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Chris Rock Says He Is Not Talking Until He Is Paid “Life Is Good I Got My Hearing Back”

Chris Rock did another sold-out show at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, where he received a standing ovation.

During that show, he made it clear that he will not be talking about what happened at the Oscars until he is paid.

Here’s what Chris reportedly said in full … “I’m OK, I have a whole show, and I’m not talking about that until I get paid. Life is good. I got my hearing back.”

TMZ made the point that it is strange Chris would say that since they assume that he and his team have probably been approached by every broadcast company in the game.

They wrote: “The strange thing … if Chris means he’s waiting on a network of some sort to pay him for a sit-down, ya gotta imagine he and his team have already been approached by every broadcast company in the game at this point. Maybe they just haven’t offered enough???”

Of course, another, slightly more sinister way to interpret his remarks … perhaps he’s talking about a civil lawsuit against Will himself, where he could potentially get paid that way too.

Or, he might just be joshing altogether … it’s unclear how serious this comment is, but considering the context — Chris seems to be in good spirits and carrying on well. In any case, the Desert Sun has more deets about what’s in Chris’ set — and it’s interesting.

They say he took a lot of shots at celebs and politicians, including Hillary Clinton, the Kardashians, Meghan Markle and others. He also reportedly made fun of corporations and their diversity initiatives — while also invoking his family life, being single and cancel culture … as it relates to offending people these days. The DS says he got a standing O in the end.

It does seem Chris is opening up more and more as his tour rolls on — remember, in his initial shows out on the East Coast … all he said was “he’s still processing”.

Comment your thoughts below!

7-Day Cucumber Diet That Drops Pounds Very Fast

Give this simple diet a try, if you are not aware and don’t like to worry about what you consume. In a period of maximum 10 days you will be able to boost your overall health. You only need to stay active physically every moment as much as possible and a few products for the diet.

The name gives it away, the main ingredient of this diet is the cucumber of course.

The meals that the diet will offer you, will have no limited amounts, which is very important as well, and you can have the meal anywhere you want. This diet is also very good for your entire body, it will purify your organism, cleanse your intestines, support your digestion and stimulate your metabolism.

Consuming cucumber on daily basis, will also cause another benefit for us, for example it will eliminate the excess water from your body. The cucumber might be the perfect detoxification product for your whole body.

Which is why a lot of the famous girl masks are based on cucumber.

Meal Plan

Follow this plan if you want this diet to work and help you.


Get 200 g of sliced cucumber, and mix it with some type of low fat yogurt and if you still feel hunger you can have an apple or a few slices of a peach.


For the main meal of the day, you will have a single slice of dry bread, and a very large salad of cucumber salad. Give this recipe below a try, if you want to taste something very different, and effective the same, here are the ingredients:

Drinks: Coffee and Tea with no sugar
300 grams of fresh fruits
2 Potatoes
First you need to bake or boil the potatoes, you can choose, and then you need to get a few slices of a whole wheat bread and consume the potatoes sliced on smaller pieces. After the lunch you can have any fresh fruit you want, or simply get a fruit salad. Feel free to drink tea or coffee that have no sugar in it.

One more recipe you should give a try:

2 eggs or 15 grams of white meat / 150 grams of tuna
2 potatoes / 3 whole wheat bread slices
What would you choose bread or potatoes, well it doesn’t really matter, and you need to consume them apart with some cucumber slices and tuna. You can grill the meat without any oil, and if you don’t like the taste of the tuna then you should definitely give it a try but without the tuna.

Cucumber Shake

Grab a cucumber shake between every meal, and there is no amount that is limited that you need to consume this much or that much, you only need this to prepare it:

1 cucumber
1 apple
20 grams of walnuts and almonds
A handful of spinach
Get the blender and put the spinach, cucumber and apple inside it, then blend well. You should put them inside with their peel. Continue with the blending and add the ginger as well. Once the mixture is homogeneous you can stop the blender.

Use the almonds and walnuts to decorate your glass, and know that the shake should be consumed right away. The healing properties might be lost if the drink was left to rest. Also the drink is a rich source of vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, fiber and magnesium.


The dinner is the tricky part, because you need to consume different types of food, and you need to choose your favorite fruit and have 300 grams of it as well or put it in your fruit salad.

