dumbbell, and try to bend as much as you can on one side. Then, hold for a few seconds, and repeat on the other side. Do 10 repetitions with both sides.

  • Forward Bend

Stand still and bring your feet together. While maintaining them straight, bend forward and touch the feet with your hands. Repeat 10 times.

  • Mountain Climber

Begin in a push-up position, start jumping on each leg interchangeably while bringing the knees to the chest area.

  • Bicycle

Lie on your back and keep your hands behind the head. Raise the legs in a 90-degree angle and rotate them like riding a bike. Rotate your torso during the movement.

  • V-UPS

Lay down with the arms extended behind the head, bring the feet close together and feet pointing upward. Raise the legs while lifting the entire body off the floor trying to reach the toes. Hold for a couple of seconds, and return to the first position.

  • Plank

Place your body in a push-up position with your elbows at a 90% angle. Make sure your body is in a straight line, and hold as much as you can.

  • Plank Knee to Elbow

Lay down with the face towards the floor, in a plank position. Bring the left knee to the right elbow, hold for a few seconds, and return to the initial position. Do 10 reps with each side.
