Category Archives: health

These 5 Ab Exercises Are Better Than Crunches

There is no doubt that sit-ups and crunches are healthy however, they give a terrible neck and back pain. Also, they are pretty difficult for many people and their small motions don’t do much of calorie burning.

Now it’s the time to upgrade your basic crunches to the next level. These exercises are more effective than regular crunches and don’t cause any pain. Moreover, the following exercises are ideal for beginners, and keep you injury-free, while building an amazing six-pack.

Here are the 5 Ab Exercises Are Better Than Crunches:

  • Side plank crunches

Plank exercises help work your abs and obliques. To do them, start in a side-plank position with one foot on top of the other, your body in a straight line, and then do a crunch. Repeat 10 times.

You can also try to do a deep twist, which trains the shoulders, glutes, and quads. Additionally, if you can’t support your body on your hand, do this exercise on your elbow.

  • Medicine ball twists

Sit down on a yoga mat, raise your legs and back as high as you can. Hold a medicine ball to your chest, and maintain all the body weight on your buttocks. Spread your arms forward and transfer the ball from one side to another. Twist as far as possible. Do 24 twists or 12 full rotations.

  • Medicine ball jackknives

Medicine ball jackknives are one of the most effective exercises for your core. Lie on your back and keep your legs straight. Then, bring the medicine ball in front and above your head. Lastly, elevate your legs and bring the medicine ball toward your legs. Get back to the initial pose and do 2 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

If you are unable to do this exercise, just bend your knees toward your chest instead of keeping them in a straight line.

  • Mountain climber crosses

Get into a plank position. Bend your left and right knee alternately as if you are climbing a mountain. This exercise targets the entire core including your shoulder muscles. Repeat the motion for 30 to 60 seconds.

  • Split leg V-Ups

Lie on your back and keep your arms alongside your body. Extend your legs upside, at a 90-degree angle as if against a wall. Go back to the starting position, and repeat on the other side. Do 20-30 reps.

The 3 Juice Colon Cleanse That Can Clean All the Toxins Out of Your System Like Nothing Else!

The digestive system within the human frame consists of small and large intestines. The muscular tube named colon is the large intestine, its function is to soak up water and salt after it passed through the small intestine.

The colon is a major contributor, it stores and controls the evacuation of fecal cloth, regulates the digestion and absorption of undigested food.

Considering the colon does so much for our digestive system, it is always a good idea to cleanse it once in a while.

A 3 juice colon cleanse that can wipe all the toxins:

  • Ginger

Ginger is a delicious and healthy ingredient, it stimulates the function of the colon and reduces the bloating. Also, it treats various ailments, such as migraines, colds, arthritis, nausea, and hypertension.

  • Lemon

Citrus fruits are powerful in vitamin C and have unique antioxidant properties, with numerous different medicinal properties.

Lemons are very efficient in helping the digestive system. In combination with warm water, it can help your body by regulating stomach acids, and providing remedies for disorders such as heartburn, bloating and acidity.

  • Apples

Apples are high in fiber that’s especially helpful for the digestive system. Cornell University claims that the amount of soluble fiber present in apples helps to lower blood cholesterol, slows the absorption of carbohydrate from foods, and stabilizes blood sugar levels.

Organic apples have the power to cleanse the colon very quickly, boost the digestion process, the movement of waste products, and the absorption of nutrients.

This 3 juice colon cleanse can do miracles for your digestion and overall health.


  • 1 teaspoon of organic ginger juice
  • ½ cup of lukewarm filtered water
  • 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed organic lemon juice
  • ½ cup of organic, pure apple juice
  • ½ teaspoon of sea salt


Mix all the ingredients in a jug and stir well. (You can multiply the measurements up to 5 times to get enough for the entire day.)

You should drink a large glass of the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach. Then, drink an additional 2 glasses during and after lunch, and 2 more glasses in the evening at 6-7 pm.

To get the most benefits of this amazing body cleanse, you should drink 5 large or 8 small glasses of this juice during the day.

Eliminate Dental Plaque Naturally With These 6 Effective Ways!

Good oral hygiene is an essential part of living an overall healthy lifestyle. However, there are many things that can interfere with the health of your teeth. Such as too much caffeine, smoking, improper and irregular dental care, etc.

