Bloated? Anxious? Nobody Told You These 5 Essential Oils Can Help Reset Your Hormones

Hormones are highly potent substances, which have a great influence on the human body. Therefore, when the hormones are out of balance, they may lead to severe health disorders.

The female hormone, estrogen, affects mood, metabolism, reproduction, sexual function, and growth and development. For this reason, hormones are an important part of the development of secondary female characteristics, especially through puberty.

Nowadays, modern lifestyle causes numerous hormonal imbalances both in men and women. Especially because the women estrogen imbalance is highly influenced by chronic stress, unhealthy diets, car pollutants, and pesticides.

These hormonal imbalances can cause 3 major side-effects. Namely, they are thyroid problems, adrenal fatigue, and estrogen dominance. Therefore, if you encounter some of these disorders start using the following essential oils immediately.

Here are the 5 essential oils that can help reset your hormones:

  • Licorice Oil

Licorice has a bitter sense, so it may not be your favorite flavor. However, it has strong antidepressant properties which are of great help when fighting adrenal fatigue, estrogen dominance, and thyroid problems.

Also, in Chinese medicine, the root is used to treat gastric ulcers and raise metabolism. To utilize the oil, just rub a few drops on the palms and inhale to instantly boost your mood.

  • Basil Oil

Basil essential oil has a super calming effect for both men and women experiencing stress symptoms. Moreover, researchers found that basil oil is 39% more efficient than the placebo drug.

To regulate the hormones, just rub several drops of organic basil oil on your forearms and on the adrenal pressure point on your ears.

  • Myrtle Oil

This oil is especially good if you want to stimulate the function of the thyroid and manage the lower thyroid or ovary imbalance. Additionally, it supports the respiratory system in the case of asthma or a cold.

All you need to do is rub several drops of myrtle oil to the main thyroid points on your body. Also, make sure to include the base of your neck and the place under your big toe.

  • Lavender Oil

This essential oil provides better sleep, relaxes the body and boosts blood circulation. Thus, aids the body to defeat adrenal fatigue and estrogen imbalance.

You need to pour several drops of lavender oil on your pillow just before going to bed. The scent will relax the body, calm you, and promote your sleep.

  • Clary Sage Oil

The method of clary sage oil dates back to Medieval times, it is proven to balance the hormones and alleviate the PMS symptoms.

Just add a few drops to the bath. Afterward, the oil in the combination of the warm water will relieve your cramps and melt away any PMS pains.

Fairbanks scientists stunned to find intact 40,000-year-old steppe bison

As she scraped cold dirt from the remains of an extinct bison, Pam Groves wrinkled her nose at a rotten-egg smell wafting from gristle that still clung to the animal’s bones. She lifted her head to scan the horizon, wary of bears that might be attracted to the flesh of a creature that gasped its last breath 40,000 years ago.

In the type of discovery they have dreamed about for years, Groves and Dan Mann, both researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, in summer 2012 found in the thawing bank of a northern river almost the entire skeleton of a steppe bison that died during the last ice age.

In adventurous work sponsored by the Bureau of Land Management, Mann and Groves have been boating down lonely northern rivers for 15 years looking for scattered bones of ice age mammals, always hoping to find a complete skeleton or mummy of a mammoth, horse, or American lion. In mid-June, on a familiar stretch of river that flows northward on Alaska’s North Slope, they rounded a river bend and saw the skull of a large bison trapped against a willow shrub. Upside-down skull

Groves described the scene: “We were paddling downriver, battling through a nasty squall of hail and wind, thinking about our camping spot about a mile downriver,” she said. “When the hail was just breaking up, we saw the upside-down skull with the lower jaw still attached. The teeth were really white. They stood out.”

The pair landed their inflatable canoe at the base of the 60-foot bluff. Even before they stepped out in their rubber boots, Groves spotted other bones that told her this wasn’t an ordinary site. Though this ever-changing wall had yielded many bones over the years, those were scattered remains of ice-age creatures separated by meandering river action and the crumbling and re-forming of permafrost-cemented bluffs. Mann said their typical discoveries resemble “Pleistocene in a blender.”

