Elephant is fed up with annoying Canada goose. But her efforts leads to hilarious battle

You don’t often see these two opponents clash but elephant vs goose battle is definitely something worth seeing. You would think that with its size and strength it’s the elephant who has the advantage, but don’t underestimate the power of a stubborn and persistent Canada Goose. This video will have you in stitches!

The goose threw the first “punch” when it decided to climb on the elephant and have a free ride, but the big mammal was definitely not okay with that. Now, if it was a non-flying animal, this big boy would know what to do, but with the flapping of the wings and the annoying persistence of the bird it wasn’t as easy as it first seemed. You won’t believe how many times the elephant tried to chase the bird away, but nothing helped.

Many people have commented that geese just seem to be the “jerks” of the animal world.

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