Also, it’s very important to visit the dentist more often, but if you do not prefer that, we have some natural methods to eliminate dental plaque. All of them are natural, inexpensive and completely safe to use, and won’t cause any side effects at all.

Here are 6 effective ways to eliminate dental plaque naturally:

  • Baking Soda

Baking soda has tons of different uses. You can use it as a natural scrub or a natural remedy that will whiten your teeth. Just mix a little bit of salt with 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Then, simply dip your wet toothbrush into the mixture and brush your teeth a few times a week.

  • Glycerine and Aloe Vera


  • 1 teaspoon of lemon essential oil
  • ½ a cup of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel
  • 4 teaspoons of vegetable glycerine
  • 1 cup of water

Mix the ingredients and use to brush your teeth. The mixture will make your teeth shinier, whiter, and healthier in a few seconds.

  • Sesame Seeds

Take a handful of sesame seeds to remove dental plaque from your teeth. Chew them for a few minutes and spit them out later. Use a dry brush to eliminate any leftover seed. You can also use this scrub to remove any stain from your teeth.

  • Orange Peel

Rubbing your teeth with orange peel removes stains and bacteria from your them, also it makes them multiple shades lighter. Afterward, rinse them off with some water.

  • Vitamin Tooth Mask

Mashing up fruits and veggies can help prevent dental plaque. You just need several vegetable and fruits that contain vitamin C, such as oranges, tomatoes, and strawberries. Simply mash them together and apply the paste on your teeth, let it stay for 5 minutes. Thus, will help kill any bacteria in your mouth and make your breath much fresher.

  • Vinegar Solution

The solution is 100% natural and effectively cleanses your teeth. It’s not the tastiest solution, but you’ll definitely be amazed by the results.


  • 4 oz of water
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of salt

Combine the ingredients, and rinse the teeth with the solution. For best results, repeat for several days.

Best Healthy Banana Bread

A delicious way to get the countless health benefits of bananas and satisfy your sweet cravings. The banana bread is the favorite recipe of numerous people, it’s so easy to make and super soft and full of flavor.

Nutritious and delicious, bananas are a real superfood, which boosts energy, improves digestive health, enhances mood, promotes weight loss, and supports heart health. Moreover, bananas can reduce your blood pressure by 10 percent.

One serving, or one medium ripe banana, contains approximately:

  • 105 calories
  • 27 grams carbohydrates
  • 1.3 grams of protein
  • 0.4 grams fat
  • 3.1 grams of dietary fiber
  • 0.4 milligrams vitamin B6 (22 percent DV)
  • 10.3 milligrams vitamin C (17 percent DV)
  • 0.3 milligram manganese (16 percent DV)
  • 422 milligrams potassium (12 percent DV)
  • 31.9 milligrams magnesium (8 percent DV)
  • 23.6 micro grams folate (6 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram riboflavin (5 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram copper (5 percent DV)
  • 0.8 milligram niacin (4 percent DV)
  • 0.4 milligram pantothenic acid (4 percent DV)
  • 26 milligrams phosphorus (3 percent DV)

Bananas also contain small amounts of vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E, calcium, zinc, iron, and selenium.

The key to making this banana recipe so delicious is to use very ripe bananas. You’ll also need a cup of white whole wheat flour that will make it incredibly moist. And the recipe will be so delicious you won’t even know it’s healthy.

Here’s how to make the best healthy banana bread recipe:


  • 3 medium brown bananas (about 12 ounces)
  • 1 cup white whole wheat flour
  • 3/4 cup coconut sugar (or turbinado sugar)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda


At first, preheat the oven to 325 Fº, and mash the bananas in a large bowl using a fork. Then, add the rest of the ingredients to the bowl, and stir until you get a homogenous solution.

Lay a sheet of parchment paper across 9×5-inch loaf pan and transfer the solution into it. Bake for 45-55 minutes, or till a toothpick comes out clean. Let the bread cool in the pan, and cut it into squares.

7 Exercises to Reduce the Size of Your Belly

Reducing the amount of belly fat is quite difficult and challenging. Despite a healthy diet, regular exercise is also required to burn and eliminate the fat.

Yet, despite looking unattractive, abdominal fat raises the risk of heart disease, type II diabetes, as well as various other health issues. Therefore, physical activity can help you feel better, sleep healthy, and stress less.

