Category Archives: health

Spinach and Feta Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust

Nowadays, many people are turning to a healthier lifestyle. Therefore, your kitchen is the perfect place to start, when you want to burst into foods abundant in flavor and nutrients. Additionally, homemade recipes are ideal for various eating styles, especially in the event of health and wellness. This spinach quiche made in a sweet potato crust is a gluten-free alternative to reap all their health benefits.

Instead of the traditional crust style of white flour, you can now use sweet potatoes and get additional fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Moreover, the fiber and antioxidants in sweet potatoes improve eye health, strengthen immunity, promote gut health, improve brain function, and have cancer-fighting properties.

Here is the recipe of spinach and feta quiche with sweet potato crust:


  • 2 medium sweet potatoes
  • 1 bag fresh baby spinach
  • ½ cup onions, sliced
  • ½ cup milk
  • ⅓ cup crumbled feta cheese
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper, fresh ground
  • ¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper
  • 2 egg whites
  • 4 eggs
  • ¼ teaspoon salt



At first, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, coat a 9-inch pie plate with cooking spray or avocado oil. Peel the sweet potatoes and slice them into ⅛ inch pieces. Layer the sweet potatoes around the edges and coat them with cooking spray. Bake in the oven at 350F for 20 minutes, then place the pan on a wire rack.


Increase oven temperature to 375°F. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat, add oil and sauté the onions for 3 minutes. Then add the spinach and sauté for 3 more minutes. Then remove the onions and spinach from heat and let them cool down.

In a large bowl mix the milk, salt, pepper, eggs, and egg whites. Now add the spinach mixture in the crust, pour the egg mixture over. Then, sprinkle over top with feta cheese. Lastly, bake everything for half an hour. Let the quiche stand for 5 minutes, cut it into 8 wedges, and enjoy.


This Artificial Kidney Could Eliminate The Need For Kidney Dialysis

Taking good care of your kidneys it’s of utmost importance. In fact, there are a few steps you can follow that may help you to lower the risk of chronic kidney disease. Mainly, you need to be active, maintain ideal body weight, eat healthily, reduce your blood pressure, and don’t smoke or drink too much alcohol. Thus, chiefly helps to avoid overloading your kidneys.

The kidney play’s vital roles:

  • Helps to maintain the overall fluid balance
  • Regulates and separates minerals from the blood
  • Creates hormones that promote the formation of red blood cells, support bone health and manage blood pressure
  • Filter waste materials from food, medications, and other toxic substances

However, kidneys sometimes fail, this means they aren’t able to clean waste products from the bloodstream anymore. Therefore, dangerous levels of toxins begin to accumulate, leading to a chemical imbalance in the body. Now, a transplant is the only solution to end the stage of kidney failure.

However, there are more than 100 thousand people awaiting a kidney transplant in the United States. And the average wait-time for a kidney is between 3 to 5 years.

Since the waiting list for a transplant is so long, the patients waiting for a new organ are getting dialysis until they can receive a new organ. Yet, when a person can’t receive a kidney organ, they have to stick with dialysis for the rest of their life.

The average life expectancy of people with dialysis is 5 to 10 years. Also, every day 13 people die while waiting for a kidney transplant.

Here’s the artificial kidney that eliminates the need for kidney dialysis:

As a result of this, scientists are developing an artificial kidney that might solve the issue with this organ shortage. It’s a two-part implanted artificial kidney that incorporates recent developments intended to perform various kidney functions. It has special microchips, powered by the heart to realize the actions of a healthful kidney.

Moreover, the artificial kidney contains living renal (kidney) cells that will eventually develop around the chip and simulate a real organ.




Bloated? Anxious? Nobody Told You These 5 Essential Oils Can Help Reset Your Hormones

Hormones are highly potent substances, which have a great influence on the human body. Therefore, when the hormones are out of balance, they may lead to severe health disorders.

The female hormone, estrogen, affects mood, metabolism, reproduction, sexual function, and growth and development. For this reason, hormones are an important part of the development of secondary female characteristics, especially through puberty.

Nowadays, modern lifestyle causes numerous hormonal imbalances both in men and women. Especially because the women estrogen imbalance is highly influenced by chronic stress, unhealthy diets, car pollutants, and pesticides.

These hormonal imbalances can cause 3 major side-effects. Namely, they are thyroid problems, adrenal fatigue, and estrogen dominance. Therefore, if you encounter some of these disorders start using the following essential oils immediately.