“It’s really unusual to find bones that are still articulated (together),” he said. “We’ve never found anything this intact before. I think it’s really exciting when we find single lion bones.”


Groves and Mann spent the next four hours carefully removing soil from the skull. When Mann lifted it out, the spread of the steppe bison’s horns was 43 inches. The record Boone and Crockett modern bison has a horn tip spread of 27 inches. Fairbanks expert on Pleistocene animals Dale Guthrie estimated this bison, which Mann and Groves have nicknamed “Bison Bob,” was a 12-year-old male.

After stowing the skull safely in the front of their canoe, Groves and Mann camped for the night. When they returned to the site, they saw more bones sticking out of frozen bluff sediments. Bones of each leg were still connected by ligaments. Reddish-brown hair clung to some bones.

“When I saw the fur, that’s when I really got excited,” Mann said.

Transporting skull by helicopter

The pair worked the bluff for the next three days, pulling up buckets of river water to thaw the pieces of their rare find. They ended up finding every piece of the animal’s skeleton except for a left shoulder blade.


With a few hundred bison parts attracting blowflies in their camp, Mann and Groves awaited a helicopter they had called to transport the bison to somewhere safer.

Shortly after their find, they used a satellite phone to try and contact archaeologist Mike Kunz, their longtime collaborator at the Bureau of Land Management. Kunz is interested in the ancient Paleoindians that once lived on Alaska’s North Slope and what might have caused both them and bison to disappear about 10,000 years ago. Bad weather kept Kunz pinned down at the archaeological site he was digging several hundred miles away, but a helicopter arrived near Mann and Groves and transported Bison Bob to a North Slope BLM camp. There, someone put the bones in a predator-proof case.




Okra Controls Hunger And Diabetes, Lowers Cholesterol And Removes Fatigue

The hibiscus esculentus, also known as okra, gumbo, kiabo and lady’s fingers is a plant of Ethiopian origin. Thus, has a pleasant taste and a greenish color with tiny seeds that provide extremely healing benefits.

Thanks to its rich nutrient profile, okra has been used as a natural remedy to cure many illnesses and health problems for centuries. In fact, people have been using this vegetable as a way to control diabetes, lower cholesterol, curb cravings and even destroy cancer cells.

Also, you can eat this tender okra plant as a vegetable in salads, broths, stews, and stir-fries. It can bring your meal to another level, thus making it nutritious and delicious at the same time.

Here are the amazing health benefits of okra:

  • Treats fatigue

This veggie is extremely rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. Therefore, it supports the storage of glycogen in the liver and thus increases your energy levels.

  • Lowers cholesterol levels

The consumption of okra prevents fat accumulation and lowers cholesterol levels in the body. Additionally, it improves the production of bile acids in the stool, which then prevents atherosclerosis.

  • Controls diabetes

Okra seeds have alpha-glucosidase, a unique enzyme that breaks down carbs. As a result, it improves the insulin sensitivity of the cells and thus treats diabetes.

  • Prevents food cravings

Okra is abundant in soluble fiber that provides a feeling of satiety and prevents weight gain.

  • Protects from kidney diseases

The active compounds found in okra will improve the function of the kidneys and help you prevent kidney diseases.

  • Controls asthma

Because of its high vitamin C content, this vegetable is of great help in the treatment of asthma.

  • Improves eyesight and strengthens the immune system

Okra is rich in vitamin A, which increases the white blood cell count and thus promotes the immune system.

  • Improves hair health

Okra will improve the quality of your hair and make it shiny, healthy, and soft, while effectively preventing it from dandruff.

  • Fights gastritis

The juice of okra has proven itself as a powerful bacteria fighter, which helps to lower the risk of gastritis.

  • Fights constipation

Okra will stimulate the water absorption, assuring you free motion disposal, that fights constipation.

  • Stops bleeding and strengthen bones

The powerful vitamin K helps to reinforce your bones and promote better blood coagulation.

  • Improves skin health

The high antioxidant content will help you prevent pigmentation and premature aging. Additionally, will make your skin soft and healthy.