Here are 7 exercises that will help to reduce the size of your belly:

  • Heavy Side Bend

Start in a standing position with the hands up while holding a dumbbell, and try to bend as much as you can on one side. Then, hold for a few seconds, and repeat on the other side. Do 10 repetitions with both sides.

  • Forward Bend

Stand still and bring your feet together. While maintaining them straight, bend forward and touch the feet with your hands. Repeat 10 times.

  • Mountain Climber

Begin in a push-up position, start jumping on each leg interchangeably while bringing the knees to the chest area.

  • Bicycle

Lie on your back and keep your hands behind the head. Raise the legs in a 90-degree angle and rotate them like riding a bike. Rotate your torso during the movement.

  • V-UPS

Lay down with the arms extended behind the head, bring the feet close together and feet pointing upward. Raise the legs while lifting the entire body off the floor trying to reach the toes. Hold for a couple of seconds, and return to the first position.

  • Plank

Place your body in a push-up position with your elbows at a 90% angle. Make sure your body is in a straight line, and hold as much as you can.

  • Plank Knee to Elbow

Lay down with the face towards the floor, in a plank position. Bring the left knee to the right elbow, hold for a few seconds, and return to the initial position. Do 10 reps with each side.

Why Drinking Water First Thing After Waking, Has Huge Health Benefits

Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the body doesn’t have enough fluids to function properly. Based on how much of your body’s fluid is lost, dehydration can be mild, moderate, or severe.

Some of the early warning signs of dehydration are skin dryness and joint discomfort. While it may not seem like a big deal, it can lead to serious health complications such as brain fog, type II diabetes, and even colon cancer.

Drinking water the first thing in the morning can have amazing effects for a number of health conditions. Therefore, the early morning water treatment originates from the ancient Ayurvedic medicine, it helps the colon and improves the absorption of nutrients from foods during the day.

Moreover, In the 1970s, Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, re-discovered this ancient therapy. He found that water can naturally treat numerous conditions like high blood pressure, asthma, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, migraines, and diabetes.

Here is how to drink enough water at the right times:

  • Right after waking up in the morning, drink a glass (8oz) of distilled water. Just make sure you take it on an empty stomach.
  • Do not eat or drink for 45 minutes after drinking the water.
  • Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals.
  • Drink again 2 hours after each meal.

Try this treatment for 10 days and feel your health start to improve. It treats gastric issues and constipation in a few days, and in just 30 days it lowers high blood pressure.

Here are extra benefits of drinking water immediately after waking up:

  • It jump-starts up your metabolism, by a whopping 24% for 90 min.
  • You’re dehydrated after 7-8 hours of sleep, drinking a glass of water when waking up helps to boost the oxygen flow. Moreover, it supports the creation of new blood and muscle cells.
  • Water helps your body flush out toxins, allowing for maximum enzyme function and helping to detoxify the liver.
  • This habit will reduce your appetite, as water will fill up the stomach by adding zero calories and you will feel full.
  • As cold and flu season comes around the corner, it’s vital to boost the immune system. Also, the lymphatic system improves, so you easily fight off infections and sickness.

5 Reasons Why You Should Eat An Entire Avocado Every Day

The benefits of eating avocado are massive. This fruit is offering one of the most valuable sources of organic fat with over 20% of the total nutritional value. Moreover, it tastes so delicious that it seems like it can’t be good for you.

Avocados are bursting with nutrients and vitamins, which offer a myriad of health benefits. They have become a salad delicacy, cut in combinations with tomatoes, cucumbers, onions. Also, you can prepare a cream, and spread it on a piece of bread, just and add lemon juice and garlic.

Here are 5 reasons that may convince you to eat an entire avocado every day:

  • Liver and gallbladder

Hydroxyproline participates in the liver and gallbladder activity, which helps to prevent premature aging. Research confirms that it has an important role in the improvement of hematin and globulin in red platelets.

  • Eliminate waste

Phenylalanine evacuates nourishment waste, as well as spent cells and tissues in the body. Moreover, it optimizes the liver and bladder function.

  • Bones, teeth, and skin

Avocado contains oxygen, which helps to regenerate bone tissue and restore the skin.

  • Digestion

Consume more avocados in order to enhance your digestion, and promote a healthy weight loss process.

  • Iron deficiency

Avocado has a great amount of iron which is great for your blood, brain and muscle mass. Consuming avocado daily will bring your iron to an optimal level.