Here are the 5 essential oils that can help reset your hormones:

  • Licorice Oil

Licorice has a bitter sense, so it may not be your favorite flavor. However, it has strong antidepressant properties which are of great help when fighting adrenal fatigue, estrogen dominance, and thyroid problems.

Also, in Chinese medicine, the root is used to treat gastric ulcers and raise metabolism. To utilize the oil, just rub a few drops on the palms and inhale to instantly boost your mood.

  • Basil Oil

Basil essential oil has a super calming effect for both men and women experiencing stress symptoms. Moreover, researchers found that basil oil is 39% more efficient than the placebo drug.

To regulate the hormones, just rub several drops of organic basil oil on your forearms and on the adrenal pressure point on your ears.

  • Myrtle Oil

This oil is especially good if you want to stimulate the function of the thyroid and manage the lower thyroid or ovary imbalance. Additionally, it supports the respiratory system in the case of asthma or a cold.

All you need to do is rub several drops of myrtle oil to the main thyroid points on your body. Also, make sure to include the base of your neck and the place under your big toe.

  • Lavender Oil

This essential oil provides better sleep, relaxes the body and boosts blood circulation. Thus, aids the body to defeat adrenal fatigue and estrogen imbalance.

You need to pour several drops of lavender oil on your pillow just before going to bed. The scent will relax the body, calm you, and promote your sleep.

  • Clary Sage Oil

The method of clary sage oil dates back to Medieval times, it is proven to balance the hormones and alleviate the PMS symptoms.

Just add a few drops to the bath. Afterward, the oil in the combination of the warm water will relieve your cramps and melt away any PMS pains.


Okra Controls Hunger And Diabetes, Lowers Cholesterol And Removes Fatigue

The hibiscus esculentus, also known as okra, gumbo, kiabo and lady’s fingers is a plant of Ethiopian origin. Thus, has a pleasant taste and a greenish color with tiny seeds that provide extremely healing benefits.

Thanks to its rich nutrient profile, okra has been used as a natural remedy to cure many illnesses and health problems for centuries. In fact, people have been using this vegetable as a way to control diabetes, lower cholesterol, curb cravings and even destroy cancer cells.

Also, you can eat this tender okra plant as a vegetable in salads, broths, stews, and stir-fries. It can bring your meal to another level, thus making it nutritious and delicious at the same time.

Here are the amazing health benefits of okra:

  • Treats fatigue

This veggie is extremely rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. Therefore, it supports the storage of glycogen in the liver and thus increases your energy levels.

  • Lowers cholesterol levels

The consumption of okra prevents fat accumulation and lowers cholesterol levels in the body. Additionally, it improves the production of bile acids in the stool, which then prevents atherosclerosis.

  • Controls diabetes

Okra seeds have alpha-glucosidase, a unique enzyme that breaks down carbs. As a result, it improves the insulin sensitivity of the cells and thus treats diabetes.

  • Prevents food cravings

Okra is abundant in soluble fiber that provides a feeling of satiety and prevents weight gain.

  • Protects from kidney diseases

The active compounds found in okra will improve the function of the kidneys and help you prevent kidney diseases.

  • Controls asthma

Because of its high vitamin C content, this vegetable is of great help in the treatment of asthma.

  • Improves eyesight and strengthens the immune system

Okra is rich in vitamin A, which increases the white blood cell count and thus promotes the immune system.

  • Improves hair health

Okra will improve the quality of your hair and make it shiny, healthy, and soft, while effectively preventing it from dandruff.

  • Fights gastritis

The juice of okra has proven itself as a powerful bacteria fighter, which helps to lower the risk of gastritis.

  • Fights constipation

Okra will stimulate the water absorption, assuring you free motion disposal, that fights constipation.

  • Stops bleeding and strengthen bones

The powerful vitamin K helps to reinforce your bones and promote better blood coagulation.

  • Improves skin health

The high antioxidant content will help you prevent pigmentation and premature aging. Additionally, will make your skin soft and healthy.

  • Prevents sunstroke

By consuming okra you can effectively prevent sunstrokes.

What Happens When You Don’t Wash Your Sheets

No one loves laundry day. Yet, if you’re thinking you can go more than 7 days without stripping your bed you are terribly wrong. You may not realize it, but lying in sheets full of germs and bacteria could be extremely harmful to your health.

