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15 examples of what real feline curiosity looks like

Cats are extremely curious creatures, they always need to know what is where, what the owner brought home in this strange rustling bag, what to steal in the refrigerator and what is happening outside the window. Nothing should escape their attention! We invite you to look at these curious cats, who, well, are very interested in what is hidden from them.

There must be something special


They’re hiding something from me!

  Is he walking without me ?!

Wow, they ride there, or what?

Curiosity knows no barriers

I have to see you

Where curiosity sometimes leads

And the neighbors have better TV sets …

Curiosity sometimes comes at a price     


For one of neither it will end badly

Well, what is it, what?       

  Barsik, are you not interested at all?

Curiosity may well be collective

   I wish I hadn’t seen it


I learned everything and remained unnoticed

Even The Strongest Person Gets Tired Of Being Strong And Needs A Break

Adversity can bring out the best or the worst in us. In fact, hard times create strong people and produce the best leaders. However, even the strongest and the bravest person can sometimes get tired of taking care of the independent life they are choosing to live.

In fact, mentally strong people could care less about what others think of them. On the other hand, they always encourage others to keep trying until they succeed. They solve their problems with a smile on their face, never quit, and are doing their best to help everyone. No one is born strong. Everyone learns the hard way, going through many difficult obstacles, and numerous life lessons.

Even the strongest person need someone to have their back to keep their health and well being:

These people are true warriors, and due to their determined attitude in life, we often forget they are just like the rest of us. Therefore, even the strongest person needs love and affection. They also need someone who can call a best friend and tell them all the amazing things they have.

Just because strong people have a resilient mind and an empathetic soul, doesn’t mean they don’t get exhausted and feel tired. Knowing that everyone expects you to be able to do anything, and never to say no, is highly exhausting. In fact, even the mightiest heroes get tired of saving everyone else.

Even the strongest person you know in life craves affection and love, fears rejection, and need to be “rescued” at times. They might look bulletproof on the outside, but they’re just like everyone else.

Also, strong people can sometimes break down, after having had enough of everyone and everything, often forgetting about their own needs. Remember, life has taught these survivors to be independent and strong, however, they need to feel they have someone to count on when they are worn out too.


Tired Bumblebees Who Fell Asleep Inside Flowers With Pollen On Their Butts

As their duty, bumble bees collect pollen from flowers and when they are exhausted they creep into a flower and relax.

These busy bees would prefer a snooze in the mid of the day while having a good sleep at night too.

As these bees are droning around flowers to collect pollen they get tired quickly. So, they try a nap in a flower with their bellies splattered with pollen.

These bees are fully covered with hair and that is very important when they are collecting their meals and pollinating. These busy bees are in different sizes, from small to big and they also consist of different bands such as from black to orange, yellow to white starting from the upper part of the body to their belly.

Even though the honey bees are also the same as bumble bees as they also bear hair and take pollen basket, it’s very disturbed to equate them.


As we have heard before, wild bees sleep in flowers frequently. But honey bees go to find food in shifts and sleep in swarm. They will stay out if they missed their foods while in the day’s hunting.

Brandon Hopkins, a bee researcher at Washington State University claimed that honey bees must sleep as that’s how they remind of the way to discover their foods.

The male bees used to stick outdoors at night time and can be seen in huge communities. They only want to instill a lady bee to supplant their old queen.

Meanwhile, the lady bees are there to work fulltime by looking after the queen and swarm and nosing every day and also engage in vital work of feeding and vaccination. We should protect these vital bees and all the other bees. We cannot manage our environments without any of them.

Don’t forget to love bees if you see them having a nap in a flower.








Just 15 Minutes Of Walking On A Daily Basis Can Drastically Change Your Body

Physical activity is extremely important for your body. Plus, you will experience a great impact on your emotional, physical, and mental health.

However, some people are busy all the time and cannot find time to work out. Yet, they no longer have excuses, as a recent study has shown that a 15-minute walk daily can give you some great similar benefits.

In fact, walking on a daily basis may add seven years to your life. Moreover, it alleviates depression, improves cognitive function, promotes your memory, boost weight loss and more.

According to the studies done by Harvard, walking lowers the risk of cardiovascular death by 35% and reduces the risk of stroke by 34%. Therefore, if you don’t have the time to hit a regular workout or go to the gym, you should definitely find time to walk for 15 minutes.