For Best Results

Focus on a much more rigorous diet of you want to see quick results in less than a week. For the breakfast meal the fruits, the 200 grams of cucumber and yogurt, for lunch a single slice of dry bread and a cucumber salad. And finally for dinner, you are only allowed to have a fruit salad.

Exhausted Mama Dog Gives Birth To 12 Puppies. Now Watch What They Catch The Father Doing…

When it comes to being a good parent and a good partner, some species are just better than others. I know there are some awesome dads and husbands out there but what this German Shepherd named Rex did blew me away.

I’ve seen plenty of videos of animals giving birth and even though moms show a great deal of affection and care, fathers are nowhere to be seen. But when Rex’s wife Moni went through a particularly difficult and painful delivery, giving birth to 12 puppers, Rex was there to show his love and support for the new mama. The way he is kissing her and making sure she was okay gave me chills.

Dads and husbands of the world – take notes.

The Magic Onion: Things You Didn’t Know Onions Could Do

For thousands of years onions have been the main ingredients into many traditional dishes and cuisines all across the globe, and many traditional medicines have been using it as a natural remedy as well. Actually onions are being considered the best natural remedy for the treatment of severe vomiting, and they can easily boost our immune system.

The onion is a member of the allium family and it has one of the strongest antibiotic and antiseptic properties, because it contains huge amounts of Sulfur. The onion is also loaded with Quercetin – a powerful antioxidant which is very effective against free radicals, which explains why the onions are used in so many treatments against numerous health conditions and ailments.

The onions can be also used for the treatment of many respiratory conditions, and they are one of the strongest expectorants. Due to their powerful antioxidant properties, flavonoid and sulfur compounds, the onion can be used for treating arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and heart diseases.

The Native Americans have been using the onions mostly for colds and flu. Also the World Health Organization confirmed the onion’s ability to relieve from respiratory infections.

Onion’s uses for many Health Issues and Ailments:

Vomiting – Take two onions, one yellow and one white and grate them. Then squeeze out their juice and try using a cheesecloth to make the process easier. Then make some peppermint tea. Next consume 2 teaspoons of the onion juice and wait for about 5 minutes, then consume 2 teaspoons of the peppermint tea and wait for another 5 minutes. Repeat this process until the symptoms are gone, the vomiting should go right away and nausea will disappear in about 15 minutes.

Cough – Take a big white onion and slice it in two equal halves, get some brown sugar and cover both of the halves in it. Let them infuse each other for 1 hour and then you can consume the remedy 2 times on daily basis to relieve from the cough.

Colic – For colic babies we have one of the most famous recipes, the Cherokee Indian recipe. First get a yellow onion, dice it and boil it and let the mixture cool down. Then You can strain the mixture and feed the baby a single teaspoon every hour, until you notice that the symptoms are completely gone.

Ear pain or infection – Get an onion and chop it in very small cubes, use a thin sock to put the onion inside and tie it. Then put the sock directly on the painful ear and put on a hat so that the sock may stay in place, when the pain disappears you can take off the hat and the sock off your ear.

Breakup Chest Congestion – Crush some onions and mix them together with some coconut oil, you will get a paste like mixture. Then use that paste to rub your chest, then cover your chest with a towel and try putting on a t-shirt.

Fever – Cut a medium sized onion in two equal halves, get some coconut oil and rub it on your feet on the bottom. Use the onion by placing it on your foot arch, and use a cling wrap to make sure the onion doesn’t move. Then put on a sock, that way you will also relieve from toxins in your body and relieve from the illness of course.

Purify the air – You can use the onions to cleanse your air in your house from viruses and bacteria, in each corner around your house put some onion slices.

Cuts – Since the skin of the onion has a transparent film with some pretty interesting antiseptic properties, you can use it to stop bleeding from a cut.

There are some other practical uses of the onions such as these below:

For example you can prevent some iron from rusting by rubbing some onion on to it. Or you can rub some onion juice on your scalp, which will prevent it from damaging and will stimulate hair growth as well. Boil some onions and use the juice in a spray bottle, to spray on your plants, this will protect them from bugs.

Since you’ve learned these things about the onions, give these simple tricks a try and let us know what you thins. Share this article if you find it interesting and helpful!

5-Year-Old Fails Miserably At Explaining To Mom Why There’s A Cow In The House

Raising a kid is full of challenges, challenges you can’t even predict. When this mom returned home, she found an unusual sight in her house, her 5-year-old daughter brought a friend over and they were just chilling together. That would be quite a normal thing to do if her friend weren’t a cow.