On the other hand, if you are washing the bedsheets regularly, you are probably a person who sticks to a regular schedule discipline. Hence, this choice will keep you away from fungi, bacteria, pollen, also it won’t necessarily make you sick.

Also, you should consider that every week you spend from 49 to 63 hours between your sheets. Thus, producing sweat, dead skin, germs, oil, dirt, also allows for bacterias plenty of time to build-up.

Here are several issues that happen when you don’t wash your sheets:

  • Dust mites

Tiny organisms nearly invisible to the naked eye, they mainly gather in areas where they don’t get disturbed, such as the bedroom. They can cause allergies, aggravate asthma, and even lead to an eczema flare-up.

  • Bacteria and viruses

Daily humans shed around 10g of skin cells on their sheets. Plus, the saliva and sweat we leave on the bed make a perfect environment for bacteria and viruses to grow. In fact, pillowcases have over 17.000 times more bacteria than a single toilet seat.

  • Acne

If you notice your skin starting to look more vulnerable, you probably should change your pillowcase. Since bacteria, dead skin cells, and dirt piled on the pillowcase can trigger acne.

  • Bed bugs

When bed bugs infest, they will leave blood stains on sheets, as they are blood-sucking insects. Therefore, if you wake up with itchy bite marks you should wash the bed sheets with hot water.

  • Pet Hair

If you love sleeping with your pets, you should be extremely careful. Since their hair makes the bed even more attractive to dust mites.

Here are a few tips on how to properly wash your sheets to stay healthy:

  • Turn back the bed covers to let the moisture dry for a few minutes
  • You should wash the covers more often if you are ill, sleep naked, or go to bed without showering
  • Wash the entire pillows at least twice a year, along with the duvets and other coverings
  • Change your sheets once a week and wash them with hot water to disinfect them
  • Vacuum the entire mattress surface a few times a year
  • Change the sheets often if you sleep with your kids or pets, eat in bed, or sweat a lot

Napping More Can Improve Your Love Life, Reduce Stress And Much More

Nowadays, modern busy lifestyles are often at odds among many healthy ambitions. Therefore, many people are too busy with lots of activities, which in the end makes us chronically sleep-deprived.

Luckily, power naps exist and they are highly helpful and beneficial. In fact, napping boosts the function of the brain, improves problem-solving, perceptual learning, object learning, verbal memory, and statistical learning.

Moreover, napping helps to relieve anxiety, assists in weight loss, improve heart health and lowers blood pressure.

Here are 3 different categories of naps:

  • Habitual napping

Habitual napping is when a person demands a nap at the same time every single day. Young children habitually fall asleep at about the same time each afternoon, while numerous adults take a short nap every day after lunch.

  • Planned napping

Planned napping taking a nap before one gets sleepy. People usually use this technique to prevent fatigue and tiredness, generally when one knows that he will stay up later than usual.

  • Emergency napping

This type of emergencies occurs when somebody suddenly feels like it can’t engage in certain activities. This type of naps often helps with sleepy driving or operating dangerous machinery.

Moreover, Albert Einstein is also known for being a big fan of regular nap rest. These naps help to charge up the brain’s batteries as much as eight hours tucked up in bed. In fact, taking a nap is like restarting your brain.

Here are some of the benefits of napping which can improve your life, reduce stress, and more:

  • 20 Minute Nap – Develops mental alertness, boosts memory, and improves motor learning skills.
  • 20 To 30 Minute Nap – Encourages creativity and boosts memory.
  • 30 To 60 Minute Nap – Powers up your decision-making skills and improves memory/
  • 60 To 90 Minute Nap – This is the most beneficial nap type, which ensures Rapid Eye Movement, improves sleep, resets the brain and has a dramatic effect on the problem-solving skills.

Therefore, practice napping each day and enjoy its health benefits.

1 Simple Remedy to Naturally Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea Fast

Snoring is loud breathing during sleep that sounds like obnoxious rattling, and is extremely annoying. Also, snoring is one of the most irritating sounds to offer your partner get a good night’s sleep. In fact, this issue is actually one of the leading causes of divorce.

Rest is extremely crucial for your health, and none of us are ‘super happy’ when we aren’t getting a sufficient amount of sleep. Moreover, if you’re constantly awoken by your partner, you get up frustrated and your health is being seriously damaged.

Snoring occurs when air moves through relaxed tissues in your throat. Therefore, if you eliminate the build-up of mucus in your throat and the nasal passage you will free up the airways, and stop the annoying snoring. So, we’re suggesting a natural juice for clearing up this mucus and improving your nutrition and health.