Here are the benefits of walking 15 minutes on a daily basis:

  • High blood pressure

Walking every day to significantly lowers the risk of high blood pressure and keeps it under control.

  • Mobility and body ache

Walking on a daily basis improves gastric mobility according to Tara Aleichem, a physical therapist at Cancer Treatment Center in America.

  • Strong bones

Regular physical activity promotes bone density and makes them stronger. Walk every day to lower your risk of osteoporosis, fractures, and shrinkage of the spine.

  • Cognitive performance

Recent studies have found that regular walks help you pay more attention, improve memory, reasoning etc.

  • Longevity

Numerous studies have proven that regular walking can help you to expect a greater longevity.

  • Mood

A 2016 study found that 15-minute walks provide positive mindset and decrease the feelings of negativity.

  • Digestion

Regular walking can help you improve your gastric mobility.

In fact, walking can make you calm and happy. Also, you should drink plenty of water, and always carry a water bottle with you. If you can’t walk alone, ask your friends or family to join you in.


A selection of cute photos with animals in love

While scientists are looking for answers to questions whether animals can love, these animals themselves prove that they can, with their cute behavior. We offer you to look at the photos of animals that hug, hold their paws and touch each other with their noses.

































This is the Healthiest Breakfast: Clean Your Body From Toxins and Lose 11 Pounds in a Month

If you want to have a healthy body, beautiful skin, proper metabolism function, and a strong body, then you should definitely start consuming the “healthiest breakfast”. Since this breakfast is extremely abundant in minerals and vitamins it will completely remove all the toxins and impurities from your system.

Further, this breakfast helps you in keeping you full until lunch and reduces craving. Thus, will help you normalize your weight and lose up to 3-5 pounds extra weight in only 1 week. Therefore, this is one of the best healthy morning breakfast in order to lose weight. Plus, your nails, hair, and complexion will become healthy and beautiful.

Here’s how to prepare the healthiest breakfast:


  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • A few plums
  • 10 oz / 300 ml of kefir (or low-fat yogurt)
  • 1 teaspoon of milled flaxseed
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder


You should prepare this breakfast in the evening and eat it in the morning.

Put the plums in a bowl and pour 3.3 oz /100 ml of boiling water over them, cover them, and leave them for 10 minutes to cool. Take another bowl and put oatmeal, cocoa, and flaxseed in it. Then pour the yogurt over them and mix thoroughly. Once cooled, carefully chop the soaked plums into small pieces and add them to the other bowl and mix them with the other ingredients. Place the mixture in the fridge.

It is considered to be the best healthy breakfast to lose weight and clean body toxins.

The next morning, your delicious and healthy breakfast to lose weight and clean your body will be waiting for you. You may experience a strange feeling in your stomach during the first day, due to the improved digestive function, however, the feeling will be gone soon.


Meet the Azure Tit, a Tiny Frost-Blue Songbird Enchanting People With Its Cuteness (Gallery)

There’s always a reason to take a moment out of your day and appreciate nature in all its beauty.

Recently a pretty azure tit has been causing a bit of a flutter in Hong Kong.

The tiny songbird is dressed in frost-blue feathers with the ability to catch the eye and melt the heart all at once.

The azure tit is a tiny white songbird with a black stripe across both cheeks and through its eyes.


It’s wings boasting patches of bright blue and white, fluffy white breast, and a long dark-blue tail with white corners.

Measuring approximately 5 inches in length, and weighs only 11 to 13 grams.

Most do not migrate beside seeking a change in altitude during their breeding season.

During the breeding season, the azure tit has a fiercely protective instinct.

The bird will protect its brood of approximately 10 eggs, which it lays in a tree hole per season by hissing and biting if disturbed.

The gorgeous azure tit has also been known to breed with blue tits. This breeding with its Eurasian counterpart has created a hybrid species that looks different from both.

The hybrid Pleske’s tit has a darker blue crown than the usual white one of the azure parent, and a more muted yellow chest than the blue parent.

The azure tit is known as an elusive bird, preferring to forage for insects and seeds under cover of dense foliage.


The little bird can often be identified from its unique song, which includes a high-pitched cheerful ditty characterized by “chips, trills, and rattles.”

The famous bird has been depicted on a Romanian postage stamp in the early 1990s.

