The Man Who Moved Millions After His Long Fight To Save Him Says Goodbye To His Dog

All the moments that we spend with our loved ones have an indescribable value that we treasure in the bottom of our hearts. And something very similar happens with our pets, who for many become like a member of the family.

But just as we enjoy so many adventures at his side, we know that his going through this land has a limit. When they get sick and the time comes when they have to leave this world, it is the most bitter drink that no owner wants to go through.

No one is prepared for a goodbye like this

It is the drama of Merv Tolentino Dumanat, from Taguig, Philippines, who through his social networks, was sharing for a few months, day after day, his suffering after his beloved dog Shadow was diagnosed, a delicate disease of the blood.

Merv touched the hearts of many and the story of Shadow began to go around the world, to the point that millions of people followed minute by minute the relapses, the treatments, the diagnoses, the transfusions….

At every step throughout his dog’s illness, he always expected a miracle, just imagining his farewell horrified him …

The adorable Siberian husky shared touching moments with his owner and his page is full of heartbreaking messages, which managed to make Shadow’s story viral:

A dog doesn’t care if you are rich or poor, smart or boring, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he will give you his … Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives complete. Always! ”Merv wrote.

Until unfortunately the inexorable happened and Shadow crossed the rainbow, as recounted by Merv in the midst of indescribable pain:

I lost my best friend, my son, my travel friend and my everything. It’s hard to move forward when every part and everything you see in your house, your phone, etc., is about him. I wish I could do something to ease this pain, ”Merv exclaimed, devastated.

These little short lives that our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to get home every day,” he added.

Merv culminated with a moving message, which he accompanied alongside the heartbreaking moment Shadow was buried at Pet Valley Park and Crematory:

I don’t know how to start without Shadow in my life. I can’t stop crying and I can’t sleep. I don’t know how to go ahead and ease the pain. I did everything I could to save you, my love. I wish it was a nightmare that I would have liked to wake up from. Dad doesn’t know how to wake up without you. There are many more travel goals. We should celebrate your birthday. Dad will always love you. I feel like I’ve lost another part of my heart and soul. Shadow is my everything. God, help me! “, He said touching the most sensitive chord of thousands in the networks.

How to help him endure so much pain?

Now you can run free. I love you. No more pain, no injections, no medications. I will always love you in every beat of my heart, to the moon and back, “he concluded.

In the video you can see how Merv and his entire family were truly saying goodbye to another relative.

It’s heartbreaking!

Indeed, saying goodbye to a loved one is one of the hardest things around, as Merv put it.

Now you know that from the other side of the rainbow they will celebrate their sixth birthday. In addition, he thanked all the people who followed the Shadow process and flooded his networks with messages of solidarity and support:

Words are not enough to express how grateful I am for all your beautiful messages. I do my best to read and respond to each one. It is incredibly beautiful! “

Be sure to share this moving news with your friends and let’s send a message of solidarity to Merv and all those pet owners who have to say goodbye to their loyal companions.


How To Remove Bloated Belly In Just 60 Seconds With This Incredible Belly-Fat-Burning Recipe!

No one likes a bloated, big round belly. Yet, nowadays this certain issue is getting more common among individuals of all ages. Therefore, everyone who struggles with a bloated belly searches for a way to get rid of it. Fortunately, here’s an amazing recipe that will do wonders with belly fat burning.

Bloating usually feels like having a huge balloon inside your stomach, and there is a certain type of discomfort. According to people’s experiences, bloating is usually followed by uneasiness and a sense of being overweight. Fortunately, the following quick remedy may help people to get rid of a bloated belly very quickly.

Although there are many theories on how to get rid of a bloated belly, here’s an amazing recipe that does wonders to this health issue. In fact, the following tonic recipe is extremely easy to make and is bound to cure a bloated belly in no time. In addition, you will get a bunch of healthy nutrients if you are consuming it regularly.

The beverage has nearly no calories and instantly acts as a mighty fat burner, therefore the remedy is more than welcome on the health market. Moreover, the liquid disallows water retention and balance the electrolytes, which won’t get the same effects as by solely drinking plain water. Therefore, this drink will surely help you to speed up your metabolism.

