Buffalo Smashes Into Car During Lion Attack

A buffalo smashed into a safari vehicle during a desperate attempt to flee from some hungry lions, and it was captured on video.

A group of safari-goers were on tour observing a pride of lions when a buffalo sprinted out onto the road with a lioness in tow. Two other lions then appear, surrounding the buffalo as the large male tries to bring the beast down with repeated bites to the animal’s hind end.

The buffalo circles frantically as the big cats continue the pursuit. The animal then becomes extremely disoriented and smashes right into a nearby safari vehicle.

Lucky for him, this seemed to spook the lions enough that the pride backs off, offering him an opportunity to make a run for it.

Lions are undeniably some of the savanna’s most effective predators, but even these guys struggle to take down such a sizable buffalo. While lions do commonly kill and eat the grazers, it’s generally a concerted effort between an entire pride, and it’s no easy feat. Buffalo are extremely strong and robust, and are capable of successfully defending themselves against (and sometimes killing) any lions that attempt to take them down.

African buffaloes are colossal creatures, and are widely regarded as some of the most dangerous animals on the continent. In fact, these animals can weigh up to a ton and will trample, gore, and kill an estimated 200 people every year. And it’s not just their size, either; The buffalo’s horns are fused at the base, which forms a continuous bone “shield” across the top of the head. You really don’t want to be head-butted by one.

Watch the incredible footage:

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