If there’s anything cuter than a girl who wanted to sneak a cow inside a house is her adorable explanation how it got inside. See, she was looking the other way and the door was open… Well, we’ll just let her explain. It’s so much cuter.

How to Finally Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs are the dermal equivalent of friends who severely overstay their welcome at your apartment. They just don’t want to leave and tend to inflame you with their persistence.

If you want to know how to gently boot these pesky companions out of your space, read on!

What are ingrown hairs?
When you perform any kind of hair removal, you run the risk of developing ingrown hairs. These pus-filled papules form when hair grows back underneath (instead of through the skin) and your body defends itself against what it believes to be a foreign invader by inflaming your skin.

Stop all hair removal!
To truly eliminate ingrowns, you need to stop shaving, waxing, and/or using hair removal creams until there is a noticeable improvement in your skin. Running a razor or applying a hot, sticky substance to still-inflamed areas will only worsen the irritation and potentially cause infection.

Apply a warm compress
The first thing you should do when you discover an ingrown is apply a warm compress to the area. Soak a soft washcloth in warm (not hot!) water and press it onto your skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Use gentle, circular motions for ten seconds at a time to exfoliate. You can increase or lessen this time based on how sensitive your skin is.

Once your pores have opened up, take some clean, sharp tweezers and begin pulling out only the hairs that you can see sticking out of your skin. Leave the others alone. You’ll notice that the swelling and redness subside pretty soon after removal.

Use an exfoliating oil
Once you have manually taken out some of these unruly specimens, use a topical exfoliating and/or anti-bacterial oil to prevent future irritation. I like to use a serum from the European Wax Center, but you can try alternatives with ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, witch hazel, or tea tree oil.

To avoid locking your hair in that dungeon of inflammation and throwing away the key, make sure you adhere to the following hair-removal practices.

Shave hygienically
Always exfoliate and wet your skin before shaving, as these steps will eliminate dead skin and soften hair to make removal easier.

Change your blades after six uses at most, and try single-blade razors as these decrease the risk of your hair getting caught beneath your skin (particularly in your pubic area, since these hairs tend to be curly).

Once you get out of the shower, you want to keep your skin supple and less prone to irritation. Moisturizing will prevent the buildup of dead skin above the hair follicle.

Consider laser hair removal
Though pricey, this procedure will permanently damage the follicles from which your ingrown and regular hairs grow, thus preventing this problem in the future almost entirely.


6 Symptoms That Could Indicate Anal Cancer

Anal cancer is almost twice as likely with women than with men in the US, according to 2018 statistics from the American Cancer Society (ACS). And here’s the tricky thing: cancer of the anus sometimes has no noticeable signs or symptoms. Other times, you might mistake the symptoms for something else.

Here are some of the symptoms associated with anal cancer. If you’re ever unsure, it’s best to consult a doctor to be safe.

Lumps near the anus
A lump or a bump near the anus could be caused by less serious diseases, according to the medical resource site Verywell Health. Some of these include hemorrhoids, an anal fissure, or an anal wart. However, a lump could also be a sign of anal cancer.

Rectal bleeding
According to MedicineNet, rectal bleeding is red blood from the anus. It usually comes from the colon, rectum or the anus. You can find the location of the blood based off the color of the blood. When the blood comes from the anus, it would be a bright red.

Change in bowel movements
When there is a change in bowel movements it usually leads to diarrhea or constipation, mentioned by Health 24, a health website from South Africa. There maybe a loss of control in bowel movements

Abnormal discharge from the anus
According to Medical News Today, there can be a yellow or clear mucus discharge. The discharge itself can mean many things including bacterial infections, anal fissures, and bowel obstruction. Discharge due to anal cancer is mucus or jelly-like.

Itching and swelling
According to the ACS, itching and/or swelling near the anal region can be a sign of cancer. Scratching at it may run the risk of rupturing it. This can cause an immense amount of discomfort.

An abscess is a swollen, tender pocket of pus and it can usually form in the glands near the anus. When it becomes clogged, it may be due to the cancer. Some signs of an abscess would be pain, swelling or fever.


What are Thyroid Eyes? Warning Signs and What to Do

Often, the first warning sign of thyroid disease is fatigue and changes in weight. However, for some, the trouble might begin in the eyes.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, sometimes eye troubles are what motivate a person with thyroid disease to seek treatment before their diagnosis.

