This is why some housewives put a sponge in the refrigerator! It’s a good trick to know!

Why do you think some housewives put an ordinary dishwashing sponge (clean and dry) in the refrigerator?

In fact, there is a perfectly rational explanation. And it’s a very useful home trick that everyone can use!

You will need:

– sponges.


First of all, due to its structure and composition, the sponge can absorb extra moisture, so it is a good idea to put it in the compartment for fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Second, the sponge can also absorb unpleasant odors. In this sense, you can put one or more sponges in different compartments of the refrigerator.

But be sure to disinfect them every 2-3 weeks (simply put them in the microwave for 2 minutes or soak them in a 9% vinegar solution).

Thus, a few sponges will be able to serve you for a long time!

Good luck with that!

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