This coveted bird is known for its uniquely beautiful appearance.

The azure tit has only ever been spotted in small numbers and as far west as Finland.


Only 28 sightings have ever been recorded since 1992. This hasn’t stopped many avid bird watchers from persuing this unique creature to catch a glimpse.

Apply This Hair Mask And Wait 15 Minutes – The Effects Will Leave You Breathless

This 2-ingredient hair mask recipe is extremely effective and provides amazing results. The combination of cinnamon and honey gives an amazing hair transformation. Namely, both ingredients are abundant in healthy nutrients and are extremely beneficial for the entire body, as well as the hair.

The mask nourishes and moisturizes the scalp, prevents hair loss and dandruff and works great against split ends. You will be amazed by the results.

Apparently, cinnamon boosts blood circulation, provides shine, improves elasticity, and gives volume to the hair. In addition, it has powerful antioxidant properties that protect the hair from negative conditions like stress, low temperature, ultraviolet light, etc.

This homemade honey-cinnamon hair mask is recommended especially for people who have weak, thin, brittle, and dull hair. Plus, the preparation process is extremely simple that everyone can make it.

Here’s how to prepare the amazing hair mask:


  • 1 tsp of honey
  • 1 tsp of cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup olive oil


In a small pan add 1/2 cup of olive oil and place it on the stove. Warm the oil slightly and then remove it from the stove. Pour the olive oil in a bowl, and then add 1 tsp of cinnamon and 1 tsp of honey. Combine the mixture thoroughly with a spoon.


Take your hair apart with a comb to expose the scalp and then put the mask with an applicator brush. Leave the mask to act for about 15 minutes and then wash it off with a mild shampoo, and apply your regular hair conditioner as you usually do.

Use the homemade mask once a week as a hair treatment to enhance hair growth and stop hair loss. Namely, this mask is the key to treating and preventing hair loss, it also prevents dandruff, reduces itching, and protects the hair follicles. Therefore, this is one of the best ways to make your hair healthy, shiny, elastic, and gorgeous again.


The Small Birds That Look Like Flying Cotton Balls Live In Japan

Japan has been hosting a lot of interesting things, from sushi to cherry blossom trees and matchless-looking birds. Japan must be visited, at least once in a lifetime, as it is energetic with traditions and unique places.

If you are planning to visit Japan, Hokkaido island should be on your list of destinations, thanks to its volcanic rocks and many other interesting things. out of its beautiful scenery, the island is also hosting a tiny bird species that look like flying cotton-candy balls.
This special type of bird, called Shima-enaga can only be found in this region of Japan and they are long-tailed tit birds with tiny black eyes.

At first look, these birds look like tiny cotton balls. Although other closely relates species can be found in various places of Europe and Asia, these white and fluffy ones are specific to this area.
Hokkaido island is well-known for its national parks and its high number of bird populations, but the park is rich in other wildlife too and all the animals living there are accustomed to tourists.

The Shima-enaga birds don’t like cold areas, so to prepare for the colder season, they require access to energy-rich food. They reach a size of 13-15 cm in adulthood and weight of 7-9 grams.
They also live in large flocks as they tend to live a communal life, so you will most probably see them sitting in large groups.


Research: Fasting for 72 Hours Can Reboot The Entire Immune System

Fasting is voluntarily not eating food for varying lengths of time, sometimes even a week or more, and requires discipline. This practice has been linked to a number of health benefits, including weight loss, improved blood pressure, heart health, brain function, cancer prevention, and more.

Many studies have found that fasting kick-starts stem cells into producing new white blood cells, whose role is to fight against foreign invaders such as viruses and bad bacteria. Thus, is extremely beneficial in lowering the risk of many lifestyle-related conditions. In fact, it promotes the immune system and is highly beneficial for people suffering from damaged immune systems, like cancer patients on chemotherapy.

We often skip meals, eat on the run, eat more when stressed, or eat processed foods, and all of this confuses our digestive system. Therefore, fasting allows the body to relax the digestive system and apply 100% of its energy to the rest of the body where required.