The symptoms of thyroid eye disease, sometimes called ‘thyroid eyes,’ can include:

Dry eyes
Watery eyes
Red eyes
Bulging eyes
A “stare”
Double vision and other vision problems
Difficulty closing the eyes
The clinic states that the cause of thyroid eye disease, as well as thyroid disease in general, could be an autoimmune disorder. When the immune system is not working properly, it might attack the muscles and fatty tissue around the eyes in the same way it is supposed to attack harmful foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, and even cancer.

Thyroid Eye Disease Testing
A doctor might perform a blood test to check thyroid hormone levels. While many patients will have abnormal blood tests, others have uncomfortable eye symptoms even though their hormone levels are normal.

To assess your vision and changes in the tissues surrounding the eyes, a doctor might perform a variety of tests, including vision and color vision testing, visual fields, eyelid measurements, eye pressure readings, and an optic nerve exam.

People who are diagnosed with thyroid disease and suspect they have thyroid eye disease might be referred to an eye doctor for additional diagnostic testing and possible treatment.

Thyroid Eye Disease Treatment
For patients who have an overactive thyroid gland, some doctors recommend ablation of the thyroid gland, or taking oral thyroid medication when the gland is underactive. While keeping hormone levels in check cannot prevent all thyroid eye disease, it can help.

Redness, irritation, pressure and double vision can be treated with lubrication, anti-inflammatory medications and prisms for the double vision. As explained by Cleveland Clinic, the “active or inflammatory stage” of thyroid eye disease typically lasts one to three years, after which surgery might be recommended for lingering problems.

When to Seek Urgent Medical Care
There are other conditions associated with thyroid eye disease which might be putting your vision at risk — including corneal ulcers and optic nerve compression — which will need to be treated more urgently. If you have any of the following symptoms, seek medical care as soon as possible:

Redness of the eye with pain
Decrease in vision
Abnormal color vision
Dim vision
Decrease in sharpness of vision
The clinic emphasizes that not everyone with thyroid eye disease will experience corneal ulcers or optic nerve compression, however, it is important to know the symptoms so that the problem can be treated immediately should it arise.

For more information on thyroid eye disease, its symptoms, treatment, and possible complications, visit

Signs of Vaginal Cancer Not to Ignore

For most healthy women, vaginal cancer isn’t so high up on the list of conditions to detect: it’s rare, and none of its symptoms are particularly unique to this sneaky killer. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control & Prevention, while all women are susceptible to contracting vaginal cancer, only 6 to 7 percent of diagnosed gynecological cancers in the U.S. account for both vaginal and vulvar cancers combined. Regardless of your age or general health, beware of the five common symptoms of vaginal cancer, and know when to get checked. After all, the earlier the condition is caught, the higher the likelihood for successful treatment.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding
According to the American Cancer Society, vaginal cancer that hasn’t spread to nearby tissue is unlikely to cause symptoms. However, if the cancer has spread and developed into invasive vaginal cancer, telltale symptoms begin manifesting. One of the most profound indicators of vaginal cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding, particularly after or during sex. If you’ve already gone through menopause and experience bleeding, get checked.

Abnormal vaginal discharge
Is the color or consistency of your vaginal discharge out of the norm? Watery discharge, in particular, is an indicator of vaginal cancer. While abnormal discharge could simply be a sign of an infection, it could be a sneaky symptom of vaginal cancer and should warrant a checkup.

A lump in your vagina
Check if there’s an obvious mass in your vagina. If you feel something abnormal, visit a healthcare professional.

Painful urination
According to The American Cancer Society, if your vaginal cancer has spread beyond the vagina to nearby structures and lymph nodes, it has become advanced vaginal cancer. One hallmark indicator of this condition is pain while urinating. If you feel discomfort or pain when you pee, you might be exhibiting a symptom of advanced vaginal cancer.

Swelling in the legs
Do your legs feel enlarged or bloated for no apparent reason? If you experience this symptom or any of the others listed, it is recommended that you get checked.


Scientists Reveal Possible Early Warning Sign of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is now responsible for 3 percent of all cancers and 7 percent of cancer deaths, and has a relative five-year survival rate when diagnosed early. Often, pancreatic cancer doesn’t cause symptoms until after it has spread to other organs.