  • Prevents sunstroke

By consuming okra you can effectively prevent sunstrokes.

This Adorable Dog Is In Love With A Fluffy White Dog Named Bentley, They Are Both So Cute!

Meet this cute dog named Phoenix. She is in love with a dog next door. Actually Phoenix got caught crushing so hard ‘her neighbor’.

Her owner caught her in some undeniable proof. A lovely video of Phoenix has gone viral in Internet.

She was so happy while peering through a small hole in her backyard fence.

It looks like Phoenix is in love with a fluffy white dog named Bentley.


What Happens When You Don’t Wash Your Sheets

No one loves laundry day. Yet, if you’re thinking you can go more than 7 days without stripping your bed you are terribly wrong. You may not realize it, but lying in sheets full of germs and bacteria could be extremely harmful to your health.

On the other hand, if you are washing the bedsheets regularly, you are probably a person who sticks to a regular schedule discipline. Hence, this choice will keep you away from fungi, bacteria, pollen, also it won’t necessarily make you sick.

Also, you should consider that every week you spend from 49 to 63 hours between your sheets. Thus, producing sweat, dead skin, germs, oil, dirt, also allows for bacterias plenty of time to build-up.

Here are several issues that happen when you don’t wash your sheets:

  • Dust mites

Tiny organisms nearly invisible to the naked eye, they mainly gather in areas where they don’t get disturbed, such as the bedroom. They can cause allergies, aggravate asthma, and even lead to an eczema flare-up.

  • Bacteria and viruses

Daily humans shed around 10g of skin cells on their sheets. Plus, the saliva and sweat we leave on the bed make a perfect environment for bacteria and viruses to grow. In fact, pillowcases have over 17.000 times more bacteria than a single toilet seat.

  • Acne

If you notice your skin starting to look more vulnerable, you probably should change your pillowcase. Since bacteria, dead skin cells, and dirt piled on the pillowcase can trigger acne.

  • Bed bugs

When bed bugs infest, they will leave blood stains on sheets, as they are blood-sucking insects. Therefore, if you wake up with itchy bite marks you should wash the bed sheets with hot water.

  • Pet Hair

If you love sleeping with your pets, you should be extremely careful. Since their hair makes the bed even more attractive to dust mites.

Here are a few tips on how to properly wash your sheets to stay healthy:

  • Turn back the bed covers to let the moisture dry for a few minutes
  • You should wash the covers more often if you are ill, sleep naked, or go to bed without showering
  • Wash the entire pillows at least twice a year, along with the duvets and other coverings
  • Change your sheets once a week and wash them with hot water to disinfect them
  • Vacuum the entire mattress surface a few times a year
  • Change the sheets often if you sleep with your kids or pets, eat in bed, or sweat a lot

It’s Unbelievable How Much This ‘Scary’ Dog Changed In 8 Months After Being Rescued From The Streets

They called him Frodo. Maybe because the shaggy remains of his coat looked a little like the curly hair of Lord of the Rings character Frodo Baggins. But for a while, however, the miserable stray doggie was more like the repulsive Gollum rather than the alter ego of Elijah Wood.

Last May, someone saw a starving pup wandering around in Croatia. The tiny creature was covered with mange, and his eyes were under attack by infection. According to some, Frodo looked scary like the devil. Nonetheless, he needed help and was soon taken to veteran animal rescuer Klaudija Sigurnjak.

“I was stunned,” Klaudija told The Dodo. “I could hardly believe it was really a dog. I immediately set about rescuing him.” After winning Frodo’s trust with food, Sigurnjak gave all the care the puppy needed to start his life anew. At first, however, it seemed like an impossible task. “He was full of fleas and ticks, and starved to the bone. We were not sure whether or not he’d survive.”

But even though nobody could save Frodo’s right eye, he proved to be the toughest fighter. Together with his fur, Frodo has regrown his spirit as well. “His transformation was phenomenal,” Sigurnjak said. “We never dreamt that he would be so beautiful.” After his amazing recovery, Frodo was put up for adoption, and quickly found his new family.