Fasting for 72 hours can reboot the entire immune system:

Here are some fasting options:

  • Water Fasting: In this fasting diet, you consume only water for a specified duration. It help you feel full, detoxify the body, and treat chronic pain, arthritis, migraines, and more.
  • Selective Fasting: Also known for partial fasting it suggests abstention from only certain foods or for certain hours of the day.
  • Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting is often confused with dieting. It means you eat your calories during a specific window of the day, and choosing not to eat food during the rest., similar to the practice of the Theravada Monks.

Depending on which fasting option you will decide, the effects on your health will vary. However, here are 8 science-backed health benefits of this practice:

  • Fasting controls blood sugar levels and reduces insulin resistance
  • Longer daily fast can help you to delay the aging process and improve longevity
  • It fights inflammation and fights off infections, which helps to prevent the development of chronic conditions
  • Fasting might improve heart health by reducing cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglycerides levels
  • Fasting has been found to help in the prevention of cancer and manage some side effects at chemotherapy
  • It boosts the secretion of the growth hormone, which helps to build muscle mass, boost metabolism, and burn fat


These cats do not understand what a person’s personal space is.

If you are just planning to get yourself a mustachioed pet, check out this selection of photos.

Cats don’t have the slightest clue about personal space . They do not consider it necessary to ask permission in order to climb on your head and sleep there or stare at you when you shower.

It seems that they do it on purpose. And yes, you can never wean them, all sorts of shame and reprimands do not work.

So if you are just planning to get yourself a mustachioed pet, check out this selection of photos.

Nice try to get my attention
















This Vitamin Deficiency Causes Migraines and Headaches (and here is how to fix it)

Having a migraine is still one of the least understood and improperly dealt medical disorders. In fact, regular migraine attacks is something you would not wish even on your worst enemy. Fortunately, there is a finding that can help you avoid this health disorder.

Have you ever heard that your migraines and headaches could be a result of a vitamin deficiency. In fact, it has been found that a lack of vitamin B can trigger the occurrence rate of migraines. Therefore, it’s a very good idea to invest in a Vitamin B supplement.

Studies show that the supplementation of Folic Acid can also decrease the complexity of migraines along with the severity of the pain. Other symptoms that vitamin B helps with are nausea, sound, chills, sweating, vomiting, fever, and sensitivity to light, and smells.

A study of 52 people who regularly get migraines proved that individuals who got vitamin supplements noticed a migraine reduction. On the other hand, those who were given a placebo medicine did not notice any improvement at all.

Moreover, migraines are not just a common pain in your head, they trigger vomiting, nausea, anxiety, sensitivity to both flashes of light and sound, blind spots sensation, and tingling in the arms and legs.

Therefore, if Vitamin B deficiency causes your migraines, it’s best to try a bit of a vitamin supplement and folic acid in order to improve your health. One of the easiest methods to avoid the debilitating effects of a migraine for the future.

Meanwhile if you don’t want taking supplements, you should consume foods rich in this vitamin. Here is a list of foods that are rich in vitamins B:

Here are the foods you should consume to avoid migraines and headaches:

  • vegetables – such as peas
  • potatoes
  • chicken
  • broccoli
  • liver
  • spinach
  • asparagus
  • fresh and dried fruit
  • some fortified breakfast cereals
  • milk
  • eggs
  • fish
  • peanuts
  • rice


13 Photos of Most Beautiful Chickens on the Planet

Italian photographers Moreno Monti and Matteo Tranchellini have created an interesting portrait project called Chic!ken, photographed in an elegant, high-fashion inspired style. Chic!ken includes many chicken portraits. The photos were taken on location at the exhibition, and the photographers worked with chickens who are groomed as show birds; they show their photogenic poses at will.

The photographer said that these chickens are “natural posers.” They are just themselves and have the natural ability to move in front of the camera. Some of them are taken from the side, back or shoulder. Moreno and Matteo wrote on their website.


















Destroy Your Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Age Spots, And Skin Tags Completely Naturally

Due to the fact that the skin is very sensitive, at some point in life, you may experience certain skin issues. The most common ones are skin tags, moles, clogged pores, warts, age spots, or blackheads.

These issues are mainly caused by changes in lifestyle and hormonal imbalance. Fortunately, all of them can be easily solved with the help of a few natural remedies, and the following ones are incredibly effective.

Here’s how to naturally destroy your moles, warts, or any skin related issues completely naturally:

  • Moles

Genetics and sun exposure are the major causes of moles. You should mix a bit of salt with lemon juice and soak gauze in the mixture. Then, rub the mixture over the moles, repeat on a daily basis.

