Mommy bear punished her baby for disturbing the people’s rest. What an amazing scene!

The bear was angry about her baby’s action.

The case took place in North Carolina, USA, where one morning a couple got up because of the noise coming from their balcony. They hurried to see what happened and what they noticed was really fantastic. A baby bear visited them.

The animal approached the humans to examine them clearly, without expecting that he would have some problems with his mommy.

The couple was attracted by the amazing scene, which filled their day with positive feelings.

But after some minutes something surprising was happened. The bear’s mommy came and showed her anger about her baby’s action as she wanted to say “How many times I said you don’t disturb the people”.

Because the couple has two children they knew what the mommy’s behaviour meant and it was obvious that she was really angry about her child’s action.

After watching the video you can completely understand what happened in the couple’s balcony. So amusing!

After some time the animals went back only leaving nice memories behind them.

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