Here’s how to remove bloated belly in just 60 seconds:


  • 67 oz / 2l water
  • 12 small mint leaves
  • 1 medium-sized lemon, finely sliced
  • 1 medium-sized cucumber, peeled and finely sliced
  • 1 tsp. freshly grated ginger


In a pitcher, mix all ingredients together. Then, let the mixture soak for an hour. Now, since your drink is ready, you should drink 8-10 glasses on a daily basis each day.

In a very short time, you will improve the digestion process, suppress your appetite and eliminate bloating.

Street Boy Adopts A Homeless Dog And They Stay Together All The Time To Avoid Being Alone

For a street child, loneliness and helplessness are some of the hardest things to bear. Not to mention the anguish of uncertain destiny, not even knowing if that day he will be able to put something in his mouth. But if a faithful friend appears on that difficult path, everything changes color…

A pet is the living example of pure love, offering you something wonderful every day without expecting anything in return. When you have a pet, they teach you to love without conditions, you learn the value of loyalty, commitment and reciprocity.

A little street boy was left to his own, but he has the love of a faithful little dog

Maria Kabs is a citizen of Manila, Philippines, who through his social network shared photos and videos of a little boy and his cute pet, making his moving story viral.

The boy is called Rommel Quemenales, with only 11 years old he lives on the streets of Quezon City, in the Philippines, and his story has been completely moved on social networks.

The little Filipino boy adopted his puppy three years ago, which he named Badgi.

The boy found the little dog on the street and so that neither of them continues in their solitude, he decided to adopt him.

His parents separated when he was very young, he was abandoned and without any financial help. He has an older sister who lives in a nearby city, Rommel always visits her when he can. He has received unfair treatment on several occasions, either by children or even by the police themselves, stealing the few coins he manages to collect.

  I only ask for coins, I don’t steal anything,” says Rommel.

The main objective of Maria Kabs was to spread the story of Rommel and get help in some way, since the state in which the little boy lives is not the most appropriate.

Here you can see part of the daily life of little Rommel who has touched so many hearts:

These are some of the photos and videos of Rommel with Badgi. Please share with everyone to help him and his dog, “said Kabs about the street child, in one of his publications.

Living on the streets of Quezon, the boy was alone, but since he has Badgi he has found a friend with whom he has great company, whenever he can, he teaches him tricks and has fun whenever he can with him.

Rommel Quemenales’ biggest dream is to go back to school. He only had the opportunity to reach the second grade of the school, wishing every day to obtain more knowledge. He wants to have the best collaboration so that he can return to his hometown, Bulacan, finish his studies and become an actor at some point in his life.

Thanks to the efforts of many people and the viral story of the boy with Badgi, little Rommel is in his hometown, attending classes and creating a better future with his great canine friend.

This little boy, regardless of everything that has happened in his life, is still full of love and he shows it to us with this great friendship he has created with his dog.

One of the ways Rommel made a living was by singing songs that were in vogue in his country. You can see him performing a piece, below:

Badgi is with him without caring about anything. He does not care if he lives in a mansion or in a cardboard house, the only important thing in this relationship is the mutual love that exists between the two of them. Rommel and Badgi’s story is really moving!

How To Plant Lemon In A Cup At Home (Smells So Good!)

People who eat fruits as part of a healthy diet have a lower risk of developing chronic diseases. As a matter of fact, fruits are high in fiber, folate, vitamin C, and potassium, among other nutrients.

Everybody loves these delicious fruits. In fact, lemons are extremely popular all around the world, as they are used in cooking, baking, even in the preparation of various refreshment drinks. The flavor is typically a combination of sweet, sour, and bitter. Thus, making them a fantastic ingredient in almost every recipe. Plus, every part of the lemon, from peel to flesh, can be used and enjoyed.

With this in mind, it’s best to grow a lemon tree in your home and have an endless supply of these fruits. In this way, you will be able to enjoy high-quality fruits with fresh flavor, more nutrients, and most importantly no chemicals.