Napping More Can Improve Your Love Life, Reduce Stress And Much More

Nowadays, modern busy lifestyles are often at odds among many healthy ambitions. Therefore, many people are too busy with lots of activities, which in the end makes us chronically sleep-deprived.

Luckily, power naps exist and they are highly helpful and beneficial. In fact, napping boosts the function of the brain, improves problem-solving, perceptual learning, object learning, verbal memory, and statistical learning.

Moreover, napping helps to relieve anxiety, assists in weight loss, improve heart health and lowers blood pressure.

Here are 3 different categories of naps:

  • Habitual napping

Habitual napping is when a person demands a nap at the same time every single day. Young children habitually fall asleep at about the same time each afternoon, while numerous adults take a short nap every day after lunch.

  • Planned napping

Planned napping taking a nap before one gets sleepy. People usually use this technique to prevent fatigue and tiredness, generally when one knows that he will stay up later than usual.

  • Emergency napping

This type of emergencies occurs when somebody suddenly feels like it can’t engage in certain activities. This type of naps often helps with sleepy driving or operating dangerous machinery.

Moreover, Albert Einstein is also known for being a big fan of regular nap rest. These naps help to charge up the brain’s batteries as much as eight hours tucked up in bed. In fact, taking a nap is like restarting your brain.

Here are some of the benefits of napping which can improve your life, reduce stress, and more:

  • 20 Minute Nap – Develops mental alertness, boosts memory, and improves motor learning skills.
  • 20 To 30 Minute Nap – Encourages creativity and boosts memory.
  • 30 To 60 Minute Nap – Powers up your decision-making skills and improves memory/
  • 60 To 90 Minute Nap – This is the most beneficial nap type, which ensures Rapid Eye Movement, improves sleep, resets the brain and has a dramatic effect on the problem-solving skills.

Therefore, practice napping each day and enjoy its health benefits.

Pilot Was Battling Massive Wildfire But An Wild Owl Decided To Make Him A Good Company

Meet Dan Alpiner who is a helicopter pilot. He has been battling massive wildfire in California. But one day he got stunned by something he saw. “I saw this flutter out of the corner of my eye,” Alpiner told The Dodo.

“I looked over, a little spooked, and we locked eyes.”

Pilot noticed a wild owl entering the aircraft. The owl decided to seat next to Alpiner.

“He just kind of chilled out,” Alpiner said. “I was really surprised. He was super friendly — like he just wanted to say hi.”

But later owl decided to fly out the window. Alpiner’s not sure what to make of that unbelievable encounter.

“I’m still trying to comprehend it. It was just unreal,” Alpiner said.

“It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime kind of things.”

This was such a cute moment that Alpiner will never forget.


1 Simple Remedy to Naturally Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea Fast

Snoring is loud breathing during sleep that sounds like obnoxious rattling, and is extremely annoying. Also, snoring is one of the most irritating sounds to offer your partner get a good night’s sleep. In fact, this issue is actually one of the leading causes of divorce.

Rest is extremely crucial for your health, and none of us are ‘super happy’ when we aren’t getting a sufficient amount of sleep. Moreover, if you’re constantly awoken by your partner, you get up frustrated and your health is being seriously damaged.

Snoring occurs when air moves through relaxed tissues in your throat. Therefore, if you eliminate the build-up of mucus in your throat and the nasal passage you will free up the airways, and stop the annoying snoring. So, we’re suggesting a natural juice for clearing up this mucus and improving your nutrition and health.

Drinking fresh juices is one of the most efficient ways of consuming vitamins and nutrients that boost your immune system. Also, this following juice solution will help you reduce the chances of getting viruses that cause nasal congestion. Plus, it severely reduces the mucus build-up, leaving you with a clear nasal passage.

Here’s how to naturally get rid of snoring, juice recipe:


  • ¼ of a Lemon
  • 1 piece of Ginger
  • 2 Carrots
  • 2 Apples


At first, wash all the ingredients. Take them, peel and cut it into several slices. Then, blend everything and your whole natural juice against snoring is set. You should drink the juice a few hours before bedtime, in order to stop snoring.