Avocados are wonderful life-giving food, which can be eaten on every occasion. There are numerous salty and sweet recipes, make smoothies, cream, slices for toasts, salads and so on. Google a little and you will find countless delicious recipes.

Eating an entire avocado, every day will make you forget about all health problems. Once you start consuming it, you will feel the amazing health benefits immediately, you just have to buy it.

How To Choose The Sweetest Watermelon

This delicious low-calorie treat is a true hero during hot, summer days and makes a pretty pleasant snack, too. However, many people have no idea how to choose a sweet and juicy watermelon.

Choosing a watermelon that is healthy, ripe and juicy can be a challenge. Simply when you cut it you will find if it is a good of a bad surprise.

Luckily, there are a few tips on how to choose the sweetest watermelon:

  • Keep an eye on appearances

When choosing a watermelon, pay attention to its looks. It’s extremely important, for the watermelon to be hard, symmetrical, with no cracks, and doesn’t have yellowish spots all over it.

Even if there is the tiniest damage on the peel, don’t buy it because no matter what the nature of the damage, it’s always transferred inside.

  • Color matters

The best ripe watermelon is matte and dark green. Pick those Instead of shiny watermelons, which are usually less lenient.

  • Watch for the watermelon rind

The yellow area on the skin indicates where the watermelon rested on the ground while ripening in the sun. Naturally, this encourages the watermelon to ripe even faster.

The bottom has to be dark yellow, but if it’s white or light green, the watermelon has been picked up too early and it should have been allowed to grow more.

  • Weight

A good watermelon contains 92% water and 6% sugar. Watermelons thrive on water, and the ripest one should be the heaviest because they contain a greater amount of water.

When two watermelons are of the remarkable same size. Always, choose the one that is heavier. Because the ripest contain more water, so it has to be heavier than you imagined.

  • Knock on It

An old trick method to check if the watermelon is ripe or not. The deeper and more profound sound indicates healthy and ripe watermelons. While shallow sounds mean the fruit is still unripe or aged.

Watermelons have endless health benefits, including:

  • Keeps the body hydrated.
  • Aids digestion.
  • Keeps the skin fresh and vital.
  • Abundant in vitamins A, C, B1, B5, and B6, as well as potassium and magnesium.
  • Helps prevent cancer.
  • Reduces oxidation and stress.
  • Boosts heart health.
  • Lowers inflammation.

Science Explains How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar is a miraculous tonic, which offers amazing benefits for your body. Despite the massive health benefits, you can use apple cider vinegar even for weight loss.

The consumption of a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily improves the metabolism and suppresses your appetite, which serves to increase weight loss. Moreover, it lowers blood sugar levels by slowing the digestive process.

Despite using apple cider vinegar for weight loss, it has numerous other health benefits:

  • Its potent antibacterial and antiviral properties fight E. Coli, treat food poisoning, and eliminates 95 percent of the viruses.
  • It lowers fasting blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.
  • Its regular use has been found to improve PCOS symptoms and balance the hormones.
  • It lowers blood sugar and insulin levels by slowing the digestive process.
  • A few tablespoons before a meal help with insulin sensitivity;
  • A standard ACV routine brings down awful cholesterol and triglycerides levels.
  • It additionally brings down the diastolic and systolic weights, as the enzymes it contains constrict blood vessels.

Therefore, you should include the apple cider vinegar into your daily diet, in order to reap all the benefits it offers. You can combine it with olive oil, as a salad dressing, or you can simply mix it into the water and drink it.

The perfect amount for weight loss is 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 ml) per day, taking more than this isn’t recommended. Additionally, remember that when purchasing your apple cider vinegar, you should search for a raw, unprocessed, unfiltered and organic one.

Also, despite the fact that refined and clear vinegar looks much better, you should know that it has been processed and artificially flavored. Therefore, always pick the unfiltered and unprocessed one that still contains a dim substance on the base of the container.

Lastly, it is the process of fermentation, producing catalysts and live microorganisms, which makes the apple juice vinegar so advantageous for our wellbeing.

Here Is How To Boost Weight Loss Naturally And Safe With Water

Water plays a huge role in our lives. If there was no water there would be no life on earth. By drinking enough fluids, we can perceive the normal vital functions of our body.