Here’s how to plant lemon in a cup at home:

  • Buy organic lemons, and remove the seeds from them. You’ll need about 5-10 lemon seeds.
  • Make sure the seeds are clean, as any clinging flesh and sugar might foster a fungal disease, that will eventually kill off the seed.
  • It’s also useful to soak the seeds in water, in order to help the removal of any pulp residues and natural sugars. Next, dry the seeds in paper towels and remove any remaining pulp with tweezers.
  • Fill a cup or a small pot with potting soil. It’s better to use a combination of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite as it keeps the soil from becoming too condensed or too moist.
  • Now, moisten the dirt, so it remains damp throughout all of the soil.
  • Plant the seeds with the pointy end turned downside.
  • Cover with half an inch of soil.
  • Press the soil on top of the seeds and water it lightly.
  • Cover the pot with plastic wrap, to aid in water retention.
  • Poke a few holes in the transparent wrap.
  • Place the cup in a sunny spot, and occasionally water it.
  • In about 2 weeks, the first shoots will appear, so take the plastic wrap off.
  • The plant will need to be exposed to direct sunlight, therefore make sure the young plant gets 8 full hours of light daily.
  • When the plant outgrows the container, transfer it to a larger one.

In a couple of weeks, your home will be filled with the delicate and pleasant lemony scent.

73-year-old elephant cries after being rescue from 50 years of captivity

Working for an animal rescue organization is a difficult job since you have to witness a lot of animals in sad situations. But you also get to help ease animals’ suffering, and you get to experience pure joy when they finally escape a life of suffering.

The rescue of 73-year-old elephant Sook Jai is the perfect example of this.

After many years of working hard and being mistreated, Sook Jai was no longer able to keep up.

During her life in captivity, she was passed around to different owners for various jobs. The elephant had been forced to work in tourist trekking and street begging, but her health started to deteriorate as she got older. She became blind and lost most of her hearing.

Fortunately, the good people at Elephant Nature Park learned of Sook Jai’s situation and stepped in to give her a new home at their sanctuary.

The rescue center (which is connected to the Save Elephant Foundation) is located in Thailand. Sook Jai would finally have all the beautiful days she deserved.

In the video description they share:

“Sook Jai had the good fortune of being found by a caring soul who wanted to help to change her life. She was twice lucky when Joan Baez chose to help sponsor SookJai to living free from cruelty for the rest of her life.”

Once everything was in order, a group of people traveled to pick up Sook Jai. They were prepared to make a 20-hour journey back to the sanctuary.

The 73-year-old elephant wasn’t in a healthy condition when they first got her into their custody.

Many wounds were found on her head and body from the abuse she’d endured.

During the long ride, the rescuers worked to help care for SookJai and keep her comfortable.

Although they could tell that the poor creature was hungry, she refused to eat. She was tired, exhausted, and unaware of what type of life was just around the corner.

They were like her angels on earth. Elephant Nature Park’s team warmed the truck when it was cold, and cooled the elephant down when it was hot.

Likely, Sook Jai wasn’t used to being treated with such kindness.

At one point during the journey, an emotional moment was captured on film. Sook Jai began to cry. In the video, the elephant can be seen with actual tears rolling down her face.

It’s a sight that’s pulling on heartstrings.

One viewer wrote:

“I cried the moment I saw she cried and waving her trunk. She knows she’s free now. Please save and rescue more and more elephants, together we can do it!”

Sook Jai was finally in her loving forever home.

Near the end of the video, the truck pulls up to the sanctuary after their long trip. Although the blind elephant can’t actually see her new home – she soon discovers what a life of peace is all about.

They end the video saying…

“Her life will be without any restraints. She will remain free, as she deserves.”

This rescue story is so beautiful and heartwarming. If you enjoyed it, check out the other videos on elephantnews‘ page.

Check out Sook Jai’s touching story below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.



7 Infused Water Recipes That Help You Stop Drinking Soda

Bored with your everyday water habits or you want to eliminate soda from your life, then you are in the right place. These infused water recipes make an excellent replacement that will help your organism work better, including numerous potential health benefits.

In fact, you are allowed to use any mixture of contemporary fruits and herbs. On the other hand, if you are a beginner in this area, we will share some exciting and healthy recipes. At first, make sure you have one bigger glass container.

For example, you’ll need the following:

  • A pitcher or glass
  • Ice
  • A spoon

Here are the 7 infused water recipes, that are extremely healthy:

1. Thyme Grapefruit Lime water 

Take a glass and add 4 cubes of ice, filling it with approximately half of the glass. Then, add few slices of grapefruit, 4 slices of lime, and some fresh thyme. Push the thyme down with a spoon to make it match in the glass. Lastly, add water and stir with your spoon, and enjoy.

2. Basil Apple Ginger Water 

At first, take your pitcher and fill it halfway with ice. Then, pour 5 thin slices of a green apple, and add fresh ginger shavings, as well as 8 basil leaves. Fill the pitcher up with water, and stir with a straw.