Despite pancreatic cancer being relatively uncommon, there are still several major risk factors. According to a new article published in The New York Times, smoking is a risk factor, as it doubles the possibility for development for a quarter of the cases. Obesity and gaining excess weight can also increase the risk.

Diabetes as a Possible Pancreatic Cancer Risk Factor
Type 2 diabetes may also be an important risk factor, as it is often linked to being overweight. Chronic pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas – often due to excessive alcohol consumption and smoking – and exposure to certain cleaning chemicals are also risk factors, as is old age and family history.

Diabetes stems from the pancreas because the organ contains cells that produce the hormone insulin which regulates blood sugar levels. While it’s not known whether diabetes or cancer comes first, there has been research suggesting the development of Type 2 diabetes is an indicator of pancreatic cancer.

What Studies Have Revealed
A study from 2005 consisting of 2,122 residents of Rochester, Minnesota, by Dr. Suresh T. Chari, now a gastroenterologist at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, discovered that within three years of obtaining a diabetes diagnosis, people were six to eight times more likely to have pancreatic cancer.

During another study, Dr. Chri and colleagues at the Mayo Clinic identified a gene called UCP-1 that may predict the development of this cancer in people with existing diabetes.

More recently, Dr. Maxim S. Petrov, a professor of pancreatology at the University of Auckland School of Medicine, led a September 2020 study in New Zealand that consisted of nearly 140,000 people with Type 2 diabetes, pancreatitis, or both. The study followed these participants for up to 18 years. The results revealed that those who developed diabetes after pancreatitis were seven times more likely to develop pancreatic cancer.

Looking to The Future
The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is launching a study called the Early Detection Initiative for Pancreatic Cancer, and enrolled 12,000 participants with new-onset diabetes and elevated blood sugar levels. Half of the participants will have periodic blood tests and abdominal imaging and the other half will serve as part of the control group.

The goal of the study is to focus on any biological markers, such as specific genes that are proteins, that could be used as screening tests as an indicator of cancer. The results of this specific study will not be known before 2030.

What Happens to the Vagina When A Person Stops Having Intercourse

A quick (or long) romp in the bedroom has tons of health benefits. From boosting your immune system and libido to reducing stress and burning calories, sex is good for you in so many ways. But not all of us are getting it on regularly. In fact, some of us may not be getting it on at all.

It’s completely normal to go through sexless periods in life. Maybe other priorities have gotten in the way. Maybe you’re between relationships and don’t factor sex into your daily equation. Or maybe you’re simply just not in the mood. Whatever the reason, going through a dry spell is nothing to be scared or ashamed of. Still wondering how it may affect you down there? Here are five things that happen to the vagina when you stop having sex.

If you’re premenopausal, you may temporarily lose elasticity
Your vagina is elastic, meaning it stretches to accommodate things going in (like your partner) and things coming out (like a baby). Women who have yet to reach menopause may temporarily experience a slightly tighter vagina after not having sex for a while. Because they are premenopausal, their body still produces a good amount of estrogen, which helps maintain elasticity and lubrication in the vagina. Therefore, even long periods of abstinence won’t permanently affect their elasticity.

Postmenopausal women, on the other hand, run the risk of losing their elasticity permanently if they stop having sex due to their lack of estrogen. Personal lubricants are a good way to combat vaginal tightness and dryness that may occur after menopause.

You won’t grow a new hymen
The hymen is a thin membrane that surrounds the opening of the vagina. It can be broken the first time a woman has intercourse or uses a tampon, and it can also wear away naturally through exercise.

There is a myth that abstaining from sex will cause your hymen to grow back. I hate to break it to you, but that isn’t the case. You won’t grow a new hymen. Your vagina won’t close up. But women who are late into menopause may experience a slight shrinking of their vaginal opening.

You won’t “dry up” down there
Another common misconception about sex is that your vagina will dry up from no activity. This also isn’t true. Your vagina well keep the same level of lubrication unless you experience any hormonal changes like postmenopausal women, whose drop in estrogen causes them to experience vaginal dryness. Vaginal dryness can also occur if you stop taking birth control, which can sometimes suppress natural lubricants.

Your sex drive won’t change
Abstaining from sex after being sexually active is unlikely to have an impact on your sex drive. You’ll experience the same sexual desire as when you had a partner. However, your expectations for sex may change, and you could enjoy it more or less after your period of abstinence.