The human body consists of almost 70% water, so hydration is more than required. Aside from staying healthy, drinking water is extremely beneficial to boost weight loss naturally and safely.

Usually, we lose water through urine, perspiration, bowel movements, and breath. You shouldn’t be surprised that we need to replenish all these water amounts. Therefore, you should drink more than 2 liters of water per day. Additionally, the water will assist to speed up the fat-burning process by 30%.

Here are some of the benefits of drinking plenty of water every day:

  • Relieves fatigue
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Treats headaches
  • Improves kidney function
  • Eliminates toxins
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Prevents cramps and sprains
  • Increases energy
  • Improves skin health
  • Maintains regularity
  • Improves mood

As much as we all know water has the ability to improve the metabolic rate and assists in burning more calories. It can also suppress the appetite, which means that by consuming plenty of water, you will be able to lose the excess weight quicker.

Tips on how to boost weight loss naturally:

  • In order to conquer your appetite, take a glass of water before each meal
  • Always have a bottle of water with you and take it during the day
  • Drink a glass of water as the first thing in the morning
  • Drinking ice-cold water will boost your metabolism because your body will work harder in order to warm the water up
  • To advance the calorie-burning, add some flavors in your water like lemons and limes
  • Drink lemon juice or tea during the day
  • Try to consume more fruits and vegetables that will hydrate your body
  • Make sure to drink at least 8 glass of water each day

Banana Cake Without Flour, Sugar, or Milk – Unforgettable Taste Will Make Guests Scream for More

Banana cake without flour, sugar or milk, but with an unforgettable taste, which offers the fluffiest coconut frosting you have ever tried. Also, you don’t need to worry about weight gain, this the perfect alternative for people who love eating cake in the evening.

This cake is a healthy dessert that you and your family can enjoy whenever you feel good about eating. Easy and quick to make, a perfect dessert rich in vitamins and minerals from the bananas.

Here is the banana cake recipe without flour, sugar, or milk:

  • Banana Cake
  • 4 large overripe bananas, smashed
  • 1 ¾ cups of almond flour
  • A ¼ cup of coconut oil, melted
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of maple syrup or 1 cup raisins
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
  • Coconut Frosting
  • one 14 oz. can of coconut cream
  • 2 tablespoons of maple syrup


Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix the eggs, bananas, coconut oil, vanilla extract, and maple syrup until the batter is smooth. In a separate bowl, sift the baking powder, baking soda, and almond flour. Beat the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.

Grease a pan and coat it with oatmeal. Then pour the batter in it, and bake it at 350°F (180°C) for 45 minutes.

While baking it, whip a coconut cream and maple syrup together with beaters on medium, when done, chill the frosting in the fridge.

The cake must be completely cool, so there is no risk of melting the frosting. Now that your cake is no longer hot, frost it or dole out individual portions of frosting per slice. If you wish, you can decorate the frosting with sliced banana, sprinkled with chopped pistachios, or drizzled with honey syrup. Or, drizzle in dark chocolate for extra decadence.

The cake is best while still fresh, but you can also refrigerate for a couple of days, just allow to come up to room temperature before serving.

The Health Benefits Of Eating On A Banana Leaf

Bananas are one of the most widely grown fruit, for a good reason. In fact, daily banana consumption can help lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of cancer and asthma. Tasty and extremely beneficial, bananas can be eaten raw or mixed in your favorite smoothie.

But, did you know banana leaves can be beneficial as well, they carry plenty of natural properties extremely important to the body.

However, banana leaves should not be consumed, and for a good reason. The leaf is pretty hard to digest and process, especially to humans, therefore you should avoid eating them.

So, how are banana leaves beneficial if you are not eating them, how can they be nutritious? Well, you can make a great coaster for your meals, the warm food stimulates the polyphenol content, which will absorb nicely into your meal.

Additionally, they also provide anti-bacterial properties, and prevent symptoms of chronic diseases, cardiovascular issues, cancer, and premature aging.

Here are the health benefits of eating on a banana leaf:

  • Enhances the taste

Banana leaves offer a great coating and distinct flavor for your meals. Steaming or cooking food in banana leaf also adds a sweet flavor and plenty of healthy nutrients. The waxy coating on banana leaves softens your food and blends it pretty well.

  • Pure and Clean

They don’t require a lot of cleaning, just rinse with pure water before use. Hygienic and clean of toxins, banana leaves are a much better option than eating from a plate that has not been cleaned properly.