Moreover, you should avoid eating dairy, stop smoking and drinking loads of alcohol, which can contribute toward snoring.

Hence, by excluding these foods or, at least, reducing them as much as possible, can contribute greatly to snoring. On the other hand, consuming freshly made juices containing natural, raw ingredients high in anti-inflammatory properties will help you get rid of snoring and boost your overall health.

Dying Lion Had No Hope Of Survival – But Then She Found Love

Kahn and Sheila belonged to the same owner who used to rent them for photo ops and parties like many of his other lion cubs. Luckily, the two lions were rescued by Texas’ In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center, but months apart. 6-year-old Kahn was malnourished and the end of his tail was chewed off, probably because of stress and boredom, but he was easy to treat due to his friendly character. Sheila, on the other hand, was dying.

15-month-old Sheila was so weak, she couldn’t even stand up. She lay lifeless and vomited all the time but the rescue refused to give up on her. “For two weeks Vicky [the rescue’s founder] had to hand feed Sheila – rolling up meatballs and pushing them down her throat,” In-Sync’s Angela Culver told Bored Panda.

Sheila also had toxoplasmosis, an illness that results in a loss of appetite and lethargy, but Keahey kept on treating her and she began to recover. “It took some time to recover, but they both did” Culver said of Sheila and Kahn.

The two were moved next door to each other and it was love at first sight. After 3 months of ‘dating,’ the two majestic lions were let to get ‘married’ and have been living in the same enclosure ever since. They’re crazy for each other! And the guy who abused them? He got his license revoked and is no longer allowed to keep exotic animals.


25 High Protein Foods That Make You Lose Weight Faster

Protein is the single most important nutrient when it comes to feeling satisfied with your meals while maintaining a weight loss effort. Protein-rich foods have countless health benefits and are usually perceived as catalysts for building lean muscle mass.

In a combination with regular exercise, protein can help you build the body of your dreams. Therefore, when designing a weight-loss meal plan, you should always focus on increasing your protein intake.

Here are 25 high protein foods that make you lose weight faster:

  • Boiled potatoes are a great weight-loss food full of nutrients and protein.
  • Nuts can be an excellent addition to any weight-loss regimen, as they are rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats.
  • Oatmeal is rich in protein and is incredible in regulating the weight, as it increases satiety, and promotes digestion.
  • Chili peppers are excellent tributes to a protein-heavy meal, also they help to reduce the overall fat levels in the body, especially in the abdomen.
  • Broccoli is extremely low in calories, therefore it acts as a stellar weight loss agent at your plate. Additionally, a single stalk contains more than 4gr of protein.
  • Cranberries are abundant in antioxidants and rich in ursolic acid which, decreases obesity, glucose intolerance, and fatty liver disease.
  • Grape nuts although cereal are rich in fiber, minerals, whole grains, and protein.
  • Leafy greens are a ‘must’ addition to your meal, as they are full of protein and fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals.
  • Cottage cheese promotes the fat burning process and contains about 25 grams of protein in only one cup.
  • Dried apricots contain 3.5 grams of protein per one serving. Plus, they are rich in fiber, which helps reduce excess body fat.
  • Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are all rich in protein and fiber.
  • Avocados aside from being delicious, they’re abundant in protein and low in sugars, so they simply are a superfood.
  • Chia seeds have 16.5 grams of protein per 100 grams. Moreover, they contain high amounts of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which also makes them a real superfood.
  • Fatty fish like salmon or mackerel are extremely rich in protein, also they are excellent for losing weight.
  • All Fruits are sources of many essential nutrients, which help the process of weight loss. However, dates, raisins, guava, and prunes are the highest in protein.
  • Grapefruits offer 3 grams of protein in one cup, also, they’re packed with important nutrients that help weight loss.
  • Quinoa offers an unbelievable 14 grams of protein per serving, plus it is one of the best weight loss foods.
  • Cucumbers offer proper hydration, which is excellent for weight loss. Cucumbers can also be a good source of protein.
  • Lean beef is a great source of protein and other healthy nutrients. Also, it prevents the risks of serious health conditions.
  • Eggs are highly nutritious, promote satiety, and aid in weight loss. Also, they’re considered as one of the richest protein sources.
  • Seaweed is one of the best dietary foods which helps to activate the metabolism, also has high protein content.
  • Yogurt prevents weight gain since it is high in iodine. Plus, it helps digestion and improves gut health.
  • Coconut beside the decent amount of protein contains a whopping amount of dietary fiber.
  • Beans and legumes are great sources of protein and fiber. As such, they are able to suppress an unhealthy appetite and create a feeling of satiety.
  • Mushrooms help to control blood sugar levels, balance hormones and help with weight loss.