You’re less likely to develop a UTI
Having sex is a common cause of urinary tract infections (UTI). A UTI occurs when bacteria gets into your urine and travels up to your bladder. During sex, it’s easy for bacteria from the bowel or vaginal cavity to be pushed further into the urethra. So abstaining from sex can lower your risk of UTI. But this doesn’t mean you’re completely immune. UTIs can also be caused by constipation, menopause, and holding in your urine.

It’s pretty safe to say that not having sex isn’t harmful for your vagina, and in some cases, is actually helpful (thank you lowered risk of UTI). But whether you’re doing it or not, it’s still important to know what is and isn’t healthy for your vagina. And if you ever feel something isn’t right down there, head to your gynecologist!


The Magic Onion: Things You Didn’t Know Onions Could Do

For thousands of years onions have been the main ingredients into many traditional dishes and cuisines all across the globe, and many traditional medicines have been using it as a natural remedy as well. Actually onions are being considered the best natural remedy for the treatment of severe vomiting, and they can easily boost our immune system.

The onion is a member of the allium family and it has one of the strongest antibiotic and antiseptic properties, because it contains huge amounts of Sulfur. The onion is also loaded with Quercetin – a powerful antioxidant which is very effective against free radicals, which explains why the onions are used in so many treatments against numerous health conditions and ailments.

The onions can be also used for the treatment of many respiratory conditions, and they are one of the strongest expectorants. Due to their powerful antioxidant properties, flavonoid and sulfur compounds, the onion can be used for treating arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and heart diseases.

The Native Americans have been using the onions mostly for colds and flu. Also the World Health Organization confirmed the onion’s ability to relieve from respiratory infections.

Onion’s uses for many Health Issues and Ailments:

Vomiting – Take two onions, one yellow and one white and grate them. Then squeeze out their juice and try using a cheesecloth to make the process easier. Then make some peppermint tea. Next consume 2 teaspoons of the onion juice and wait for about 5 minutes, then consume 2 teaspoons of the peppermint tea and wait for another 5 minutes. Repeat this process until the symptoms are gone, the vomiting should go right away and nausea will disappear in about 15 minutes.

Cough – Take a big white onion and slice it in two equal halves, get some brown sugar and cover both of the halves in it. Let them infuse each other for 1 hour and then you can consume the remedy 2 times on daily basis to relieve from the cough.

Colic – For colic babies we have one of the most famous recipes, the Cherokee Indian recipe. First get a yellow onion, dice it and boil it and let the mixture cool down. Then You can strain the mixture and feed the baby a single teaspoon every hour, until you notice that the symptoms are completely gone.

Ear pain or infection – Get an onion and chop it in very small cubes, use a thin sock to put the onion inside and tie it. Then put the sock directly on the painful ear and put on a hat so that the sock may stay in place, when the pain disappears you can take off the hat and the sock off your ear.

Breakup Chest Congestion – Crush some onions and mix them together with some coconut oil, you will get a paste like mixture. Then use that paste to rub your chest, then cover your chest with a towel and try putting on a t-shirt.

Fever – Cut a medium sized onion in two equal halves, get some coconut oil and rub it on your feet on the bottom. Use the onion by placing it on your foot arch, and use a cling wrap to make sure the onion doesn’t move. Then put on a sock, that way you will also relieve from toxins in your body and relieve from the illness of course.

Purify the air – You can use the onions to cleanse your air in your house from viruses and bacteria, in each corner around your house put some onion slices.

Cuts – Since the skin of the onion has a transparent film with some pretty interesting antiseptic properties, you can use it to stop bleeding from a cut.

There are some other practical uses of the onions such as these below:

For example you can prevent some iron from rusting by rubbing some onion on to it. Or you can rub some onion juice on your scalp, which will prevent it from damaging and will stimulate hair growth as well. Boil some onions and use the juice in a spray bottle, to spray on your plants, this will protect them from bugs.

Since you’ve learned these things about the onions, give these simple tricks a try and let us know what you thins. Share this article if you find it interesting and helpful!


Little boy waits patiently on dock every morning for his giant stingray buddy to greet him

It’s a pretty common sight (and mostly heartwarming) for little kids to develop deep, special bonds with animals. However, those lovely encounters usually happens with pups or cats, and less likely with wild animals. Therefore, a little boy sharing a special friendship with a huge stingray is definitely something you won’t see everyday.