  • Natural and Eco-Friendly

Banana leaves are eco-friendly to the environment, they naturally decompose in the soil and feed it with nutrients. One-time-use plates, on the other hand, cause great harm to our environment and the animals.

  • Free of Chemicals

The everyday use of chemical detergents, may leave traces of toxic chemicals on your plate. While, banana leaves are unpolluted, there are no such risks.

  • Mess-Free

Because of their waxy coating, banana leaves are waterproof which means they can hold any gravy preparations. Also, a great alternative to aluminum foil, the leaf will keep your food well sealed and taste like heaven.

Other benefits of banana leaves:

  • Juice a fresh banana leaf and use the liquid to treat minor skin wounds and other skin disorders such as dandruff, eczema, and sunburn.
  • Soak banana leaves in cold water and create yourself a soothing sunburn treatment.
  • The leaves are popularly known to treat insect bites, skin inflammation, stings, spider rash, irritation, and more.

Anti-Inflammatory Juice for Relieving Arthritis Pain and Gout

If you are dealing with arthritis pain and gout, be sure to try the following anti-inflammatory juice to relieve your body as soon as possible. A combination of super potent ingredients that happen to have amazing anti-inflammatory benefits. Though acidic by nature, this drink is a general health booster as well.

Arthritis is a chronic illness that commonly applies to the elderly, but the younger population is not spared. Mostly, it causes symptoms of joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. To help overcome these conditions, and improve your overall health try this amazing drink.

Here are some benefits of the ingredients in this drink:

  • Pineapple – contain high amounts of vitamin C, bromelain and magnesium, all of which promote the muscles, nerves, and digestion.
  • Lime – abundant in vitamin C and also enriched in relevant flavonoids which has the ability to fight against cancer cells in the body.
  • Ginger – has broad anti-inflammatory action, perfect for balancing the digestive tract, also the best herb which improves nutrient absorption.
  • Honey – raw and organic honey is a multi-purpose ingredient, its high viscosity mainly helps to provide a protective barrier to prevent inflammation.

Here is the anti-inflammatory juice recipe for relieving arthritis pain:


  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 1 lime
  • 1/2 inch ginger
  • Stir in 1 tablespoon of honey (pre-heated)


Mix all the ingredients in a blender, just make sure to warm up the honey before. Blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.

To reap all the benefits from this anti-inflammatory juice, drink it immediately after is ready. Otherwise, the pineapple will lose lots of enzymes, then the juice will be less beneficial. Additionally, fresh pineapple juice provides a great source of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium, so you really can’t lose.

Ginger contains anti-oxidant properties that help relieve various inflammatory disorders like osteoarthritis, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis. Moreover, it provides great help with managing the morning stiffness and swelling.

This Is Why You Need To Put Essential Oils On Your Feet Every Night Before Bed

If you love essential oils, you probably have some of them at home. There are many essential oils on the market, each with its own unique smell and potential health benefits.

According to reflexologists, applying essential oils on your feet before bedtime provides a healthy sleep during the night. Moreover, they stimulate the sense of smell and have medicinal effects when absorbed.

In fact, the soles of the feet have 5 skin layers and no hair follicles. Therefore, the pores can quickly absorb the essential oil into the bloodstream. Apparently, its traces can be found throughout the body in less than 20 minutes. The palms and soles are the only body areas without sebaceous glands, which drastically improves the skin’s ability to absorb foreign materials.

Moreover, you have over 72000 nerve endings in your feet, and each one corresponds to a different area of the body. In fact, they have more sensitive nerve endings per square centimeter than any other part of your body. Thus, makes it the ideal place to try out healthy essential oils.

When performing reflexology, the body organs and systems communicate to the body’s feet. For instance, the left foot corresponds to the left side of the body and all of the organs while the right foot corresponds to the right side of the body. Reflexology maintains that the application of essential oils assists in healing the whole body.

Sometimes, essential oils are too concentrated and they should be diluted with a carrier oil, thus avoid swelling and irritations. Some great carrier oils are sweet almond, coconut, and jojoba oils, many suggest a 50/50 mix.

Also, since you’re applying the oil topically and not ingesting it, the active compounds go directly enter the bloodstream, instead of going through the digestive system.