Drinking fresh juices is one of the most efficient ways of consuming vitamins and nutrients that boost your immune system. Also, this following juice solution will help you reduce the chances of getting viruses that cause nasal congestion. Plus, it severely reduces the mucus build-up, leaving you with a clear nasal passage.

Here’s how to naturally get rid of snoring, juice recipe:


  • ¼ of a Lemon
  • 1 piece of Ginger
  • 2 Carrots
  • 2 Apples


At first, wash all the ingredients. Take them, peel and cut it into several slices. Then, blend everything and your whole natural juice against snoring is set. You should drink the juice a few hours before bedtime, in order to stop snoring.

Moreover, you should avoid eating dairy, stop smoking and drinking loads of alcohol, which can contribute toward snoring.

Hence, by excluding these foods or, at least, reducing them as much as possible, can contribute greatly to snoring. On the other hand, consuming freshly made juices containing natural, raw ingredients high in anti-inflammatory properties will help you get rid of snoring and boost your overall health.

Are You Aware Why Drinking Lemon Water First Thing in The Morning is So Healthy? Rarely Who Knows These Little-Known Health Benefits

Lemons are one of the healthiest fruits on the planet, and their juice is abundant in vitamins, flavonoids, proteins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants.

Your body is craving water when you wake up in the morning. Therefore, drinking lemon water first thing in the morning gives the body a chance to absorb vitamins more effectively. In addition, your health will be more than rejuvenated in numerous healthy ways, while promoting your immunity at the same time.

One cup of lemon juice contains approximately:

  • 61 calories
  • 21 grams of carbohydrates
  • 1 gram of dietary fiber
  • 0.9 gram of protein
  • 112 milligrams of vitamin C (187 percent daily value)
  • 303 milligrams of potassium (9 percent DV)
  • 31.7 micrograms of folate (8 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligrams of vitamin B6 (6 percent DV)
  • 14.6 milligrams of magnesium (4 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligrams of thiamin (5 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligrams of copper (4 percent DV)
  • In addition to the nutrients mentioned above, lemon juice also contains some vitamin E, pantothenic acid, calcium, and zinc.

Here are the amazing health benefits of drinking lemon water first thing in the morning:

  1. Lemon juice can help to fill nutritional gaps and reduce joint pain
  2. The high potassium content will help to break kidney stones into tiny pieces and pass them into your urine
  3. Lemon water relieves gallbladder pain
  4. The strong antiviral and antibacterial qualities of lemons promotes the body ability to stop cold and flu
  5. Lemon water will strengthen your immune system
  6. It eases symptoms of fibromyalgia and reduces fatigue
  7. Consuming lemon juice will help you prevent food poisoning
  8. Lemon water helps to ease or resolve constipation issues
  9. Lemon relieves the symptoms due to GERD
  10. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that will reduce inflammation in your body
  11. Lemon water, if consumed regularly, can help you clear the skin and cure any skin problems
  12. Lemon water helps prevents muscle soreness
  13. Due to vitamins A & C lemon juicer promote healthy nails
  14. This drink will help you prevent alcoholic cravings
  15. The high levels of pectin regulate blood sugar levels, suppress appetite, and support healthy weight loss process

Destroy Your Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Age Spots, And Skin Tags Completely Naturally

Due to the fact that the skin is very sensitive, at some point in life, you may experience certain skin issues. The most common ones are skin tags, moles, clogged pores, warts, age spots, or blackheads.

These issues are mainly caused by changes in lifestyle and hormonal imbalance. Fortunately, all of them can be easily solved with the help of a few natural remedies, and the following ones are incredibly effective.

Here’s how to naturally destroy your moles, warts, or any skin related issues completely naturally:

  • Moles

Genetics and sun exposure are the major causes of moles. You should mix a bit of salt with lemon juice and soak gauze in the mixture. Then, rub the mixture over the moles, repeat on a daily basis.

  • Warts

Small bumps or mucous membranes on the skin, which are mainly caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV. You should mix 2 tablespoons of juice with 2 tablespoons of honey, apply the mixture on the wart overnight, then cover it and secure it with a bandage.

  • Skin tags/ Age Spots

In order to prevent the occurrence of skin tags, mix a teaspoon of carrot juice, 1 egg yolk, and a teaspoon of sour cream. Then, apply the mask on clean skin and rinse after 20 minutes.