On top of it, the boy’s unusual friend is living in the ocean. But that doesn’t stop Joel to interact with his giant buddy. In fact, the little boy waits every morning on the dock for his friend to greet him. In exchange, the little human offers it some fresh fish!

The unusual encounter happened in Gran Rey, a small fishing village with nearly 4,000 habitants, in the Canary Islands, Spain. A quiet place where people still live in a strong communion with wildlife. And since kids are also spending the days fishing on the steps near the village’s harbour, the bycatch usually goes back into the waters, attracting large marine animals, including stingrays.

Even though, watching the little boy offering treats to such a giant gentle is definitely a sight to behold. And thankfully, a tourist has captured the incredible moment on camera and uploaded it on Youtube. As expected the footage went viral as it gained almost 60 millions views so far.

Even though, watching Joel feeding and petting his unlikely friend is heartwarming, you still need to know those are wild animals and although stingrays are not typically aggressive, one wrong move could be deadly.

7-Day Cucumber Diet That Drops Pounds Very Fast

Give this simple diet a try, if you are not aware and don’t like to worry about what you consume. In a period of maximum 10 days you will be able to boost your overall health. You only need to stay active physically every moment as much as possible and a few products for the diet.

The name gives it away, the main ingredient of this diet is the cucumber of course.

The meals that the diet will offer you, will have no limited amounts, which is very important as well, and you can have the meal anywhere you want. This diet is also very good for your entire body, it will purify your organism, cleanse your intestines, support your digestion and stimulate your metabolism.

Consuming cucumber on daily basis, will also cause another benefit for us, for example it will eliminate the excess water from your body. The cucumber might be the perfect detoxification product for your whole body.

Which is why a lot of the famous girl masks are based on cucumber.

Meal Plan

Follow this plan if you want this diet to work and help you.


Get 200 g of sliced cucumber, and mix it with some type of low fat yogurt and if you still feel hunger you can have an apple or a few slices of a peach.


For the main meal of the day, you will have a single slice of dry bread, and a very large salad of cucumber salad. Give this recipe below a try, if you want to taste something very different, and effective the same, here are the ingredients:

Drinks: Coffee and Tea with no sugar
300 grams of fresh fruits
2 Potatoes
First you need to bake or boil the potatoes, you can choose, and then you need to get a few slices of a whole wheat bread and consume the potatoes sliced on smaller pieces. After the lunch you can have any fresh fruit you want, or simply get a fruit salad. Feel free to drink tea or coffee that have no sugar in it.

One more recipe you should give a try:

2 eggs or 15 grams of white meat / 150 grams of tuna
2 potatoes / 3 whole wheat bread slices
What would you choose bread or potatoes, well it doesn’t really matter, and you need to consume them apart with some cucumber slices and tuna. You can grill the meat without any oil, and if you don’t like the taste of the tuna then you should definitely give it a try but without the tuna.

Cucumber Shake

Grab a cucumber shake between every meal, and there is no amount that is limited that you need to consume this much or that much, you only need this to prepare it:

1 cucumber
1 apple
20 grams of walnuts and almonds
A handful of spinach
Get the blender and put the spinach, cucumber and apple inside it, then blend well. You should put them inside with their peel. Continue with the blending and add the ginger as well. Once the mixture is homogeneous you can stop the blender.

Use the almonds and walnuts to decorate your glass, and know that the shake should be consumed right away. The healing properties might be lost if the drink was left to rest. Also the drink is a rich source of vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, fiber and magnesium.


The dinner is the tricky part, because you need to consume different types of food, and you need to choose your favorite fruit and have 300 grams of it as well or put it in your fruit salad.

For Best Results

Focus on a much more rigorous diet of you want to see quick results in less than a week. For the breakfast meal the fruits, the 200 grams of cucumber and yogurt, for lunch a single slice of dry bread and a cucumber salad. And finally for dinner, you are only allowed to have a fruit salad.

Spent 9 Years In A T’orture Vest – Can’t Contain The Excitement When Seeing The Water For The First Time

Tuffy is a black bear from Vietnam who spent most of his life under the harshest conditions. Also known as moon bears, they are often used in large bile farms where they are used to extract the substance from their abdomen through a very painful procedure.

These bears are black in color and have a cute white crescent-shaped marking on their chest.