  • Warts

Small bumps or mucous membranes on the skin, which are mainly caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV. You should mix 2 tablespoons of juice with 2 tablespoons of honey, apply the mixture on the wart overnight, then cover it and secure it with a bandage.

  • Skin tags/ Age Spots

In order to prevent the occurrence of skin tags, mix a teaspoon of carrot juice, 1 egg yolk, and a teaspoon of sour cream. Then, apply the mask on clean skin and rinse after 20 minutes.

  • Blackheads

At first, mix an egg white and a teaspoon of lemon juice using a mixer. Next, apply the mask in layers, every 5 minutes as the mask on the face dries. Then, erase it with a cotton pad soaked in warm black tea.

Follow these simple tips in order to promote your skin in a healthy and glowing way:

  • Protect your skin from the sun. Your best way is to use sunscreen or wear protective clothing.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, which will provide nutrients that improve skin health.
  • Avoid smoking, as it speeds up the aging of the skin and causes wrinkles.
  • Help you recognize and release your stress.
  • Treat the skin gently and keep it moisturized.


16 Images Of Nature That Will Play With Your Mind.

If we pay attention when we go for a walk through the streets of our city, we will surely find beautiful landscapes worth admiring and photographing.

Today we want to show you 17 images of nature that are so confusing that they will probably play with your mind.

#01. No, it is not a bird, it is a flower.

#02. This rock is not a piece of meat, although it seems.

#03. A carrot in the shape of a bird.

#04. An onion that appeared to be white, but was actually purple.

#05. His tail is blonde, and his body is black.

#06. A blue spruce that grows white instead of blue.

#07. Yellow or red apples? or why not, both.

#08. No, it is not a zebra; it is a horse.

#09. This insect appears to be wearing a mask.

#10. This tree seems to be running away.

#11. A figure similar to that of an ear emerged from this branch.

#12. They look like stars, but they are just drops of water on this Iris flower.

#13. The leaves of this tree want to cross the street.

#14. A mushroom with melted chocolate.

#15. It’s not a pumpkin, it’s an orange.

#16. It looks like a bread, but it is actually a stone.

#17. The shape of this pumpkin looks like a bird.

Gut-Healing Garlic Asparagus Broccoli Soup Recipe

Looking for a healthy and comforting soup that’s loaded with antioxidants and green veggies. If so, you will love this gut-healing garlic asparagus broccoli that tastes indulgent, yet is extremely good for your health. In addition, it only requires a bunch of simple ingredients.

Eating your greens is extremely crucial for your health and well being. However, many people forget their veggies or simply don’t like them and always try to avoid them.

Fortunately, this gut-healing garlic soup combines a healthy portion of greens and garlic. In fact, asparagus, broccoli, and garlic taste great when combined together, and the gut-healing bone broth adds a few more benefits. A touch of lemon juice added near the end helps the soup keep its bright green color, adds texture, and enhances the flavor.

Here’s the gut-healing garlic asparagus broccoli soup recipe:

  • Cooking time: 1h 3 mins
  • Preparation time: 10 mins
  • Portions: 4

Nutrition facts:

  • 12 grams of fat
  • 6 grams of protein
  • 11 grams of carbohydrates


  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ cup onion, diced
  • ½ lb. asparagus, chopped
  • 6 cups bone broth
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • ½ lb. Broccoli florets
  • ¼ cup coconut cream
  • 2 tbsp tarragon, chopped
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste

You will need a large stockpot, a food processor, and a small mixing bowl. A must part of building the flavors is cooking the veggies right. In fact, you have to learn how to build flavors.

At first, give the onions some time over medium heat to sweeten up. Give them 4-5 minutes until they are translucent. Cook and stir garlic and green onions in a saucepan until garlic is just golden for about 3 minutes, then add the asparagus and cook for 2 more minutes. Deglaze with bone broth and bring to a boil. Turn the heat on low and simmer in a stockpot until your veggies become tender. It usually takes about 25-30 minutes. Season to taste.

Pour the soup into a blender and blend in batches to avoid a mess. Puree until smooth. In a separate bowl, mix your lemon juice and coconut cream together. Serve the garlic asparagus broccoli soup in bowls, and drizzle with the lemon coconut cream. Enjoy!