3. Strawberry Blueberry mint Infused water

This recipe is a classic, again fill your pitcher halfway with ice. Only, now you should add one hand full of strawberries, as well as blueberries. Add water, and top off with a couple of mint leaves.

4. Lavender Lemon water

Put ice in half of your pitcher, and add 5 lemon slices. Next, top it off with water and add a couple of small handfuls of fresh lavender. Stir and enjoy!

5. Cucumber Mint Lemon Infused Water

Slice ½ cucumber in extra-thin slices, then also slice ½ lemon in the same way. Then add ice to your pitcher and add the cucumber and lemon, mixed with a few mint leaves. Pour over with water and enjoy.

6. Green Tea Lemon Mint water with Honey

This is basically a cup of green tea, just with lemon and mint. To make this drink, you need to fill half of your pitcher with ice, then add 6 slices of lemon, a few leaves of mint, and some green tea. Stir well, and add honey on the top.

7. Lemon Grapefruit Orange Water with Rosemary

At first, you should prepare 1 orange, 1 pink grapefruit, and 1 lemon. Then, you should add ice in half of your pitcher and put 3 lemon slices, 2 slices of orange, and 3 grapefruit slices. Lastly, add a couple of rosemary springs and pour water.

These infused water recipes will boost your health and keep you hydrated through the entire day. Therefore, we suggest to prepare them every day. Enjoy!

Roasted Brussels Sprouts With Garlic Recipe

Brussels sprouts are cruciferous vegetables that have great health benefits. In fact, they provide a rich source of numerous antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins while being low in calories. In addition, this simple dish is extremely easy to prepare and will provide important health benefits to your body.

Here’s the impressive nutritional profile of brussels sprouts, half a cup (78 grams):

  • Vitamin K: 137% of the RDI
  • Vitamin A: 12% of the RDI
  • Vitamin C: 81% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 9% of the RDI
  • Folate: 12% of the RDI
  • Carbs: 6 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Calories: 28

Brussels sprouts contain small amounts of magnesium, potassium, iron, vitamin B6, thiamine, and phosphorus.

If you don’t like their taste, you should definitely try these caramelized Brussels sprouts as they can change your opinion even of at the most Brussels sprout hater.

Here’s the roasted brussels sprouts garlic recipe:


  • 1 pound of Brussels sprouts
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 5 cloves garlic (peeled)
  • 4 to 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


At first, you should heat the oven at 400°F, and heat the oil in a cast-iron pan over medium-high heat. Next, trim the bottom part of the Brussels sprouts off and slice each Brussels sprout in half from top to bottom. Then, place them cut-side down into the pan, add the garlic and sprinkle salt and pepper over the top.

Now, cook without stirring until the Brussels sprouts start to brown on the bottom. Afterward, transfer the pan to the oven, and roast, shaking the pan every 5 minutes.

After 10-20 minutes, when the Brussels sprouts are brown and tender, remove from heat, stir in balsamic vinegar, and enjoy. Taste the sprouts, and add more salt and pepper if necessary. Stir in balsamic vinegar. Serve hot or warm, and enjoy.

Woman checks shelter adoption site, and finds her dog who disappeared two years ago

It’s always heartbreaking when a dog goes missing. You search everywhere, hoping they’ll be found, but at a certain point you start to lose hope.

But sometimes miracles happen, and lost pets have been found months or even years after they disappeared… sometimes when you least expect them.

That was the case recently, after a woman spotted a familiar face on a dog adoption website, leading to a beautiful reunion with an old friend.

Aisha Nieves, from Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, loved her dog, a pitbull-rottweiler mix named Kovu, more than anything.

“He was my baby. He would go with me everywhere. He would sleep in my bed,” Aisha told WFMZ. “Literally, the definition of a man’s best friend.”

But Aisha was devastated in 2019, when a car struck her home in Allentown, which led to Kovu disappearing.

“I found out he was gone when I came home later that day and he wasn’t there to run to me and give me kisses like he usually did,” she told The Morning Call.

“I searched the whole house and couldn’t find him, then looked around Allentown for a good week or so and still couldn’t find him.”

Weeks later, she got even worse news: Kovu had been found by the Lehigh County Humane Society, but she was told the dog had already been adopted out by another family.