  • Blackheads

At first, mix an egg white and a teaspoon of lemon juice using a mixer. Next, apply the mask in layers, every 5 minutes as the mask on the face dries. Then, erase it with a cotton pad soaked in warm black tea.

Follow these simple tips in order to promote your skin in a healthy and glowing way:

  • Protect your skin from the sun. Your best way is to use sunscreen or wear protective clothing.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, which will provide nutrients that improve skin health.
  • Avoid smoking, as it speeds up the aging of the skin and causes wrinkles.
  • Help you recognize and release your stress.
  • Treat the skin gently and keep it moisturized.

Teaspoon of Nutmeg to Help Fall Asleep and Relieve Insomnia Symptoms

Various studies worldwide have shown the prevalence of insomnia is more than 30% of the population in the U.S. In fact, more than half of Americans complain about not getting enough sleep. In order to resolve insomnia symptoms sometimes, doctors prescribe certain medications.

However, taking medications have been found to do more harm than good in a long period of time. Researchers have found that their use may cause certain side-effects such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Burning or tingling in limbs
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty keeping balance
  • A headache
  • Unusual dreams
  • Stomach pain and tenderness
  • Changes in appetite
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Flatulence
  • Heartburn
  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Weakness
  • Mental slowing/problems with attention and memory
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth and throat
  • Impairment the next day

Insomnia is categorized as a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling or staying asleep due to numerous factors. Thus, include waking up in the middle of the night, facing difficulties falling asleep, waking up much earlier than needed, or having bad quality sleep.

In fact, difficulty maintaining sleep can be a result of psychological, biological, or social factors. This medical condition is not the same as sleep deprivation, since it’s caused by internal factors only, not things like loud noises, for instance.

Yet, the outcome is the same as both lead to a lack of sleep, that in turn causes:

  • Mood swings
  • Lack of energy
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Anger and bad temper
  • Fatigue throughout the day
  • Poor coordination
  • Reduced cognitive functions
  • Lack of concentration
  • Nausea and digestive problems
  • Bad memory
  • Migraines and/or headaches
  • Anxiety

Finding a natural alternative to sleeping pills should always be your priority. When you’re having a hard time sleeping, reach for your pantry. In fact, nutmeg is a common spice that helps in managing insomnia and improves sleep quality. Simply inhaling it for a few deep breaths is enough to fall asleep.

The nutmeg has a calming effect when consumed in smaller doses. In fact, there are various ancient medicinal practices that provides sleep-inducing and de-stressing effects.

Since nutmeg can have hallucinatory effects if taken in large doses. All you have to do is to add 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg powder to a cup of water and drink it an hour before bedtime. Keep in mind that you should never exceed the dose, and avoid it in the case of pregnancy.

Cabbage: One Of The Most Effective Foods Often Used To Treat Stomach Ulcer, Detoxify Liver And Stop Inflammation

Cabbage is a very healthy vegetable when included in one’s diet. It’s low in calories, yet high in fiber, therefore it is a potent natural health booster that has been used for thousands of years. Cabbage is also known as one of the most effective foods which offer a myriad of health benefits and is extremely beneficial for the colon and bones.

This superfood in fact provides 85 percent of the body’s daily requirement for vitamin K. An essential nutrient for promoting bone health growth and preventing Alzheimer’s disease by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.

But this everyday vegetable is also packed with a tremendous amount of vitamin C, in fact even more than oranges. Thus, helps in boosting your immune system, plays a role in brain health, fights inflammation, regulates blood pressure, and improves mitochondrial function.

In addition, cabbage is abundant in magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium, therefore its consumption boosts bone health, promotes cardiovascular health, and lowers high blood pressure.

Here are few ways on how cabbage promotes your health:

1. Colon and Stomach Detox

Fresh raw cabbage juice treats diarrhea, fights intestinal irritation, treats peptic ulcers, cleanses the stomach, and treats looseness of the bowels.

2. Liver Detox

Cabbage cleanses the liver, improves its function, and help to flush out toxins. Moreover, it hydrates the body, and eases cerebral pains caused by liver inebriation.

3. Blood- Building

Cabbage juice is often prescribed to those managing anemia. Since cabbage is rich in chlorophyll, just a few glasses of cabbage juice daily will enhance your blood tally.

4. Peptic Ulcer

Cabbage can provide numerous health benefits for us, and it is extremely helpful for those with peptic ulcers.