After many years of belonging to one of these farms and living in uncomfortable cages, Tuffy was rescued by Animals Asia. Once they managed to get him out of there they took him to a vet.

Tuffy spent nine years on a bile farm.

In the first check-up, they realized that his gallbladder was so badly affected that it had to be removed as soon as possible to save his life. In addition, Tuffy had serious dental problems and many injuries to his legs.

When he made a full recovery from the surgery, Tuffy could not imagine that a new life was now beginning for him. They transferred him to a beautiful refuge where he could enjoy the outdoors and even a pool to cool off on sunny days.

The Vietnamese government assured that this practice will be completely eradicated in 2020.

Seeing everything around him, he ran very happy and went to take a well-deserved and delicious dip. Walking on the lawn fascinated him so much that he did not spend a single night in his lair. He prefers to sleep under the stars.

A video shows the adorable moment when Tuffy swims and happily plays with the water. After living such a difficult and painful life, these beautiful minutes of tranquility and freedom are worth gold to the beautiful animal.

“Everyone loves it. He is very playful and it is impossible not to fall in love with him. They all want to be your friend. “

Tuffy stayed there for a year and when he fully recovered his strength they moved him to an area where he can share with 15 other rescued bears.

Tuffy became one of the leaders of the pack that lives in the shelter.

7-Day Cucumber Diet That Drops Pounds Very Fast

Give this simple diet a try, if you are not aware and don’t like to worry about what you consume. In a period of maximum 10 days you will be able to boost your overall health. You only need to stay active physically every moment as much as possible and a few products for the diet.

The name gives it away, the main ingredient of this diet is the cucumber of course.

The meals that the diet will offer you, will have no limited amounts, which is very important as well, and you can have the meal anywhere you want. This diet is also very good for your entire body, it will purify your organism, cleanse your intestines, support your digestion and stimulate your metabolism.

Consuming cucumber on daily basis, will also cause another benefit for us, for example it will eliminate the excess water from your body. The cucumber might be the perfect detoxification product for your whole body.

Which is why a lot of the famous girl masks are based on cucumber.

Meal Plan

Follow this plan if you want this diet to work and help you.


Get 200 g of sliced cucumber, and mix it with some type of low fat yogurt and if you still feel hunger you can have an apple or a few slices of a peach.


For the main meal of the day, you will have a single slice of dry bread, and a very large salad of cucumber salad. Give this recipe below a try, if you want to taste something very different, and effective the same, here are the ingredients:

  • Cucumber
  • Drinks: Coffee and Tea with no sugar
  • 300 grams of fresh fruits
  • 2 Potatoes

First you need to bake or boil the potatoes, you can choose, and then you need to get a few slices of a whole wheat bread and consume the potatoes sliced on smaller pieces. After the lunch you can have any fresh fruit you want, or simply get a fruit salad. Feel free to drink tea or coffee that have no sugar in it.

One more recipe you should give a try:

  • Cucumber
  • 2 eggs or 15 grams of white meat / 150 grams of tuna
  • 2 potatoes / 3 whole wheat bread slices

What would you choose bread or potatoes, well it doesn’t really matter, and you need to consume them apart with some cucumber slices and tuna. You can grill the meat without any oil, and if you don’t like the taste of the tuna then you should definitely give it a try but without the tuna.

Cucumber Shake

Grab a cucumber shake between every meal, and there is no amount that is limited that you need to consume this much or that much, you only need this to prepare it:

  • 1 cucumber
  • Ginger
  • 1 apple
  • 20 grams of walnuts and almonds
  • A handful of spinach

Get the blender and put the spinach, cucumber and apple inside it, then blend well. You should put them inside with their peel. Continue with the blending and add the ginger as well. Once the mixture is homogeneous you can stop the blender.

Use the almonds and walnuts to decorate your glass, and know that the shake should be consumed right away. The healing properties might be lost if the drink was left to rest. Also the drink is a rich source of vitamin E,  vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, fiber and magnesium.


The dinner is the tricky part, because you need to consume different types of food, and you need to choose your favorite fruit and have 300 grams of it as well or put it in your fruit salad.

For Best Results

Focus on a much more rigorous diet of you want to see quick results in less than a week. For the breakfast meal the fruits, the 200 grams of cucumber and yogurt, for lunch a single slice of dry bread and a cucumber salad. And finally for dinner, you are only allowed to have a fruit salad.