Motorcyclist stops to give water to thirsty armadillo

Sometimes wild animals need a little human kindness, and there are some kind people willing to go out of their way to help them out.

Like one man, who pulled over on the side of the road to make one thirsty armadillo’s day by providing it with some much-needed water.

Last month, Nelson Cardoso, from Brazil, was riding his motorcycle down when he noticed an armadillo trying to cross the busy highway. According to The Dodo, he pulled his bike over to help get the animal out of danger.

“Hey little friend, it’s not good to be near the road,” he said to the armadillo.

The armadillo, apparently understanding that the man was there to help, seemed to accept him as a friend: “Normally, they’re skittish. But he approached me without fear,” Nelson told The Dodo.

It was a hot day, and Nelson decided his new friend might need a cold drink. He got a jug of water, and poured it out to the armadillo, who happily accepted and drank it up.

“Come on and drink, pal,” he tells the armadillo. “Drink some water, that drought’s bad.”

Once the armadillo happily had its fill of water, Nelson moved him away from the road so it wouldn’t get into any harm.

He posted his adorable interaction on TikTok, where it has been viewed more than 2 million times.

“It was a privilege to be able to help you,” he captioned the video.

What a heartwarming video. Thank you to Nelson for going out of your way to help this armadillo — it’s clear it appreciated your kindness.

Share this adorable story!


Spiders Actually Have Tiny Paws, And It Might Change The Way You Look At Them (13 Photos)

Every animal in the world deserves respect and love, but if we’re plain honest, a lot of us humans are sort of scared of spiders, if not terrified. However, we recently learned that these animals might just be very misunderstood and also, they have tiny adorable paws!

They’re fairly unnoticed by most people since we hadn’t dare look that close. But when you zoom into pictures of spiders and their very complicated legs – which do more than just carry them around – you’ll notice their tiny little paws. Perhaps it’ll take us humans some time to still fully embrace the hidden adorableness of spiders, but here’s a look at their paws – hey, we gotta start somewhere!



cute spider paws




cute spider paws



cute spider paws



adorable spider paws



adorable spider paws



adorable spider paws



adorable spider paws



adorable spider paws



adorable spider photos



adorable spider photos



adorable spider photos



adorable spider photos

Before You Go…

Please check out our friends at Best Friends Designs. Contribute to a great cause while getting a beautifully designed t-shirt. Every item sold on their website will count towards a monthly donation to help rescue efforts and shelter animals in need.

To help the animals and get a beautifully designed t-shirt, click the image below:

love paws


No Bake Peanut Butter Granola Cups, Great Vegan Snack

When it comes to health-conscious, people nowadays seem to pay more attention to their diet and the foods they choose. Therefore, many prefer to make their own homemade recipe to bring more healthy nutrients into their diet. Since, the homemade alternatives are more trustworthy, instead of buying them or having them at a restaurant.

Accordingly, today we present the delicious no bake peanut butter granola cups that are extremely nutritious, and surprisingly easy to make. These irresistible cookies are vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, and refined sugar-free, plus contain only 7 ingredients.

In fact, granola is a very healthy ingredient that delivers healthy fats, protein, fiber, and energy-boosting bits. Additionally, it’s abundant in magnesium, copper, iron, selenium, vitamins B and E, and zinc.

Therefore, the following granola cups are an ideal snack that passes as healthy. Since, they contain all-natural ingredients, which makes them a perfect choice for a quick breakfast, or an energy-boosting snack in the afternoon.