5. Healing of Wounds

Cabbage plays a role in the process of wound healing since, it has powerful anti-inflammatory qualities that relieve cuticles or glands, sore spots, wounds, and even blisters. Its leaves are often used to soothe irritated nipples and make it easier for people to continue breastfeeding for longer.

6. Weight Loss

The organic cabbage has a diuretic effect on your body and a strong detoxifying effect as well. In addition, it accelerates metabolism and naturally promote weight loss.

Chia And Oats – The Perfect Combination Of Melting Fat On Your Stomach!

Your breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It simply jumpstarts your metabolism and, thus, helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Therefore, you should always make sure it’s abundant in healthy nutrients.

To this end, the mixture of chia seeds and oats is possibly the best breakfast you can have since it blends 2 extremely beneficial ingredients. Thus, provides your body with lots of energy, and assists you to burn off the fat residues stored in your stomach.

Chia seeds provide lots of plant-based sources of calcium. In addition, they are high in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. They are rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which help to lower cholesterol levels and improve the heart health. They also have regenerative properties, so they are perfect for individuals with swelling issues like arthritis.

On the other hand, oats are abundant in vitamins and minerals like biotin, phosphorous, chlorine, manganese, zinc, niacin, potassium, aluminum, potassium, and magnesium. Therefore, oats will help you decrease your bad cholesterol levels, strengthen your gums and bones, and balance blood sugar levels.

Here’s how to prepare the healthy breakfast with oats and chia seeds:


  • 1 cup of oats
  • 4 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • 500ml of water
  • 1 pinch of sea salt


At first, mix vanilla, cinnamon, and water in a pan, then heat the mixture until it starts boiling. As soon as it starts to boil, reduce the heat, and put in your oats. Boil for a few minutes, and remove it from heat.

Now, add the salt and honey and stir well. Cover your pan and leave it aside for 5 minutes in order to soak.

Transfer your mixture to a bowl, and add the chia seeds while it is still hot. If you want, you can enrich the taste by adding some toppings, such as apple, cherries bananas, and strawberries.

It boosts your health and reduces your body weight at the same time, enjoy it.

These 4 Natural Remedies Will Repair Receding Gums

Receding gums is a huge health concern that causes not only pain, yet also increases the gaps and pockets between the gum line and teeth. On the other hand, this is the perfect place for bacterial plaque to appear and continually accumulate on your teeth. In addition, receding gums can further cause severe damage to the supporting tissue and bone structure of the teeth, and eventually even tooth loss.

You have twice the risk for receding gums compared to a nonsmoker. In fact, many dentists claim that smoking has the strongest influence in the development of various gum issues, such as receding gums, chronic bad breath, and stained or loose teeth.

Luckily, there are some natural ways that can combat receding gums. However, note that the following remedies are most useful if the problem is found before it gets to the point where surgery is necessary. Then, you will need to treat the issue with other expensive methods.

Therefore, if you notice issues such as receding gum line, swollen gums, bad breath, pain at the gum line, or bleeding while brushing the teeth, you definitely should follow the following treatment in order to prevent further complications with your teeth.

Here are the 4 natural remedies that will repair receding gums:

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been used for centuries to stop gum swelling, bleeding, and recession. Therefore, be sure to consume plenty of foods rich in vitamin C.

  • Green Tea

Green tea is also very beneficial in promoting the health of the gums and teeth. In fact, few studies showed that drinking green tea on a regular basis prevented bleeding, periodontal pocket depth, and attachment loss of gum tissue.

  • Eucalyptus

The following substance provides powerful anti-inflammatory properties that effectively cure the gum disease, and destroys bacteria in the oral cavity in the case of gum recession.

In order to prepare a natural Eucalyptus mouthwash combine 2 teaspoons of eucalyptus oil and 1 cup of warm water. Refresh, cleanse, and heal your teeth with this homemade mouthwash.

  • Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, therefore you can use this plant to treat and relieve inflammation related to gum disease and other oral issues. Just apply it on teeth, massage with a toothbrush, and then rinse with water.


A Juice Which Will Raise you From the Dead: it Has Been Famous for Decades in the World and it Takes Only 2 Minutes for Preparation!

This super-healthy juice is one of the most beneficial natural juice recipes ever. A juice that can significantly strengthen your immune system, promote your energy levels, and regulate your blood pressure. In addition, this drink was proven to help in fighting against cancer cells.