She was devastated, and thought her best friend was gone for good. But two years later, she got an unexpected surprise.

Aisha says she was randomly scrolling the Humane Society’s adoption page when she noticed an unmistakably familiar face: Kovu’s.

While the dog was listed as “Ash,” she knew it was her old friend. “He had a scar right over his right eye,” she told WFMZ. “It’s not that noticeable anymore, but in the picture they had, you could see it.”

She couldn’t believe it, but it really was him. How did he end up back in the shelter? LCHS director of development Deirdre Snyder told Morning Call that the family who adopted him in October 2019 had surrendered him earlier this month, after facing possible eviction.

It was a remarkable coincidence that Aisha happened to see Kovu on the site soon after, but it gave her an unexpected opportunity to get her beloved dog back after two years apart.

But after so long apart, during which time Kovu was part of a different family, Aisha wondered how her dog would react to seeing her again as she arrived at the Humane Society: “I was sweating. My hands started shaking. I was scared he wouldn’t remember me because it had been so long. I sat there, waiting for them to bring him out.”

But as soon as Kovu saw her, he was bursting with joy and excitement. It was clear that there was no lost love between these two.

“He was screaming, trying to get away from the guy holding him and run to me,” Aisha said. “Then, he just jumped on me and we started kissing and hugging.”

“I told him, ‘Yeah, buddy, you’re going home. I’m so sorry this happened. Never again am I losing you.’”

Now, these two are safe at home together, making up for lost time. “I love him so much, like I’m just so happy he’s back,” Aisha told WFMZ.


What a miracle. We’re so glad Aisha was able to find her dog after all these years, in such an unexpected way. So glad Kovu is home!

Share this incredible story!


This Leaf Is A Blessing From God: Fight Insomnia, High Blood Pressure, Sugar And Blood Fat

Due to the impressive properties some plants have, they are truly miraculous and offer numerous health benefits for your health. In fact, these plants are truly the best alternative that pharmaceuticals could ever have.

One of these beneficial plants is the Laurel, which is a plant that is most commonly used as a seasoning. However, we forget that it can be used for other purposes as well. For example, many people use a bay leaf to treat diabetes, cancer, stomach problems, pain, and more.

Using bay leaves is incredibly easy. Seriously, you can use this plant regularly as a zest to season numerous meals including chicken, pasta, beans, and potatoes. On the other hand, you can just drink some laurel tea and enjoy its health benefits.

You can find Laurel in almost every food market, here is the list of the issues it can treat:

  • Skin infections
  • Snoring
  • Spasms
  • Headache or migraine
  • Insomnia
  • Cystitis
  • Mental lagoons
  • Sciatic nerve problems
  • Fluid retention
  • High blood pressure
  • Arthritis
  • Premenstrual symptoms
  • Muscular exhaustion
  • Otitis
  • Low energy and weakness
  • Urethritis
  • Gas and abdominal distention
  • Depression
  • Contractions in nerves and muscles

Here’s how to prepare bay leaf tea at home:


  • 30 g of laurel (dry)
  • Water


Put the water in a pot, and bring it to a boil. As soon as the water starts to boil, put the dry laurel leaves in, and cook them for a few minutes. Afterward, remove the pot from the heat, cover it and let it rest until the point when it cools. Then you can strain it and, you if you like you can add a characteristic sweetener of your choice.

Drinking this bay leaf tea 2 times per day, will provide positive effects the most, it’s best to drink it as soon as you wake up, and before bed.

Humpback Whales In Norway Seen Playing Under Northern Lights

Stunning new footage shot in Norway shows humpback whales hunting herring under the Northern Lights.

Norwegian Public Broadcasting (NRK) photographer Harald Albrigsten captured the video while testing equipment, including a camera that makes it possible to shoot under very dark conditions yet still retains image definition.

Regarding his latest project, Albrigsten told NRK that as he was conducting the equipment tests, “I came suddenly upon a bunch of humpback whales that were playing under the Northern Lights. I went back the following day to see if I could get closer. After a few hours I nearly gave up, but then they turned up again.”

According to BBC News, the video was taken was filmed off the coast of Kvaløya, near the city of Tromsø. It is fitting that Kvaløya means “Whale Island,” honoring the many whales that come to the site to feed, bask, play and more.