Here’s how to make the no bake peanut butter granola cups:


  • 2 ½ cups granola
  • 1 cup peanuts, chopped
  • 3 tbsp. natural peanut butter or almond butter
  • 3 tbsp. honey or maple syrup (or more if needed)


  • 1 cup natural peanut butter


  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 12 oz. dark chocolate, finely chopped


In a medium-sized bowl merge the granola, chopped peanuts, peanut butter, and honey. If the mixture is too dry, you can add more honey.

Next, grease a cupcake pan and separate the mixture into the containers, the mix is enough for about 12 cupcakes. Press well against the sides of the pan until everything holds together, and make a dent in the center of each cup for the filling. Then, freeze for 5-10 minutes.

Melt the peanut butter and pour it into the center of each granola cup. Again, freeze the pan for extra 5-10 minutes, until the peanut butter is firm.

Lastly, melt the dark chocolate and coconut oil and spoon it on top of the peanut butter filling. Chill the pan until chocolate has set.

You can store the granola cups in an air-tight container in the fridge, or freeze for longer storage time. Enjoy!

16-Year-Old Cat Finds Love Again After Losing The Only Home He Ever Knew

Orion is a 16-year-old cat that had only known the love of one home for his entire life so when he lost that home, the feline cutie was having a tough time adapting to the place that took him in, which was the Kitty Adventure Rescue League, located in Fort Worth, Texas.

Upon coming to the cat sanctuary, Orion was quite shy and since the place was strange for him, he kept hiding for an entire week. However, as soon as he realized he was now in his new forever home and there was loving everywhere awaiting him patiently, the cat couldn’t contain himself and started to show his gratefulness purring and loving the people and other cats around him and now this fur ball is living happily, as every cat should.












Before You Go…

Please check out our friends at Best Friends Designs. Contribute to a great cause while getting a beautifully designed t-shirt. Every item sold on their website will count towards a monthly donation to help rescue efforts and shelter animals in need.

To help the animals and get a beautifully designed t-shirt, click the image below:


love paws


Dentists Explain 7 Habits That Ruin Your Teeth and Gums (And How to Fix It)

Oral health has a great impact on your overall health, yet many people have never thought of it before. Taking good care of your oral cavity will help you ward off many medical disorders such as diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.

Poor oral health can increase the growth of bacteria, and leave you with gingivitis, periodontitis or trench mouth. Moreover, not regularly brushing and flossing your teeth may lead to loss of teeth, gum disease or even cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, now it’s a perfect time to take the advice of dental experts and stop doing certain things you normally do without even thinking.

Here are 7 habits that ruin your teeth and gums:

1. Opening things

You may be really proud of specific opening actions you can manage with your teeth. However, you shouldn’t use your teeth to open bags, soda cans or other similar things. Since it may raise the odds of breaking or cracking one or more teeth.

2. Tobacco

Using tobacco increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancers. Additionally, snuffing and smoking tobacco leaves permanent stains on your teeth.

3. Bite your nails

Biting off bits and pieces of your nails it’s not only a habit or a tic but, rather a disorder. Inserting your nails in your mouth is extremely bad for your health, as millions of bacteria can build up in the oral cavity.

4. Sugar

Besides, high sugar consumption leads to lots of health problems such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity. You also increase the levels of bacteria and toxins in your body.

5. Clenching the jaw and grinding the teeth

Tooth grinding and jaw clenching raise the risk of a misaligned jaw and deterioration of the teeth.

6. Acidic foods

Although the advantages of these foods are great for your health. Excess consumption damages tooth enamel while, doubling your risk of cavities and oral disease.

7. Piercings (cheek, lip, and tongue)

Clenching your jaws and grinding your teeth increases your risk of tooth displacement, and gum withdrawal, which can lead to tooth loss.

Tips on how to reverse damage to teeth and gums:

Follow proper oral care, brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. Also, cut down the following unhealthy habits:

  • Binge eating
  • Biting pencils and pens
  • Brushing aggressively
  • Snacks
  • Crushing ice with your teeth
  • Risking on playing sports without proper protection
  • Extreme consumption of wine and coffee