The best part of it all is that it is extremely easy to prepare since it takes only 3 minutes to prepare the drink and it is not costly at all. You may drink it regularly however when you are feeling tired, depressed, or simply need more energy, this juice will undoubtedly be your miraculous elixir.

Here’s how to prepare the healthy juice which will raise you from the dead:


  • 35 oz / 1kg of beetroot
  • 3 apples
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 35 oz / 1 kg of honey
  • 17  oz / ½ kg of carrots


At first, wash all ingredients well, peel the oranges and the lemon and then mix everything in a food processor. Afterward, pour the reddish mixture into a bottle or a jar, close tightly, and lastly, store it in your fridge.


Consume half a glass each morning, before breakfast, on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning.

Top 5 Foods That Can Trigger Acne (Pimples) – Must Avoid List

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that often begins during puberty. In fact, it is especially common between the ages of 12 and 24. Acne symptoms may vary from mild to severe, and they can impact a person’s quality of life. Luckily, a few lifestyle changes can help you reduce these symptoms and prevent breakouts.

It’s important to know that a poor diet can’t give you acne however, it can trigger or worsen your skin issue. Sometimes you can try whatever products you want on your face and still it wouldn’t help.

Here are the top 5 foods that can trigger acne:

  • Salt

Generally, foods with higher salt content prevent the process of hydration and lead to swelling. As a result, your body cannot fight acne. On the other hand, you can improve your hydration by consuming foods rich in vitamin E, like walnuts and almonds.

  • Milk

Some people with acne may benefit a lot from avoiding dairy products including milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt. In this case, you need to focus on consuming foods like broccoli that are rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, and K. Thus, relaxes your skin and makes it look younger.

  • Bread And Refined Grains

Loaves of bread, especially white bread and bagels can increase insulin, which encourages the growth of undesirable acne. Fortunately, brown rice can be a great substitute since it contains a lot of protein and vitamin B.

  • Shells

Though shellfish, clams, crabs, and lobsters are low in calories, their high chemical levels close the pores and cause acne. On the other hand, tuna or catfish are a much better solution for your skin, they are abundant in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and do not close the pores. Therefore, the skin can breathe freely.

  • Alcohol

Consuming alcohol in large quantities can alter your hormone levels, dehydrate the skin, and even lead to wrinkle appearance. Avocados are a perfect replacement it refreshes the skin and enriches it with vitamin E.

Castor Oil Remedy For 15 Diseases Highly Effective Against Allergies And Back Pain!

Castor oil is a significantly underrated ingredient. Not only you can use it as a replacement for cosmetic products, yet it can also be used for a wide range of medical purposes.

Apart from being easily available and inexpensive, you can apply this oil to treat injuries, soothe back pain, ankle pain, remove brown spots on the skin, and much more. In fact, you can use castor oil to improve your health on many levels.

Here are 15 amazing castor oil remedies:

  1. Take 5 drops of castor oil in the morning to ease allergy symptoms.
  2. Gently massage castor oil with baking soda to whiten brown spots on your skin.
  3. Apply it onto the abdominal area daily to relieve snoring.
  4. Rub it in your eyelids at bedtime in order to treat severe ocular allergies.
  5. Massage your belly during pregnancy with this vegetable oil to eliminate stretch marks.
  6. Get rid of pilonidal cysts by applying castor oil.
  7. Massage your back to alleviate pain in the lower back.
  8. Castor oil can safely and effectively remove warts after 1 month.
  9. Just 6-8 drops a day for 4 weeks can relieve tinnitus.
  10. Boost your hair growth and apply castor oil on the scalp 20 minutes before shampooing.
  11. Mix castor oil and baking soda, and apply it on the skin to treat skin cancer.
  12. Can aid recovery from alcoholism.
  13. Castor oil promotes your health in terminally ill cancer patients.
  14. Apply castor oil on bee stings in order to treat pain and swelling.
  15. It removes nail fungus when used as a coating on the affected areas every day.
  • Castor oil is commonly used in compresses as it boosts circulation, here’s how to make one:

Just remember to clean your skin with baking soda before and after using the compress. For the compress you will need cold-pressed castor oil, clean gauze, plastic sheeting, a bottle with hot water and towel.

To successfully apply a castor oil coating, dip the gauze into warm castor oil and apply on the affected area. Then, wrap it in a clean film, and place a bottle with hot water. Wrap a towel over it and hold in place for at least an hour. Apply this compress for 40 days, you should make a new one when the oil changes the color or smell.