The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, represent an astronomical phenomenon that actually occurs in both the northern and southern hemispheres, a Library of Congress fact sheet explains. Solar activity ejects a cloud of gas, called a “coronal mass ejection,” that collides with Earth’s magnetic field within 2 to 3 days.




Do This at Least Once a Week and Your Face Will Look 10 Years Younger!

Undoubtedly, Japanese women are extremely popular at holistic and natural beauty. In fact, it looks like these women don’t age and their faces simply do not have a flaw. Their faces hide no wrinkles due to age or stress, as they have some miraculous elixir that helps them look vibrant, healthy, and young. Therefore, you can freely say that 50 years old is the new 30.

However, these Japanese women don’t use any routine consisted treatment or some type of moisturizing facial mask. In fact, their secret has been finaly revealed, and you will end up in the same ally that fights against aging and wrinkles.

Moreover, you will no need to waste any money or spend hours in the salon every week. Since the main ingredient in your natural treatment is rice. Namely, Geisha traditionally used rice has the ability to soften your skin and hair.

In fact, the power of rice actually comes from its potent nutrients and numerous components extremely beneficial for your skin and hair. In addition, rice is a strong antioxidant that successfully prevents UV damage, and even reduces wrinkles.

Here’s how to make your face look 10 years younger:


  • Rice – 2 to 3 tablespoons
  • Milk – 1 tablespoon
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon


At first, you should take 3 tbsps. of rice and boil it in 1 cup of water over medium heat. Once you boil the rice, remove it from the heat, strain it and put aside the water in which the rice boiled. Now, wash the cooked rice in cold water and add 1 tbsp. of warm milk with 1 tbsp. honey. Combine the mixture thoroughly and your facial mask is ready.

Apply the mask on clean, dry skin and leave it for 30-60 minutes. Afterward, take off the mask and wash your face with the water in which your rice boiled. You can keep the rice water in the fridge for up to 4 days.

Wild Dolphins Observed Giving Gifts to Humans

While it’s already well-known that dolphins rank among the most intelligent creatures on the planet, new research is suggesting that they just might be one of the most magnanimous too.

A team of biologists recently published a study examining dozens of fascinating cases of inter-species generosity between dolphin and human, all taking place along the shore of Australia’s Tangalooma Island Resort. According to their findings, wild dolphins have been observed bearing gifts, such as dead “eels, tuna, squid, an octopus” to wading humans on 23 separate occasions.

In the report, which appeared earlier this month in the journal Anthrozoös, researchers describe the rare gestures as “an established but infrequent part of the culture of the provisioned dolphins at Tangalooma,” yet the reasons for the gift-giving remain unclear. The wild dolphins are said to be frequent visitors to the resort and appear to be accustomed to receiving food from beachgoers; it has been speculated that the animals might either be giving in return, or consider humans too inadequate at hunting and in need of a free meal.

From the blog EarthSky likens this behavior of food sharing to that occasionally seen in our closest feline companions: “Domesticated cats that have a tendency to drop prey items at their owner’s feet. [But] inter-species food sharing in wild animal populations has not been widely documented in the scientific literature.”

Although the true biological motivation behind this gift-giving behavior exhibited by the dolphins at Tangalooma haven’t been pinpointed, it seems to suggest at least that the animals look upon us as not so different from themselves — and that just might be the greatest interspecies gift of all.


Researchers found 23 occurences of dolphins giving humans gifts including fins and even an octopus 

Fred, the first dolphin recorded giving gifts to a human at the resort 

Tinkerbell and Storm, two of the dolphins found to be bringing gifts to human handlers at the resort 


Black Pepper Oil: Removes Uric Acid, Gets Rid of Anxiety, Cigarette Cravings and Arthritis

Scientists have recently confirmed numerous medical benefits offered by black pepper essential oil. Thus, including the elimination of excess uric acid, body detoxification, reducing the craving for cigarettes, and promoting pain tolerance.

Black pepper is extracted either through CO2 extraction or steam distillation, therefore it offers exceptional antioxidant activity. In fact, black pepper oil has a peppery and spicy aroma, that successfully treats nerves and stomach cramps.

The black pepper essential oil abounds in many healing qualities and some of the most important ones are antioxidant, febrifuge, expectorant, and gastro-protective modules. In addition, it’s active ingredient piperine holds rich phytochemistry that involves oleoresins, volatile oils, and alkaloids.