Consult a naturopath about the most beneficial essential oil, in order to treat your health issue and gain most health benefits.

Here are some examples of what essential oils you can put on your feet:

  • Thyme – Heals and deodorizes, great for athlete’s foot
  • Peppermint – Cools, deodorizes, and relieve congestion
  • Lemongrass – Relieves sore joints, also great for sweaty feet
  • Rosemary – Boost mental activity and reduces pain
  • Lavender – Improves sleep quality

Be Healthy And Youthful: Put An Ice Cube At This Point On Your Head

Could you imagine that placing a single ice cube on the back of your head will help cure many illnesses? Also, it is been proven that this certain system improves the flow of energy and will make you look younger and full of energy.

Still, for optimal results, you have to find the exact location of the pressure point. The specific point is located right where your head and neck unite. The technique is also known as Feng Fu, which is common in Chinese acupuncture.


To perform this, lie down on your stomach and place an ice cube directly on the Feng Fu spot. Leave the ice cube there for about 20 minutes, just make sure to secure it, with a scarf or a bandage that it doesn’t fall off.

Perform the treatment 2 times per day, in the morning before you consume anything, and in the evening before going to bed. Don’t worry you can’t catch a cold with this method. Remember to repeat this procedure regularly, while taking a break every 2 to 3 days.

The unusual thing is that at the beginning you may feel cold, but after 30-40 seconds you’ll feel the heat at the point. Also, the first few days you may experience a feeling of euphoria, due to the release of endorphins into the bloodstream.

Benefits of placing an ice cube at this point on your head:

  • Improves sleep
  • Excellent mood and general vitality
  • Proper work of the digestive tract
  • Say goodbye to colds (use to decrease high body temperature)
  • Relieves headaches, toothaches, and pains in the joints

Always apply this treatment when dealing with the following diseases:

  • Respiratory diseases
  • Dysfunctions of the thyroid gland
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Acute, gastrointestinal, and sexually transmitted infections
  • Neurological disorders and degenerative alterations in the spine
  • Hypotension, arthritis, and hypertension
  • Cellulite (especially at the beginning)
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle and endocrine infertility
  • Difficulties with gastrointestinal tract, obesity, and malnutrition
  • Psycho-emotional disorders, chronic fatigue, stress, depression, and insomnia

Avoid this treatment if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, epilepsy or schizophrenia.

Keep in mind that Feng Fu point doesn’t heal every condition, it simply restores the body and provides a strong impulse to life.

Science Explains What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Peanut Butter Every Day

We all love peanut butter, a creamy mixture with a good source of protein. This delicious spread provides a rich source of healthy monounsaturated fats, which has a great impact on our overall health.

Peanut butter is extremely nutritious, it is full of fiber, antioxidants, and potassium. It reduces bad LDL cholesterol levels, as well as high blood pressure, and the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

A 2015 study found that peanut butter lowers the risk of premature death, and cuts the risk of allergy by 80%.

Here are some interesting facts about peanut butter backed up by new research:

  • Despite their high fat and calorie content. Peanuts provide a great source of energy that helps in boosting the metabolic rate.
  • Peanut butter also controls your appetite, therefore it supports weight loss.
  • It is high in beta-sitosterol, which boosts the production of serotonin in the body.
  • Eating peanut butter during pregnancy may promote immune tolerance in your child.
  • It contains high amounts of vitamins E and K, which detoxify the body, soothe PMS symptoms, protect your eyesight, and promote bone health.
  • It is abundant in magnesium, therefore your muscle and nerve health will improve.
  • Also, it reduces anxiety and helps improve brain function due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • The abundance of omega-3s helps to reduce inflammation in the body.

However, note that it is important to not combine peanut butter with other high carbohydrate treats. Always consume it in moderate amounts, and combine with good and healthy low-calorie options, like celery and apples.

When choosing peanut butter make sure to get a good, healthy brand. After all, you can always try the following all-natural alternative.

Here is a 5 minute homemade peanut butter recipe:


  • 2 cups dry roasted peanuts
  • 1–2 tablespoons honey or sugar
  • salt (to taste)


Place peanuts in a food processor, turn it on and let it run for 4 – 5 minutes. Process until the peanuts go to a smooth and creamy liquid. Stir in the sugar or honey and the salt, then mix again.

Store in the fridge or at room temperature, preferably in a glass container.