Moreover, its main components are limonene, pinene, myrcene, Linalool, pinocarveol, alpha-termineol, phellandrene, beta-caryophyllene, beta-bisabolene, sabinene, camphene, and alpha-terpenene, and it is also a rich very rich in selenium, vitamin K, beta-carotene, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, and manganese.

Here’s how to use black pepper oil to promote your health:

  • Soothe muscle pain – Apply 1–5 drops into the painful area and massage
  • Improve digestion- You can apply it directly on the abdominal area or take 1–2 drops internally in a smoothie, soup, etc.
  • Reduce high blood pressure – Add a couple of drops in a glass of water and drink it
  • Eliminate uric acid – In order to treat chronic rheumatism, or soothe arthritis apply 2-3 drops to the affected area
  • Body detox- Consume 1-2 drops of this essential oil internally
  • Reduce cigarette cravings – Black pepper oil succesfully reduces cigarette cravings and symptoms of anxiety in smokers that are trying to quit. Just, add a few drops of it in a glass of water or directly inhale it
  • Relieve congestion – Apply a few drops of it to the chest to relieve nasal congestion and sinusitis
  • Treat respiratory issues – Inhale it directly from a bottle or take it internally to treat this certain issue

In addition, black pepper oil is highly beneficial in the case of IBS, anxiety and depression, insulin resistance, high blood sugar, brain and liver diseases and inflammation.


Camera shows thirsty wild animals drinking from water fountain in woman’s backyard

Jennifer George lives in a semi-rural area in San Diego County and used to watch various animals wandering into her yard from a distance until she thought of a genius idea to take a better look. On a hot day in 2019, she decided to get some water for a family of coyote pups and a wholesome hobby took off from there.

She started with a simple metal bowl of water which became pretty popular among local animals as it can get pretty hot in California and it has since been upgraded into a real ‘animal thirst trap’—a bigger bowl and a solar fountain. Now a variety of animals come to visit George’s backyard every day for a refreshing drink or free pool party. But the best part is that we can explore feathered, furry, and even scaly critters and their behavior from up close thanks to a hidden camera set up outside the fountain. And some of them, like snakes and coyotes, you probably wouldn’t like to meet in person anyway!

“I live in a semi-rural area in San Diego County on a large property, and used to see animals outside in our yard, so I thought it would be fun to get an outdoor camera to get a better look. I put a bowl of water out there to attract them, because I didn’t want to make them dependent on us for food, and because it’s very hot and dry here in the summer.

Birds started showing up almost immediately to drink and take baths during the day, and at night we’d see other nocturnal animals like skunks, opossums, and bobcats drinking. I was excited to look at the camera every morning to see what showed up,” she said.

The fauna of the State of California may be the most diverse in the United States of America. George has caught on camera skunks, bobcats, raccoons, opossums, rabbits, squirrels, mice, lizards, hawks, hummingbirds, and several other kinds of birds, and even a dog (not her pet). Check out our list of snaps of videos to see who else came to visit! And if you want to watch all the hypnotizing videos to see how these animals behave, visit George’s socials with footage from her Ring camera.

George said that thanks to her little fountain and a camera, she has been able to encounter animals she’d never seen before.

“I’ve lived in Southern California all my life, and some of these animals I’ve never seen before, like the long-tailed weasel and the western tanager. I love seeing the coyote puppies and the road runners. I’m hoping an owl will stop by one day.”




When Your Lungs Drown in Mucus, This is The Best Cure! It’s 100% Natural and Works in Just Few hours!

The accumulation of mucus in the lungs often results in breathing difficulties and provides certain types of discomfort to your body. In fact, when mucus starts accumulating in your lungs, it leads to fatigue, chest pain, coughing, and breathing difficulties.

Nowadays, most people reach for over-the-counter medications, as a way to relieve their lungs from mucus. However, there is a completely natural remedy that provides amazing results in a very short period of time.

Here’s the best remedy to treat lungs that are drown in mucus:


  • 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar
  • Thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger
  • 1 tsp. of honey
  • 1 tbsp. of coconut oil


At first, chop the fresh ginger into pieces, and add it to a bowl with water. Then, boil it and leave it for 5 minutes to cool. Lastly, put this mixture into a glass jar and store it in the fridge.

Whenever you feel suffocated, just add the rest of the ingredients: 1 teaspoon of raw honey, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to your drink. Within 2 hours you’ll feel your lungs becoming free from mucus.