Category Archives: health

Why Indian Food Is Incredibly Healthy and Appetizing, According to Science

Indian cuisine is one of the most popular foods for its class. The variety of foods is endless, rich in complex flavors, creamy sauces, fragrant vegetables, tender meat, spicy and sweet at the same time.

Besides, the variety of spices and vegetables is extremely important for your body. Therefore, traditional Indian food is not only tasty, yet is incredibly healthy. In fact, it supports immunity, reduces inflammation, boosts brain function and more.

Here are some of the greatest characteristics of Indian cuisine:

  • Spices

Spices play an essential role in Indian cuisine. They use a large variety of seasonings in their cooking methods, which maximizes the flavor in the final product. Indians use spices the way artists use paint, combining in a way they are comfortable with.

  • Tradition

Traditional recipes are passed down from generation to generation and there is probably no diet as nutritious as Indian food. Therefore you should expand your horizons in Indian cooking, as practice makes perfect.

  • Variety

A diversity of foods and nutrients is required for the trillions of cells in the human body. Therefore Indian cuisine is perfect with a lot of different types of culture to draw on.

  • History

Indian Cuisine is known for being diverse, ancient, also attacked by all kinds of factors, such as a rigid class system, weather patterns, and global trade routes.

  • Health

There is probably no other cuisine in the world that includes so many health benefits like the Indian. The main ingredients are used with balance and are extremely nutritious, most common foods are beans, coconut, rice, and lots of nutritious vegetables.

  • Color

Indian food is strongly influenced by food color. At first, you eat with your eyes and nose before you eat with your mouth.

  • Experience

The Indian culinary experience is quite unique, which many people would remember for their entire lives.

If You Often Have Headaches, Low Energy, and Insomnia, Start Consuming These Vitamins

A busy lifestyle can often lead to various health disorders like headaches, low energy, and insomnia. Many people experience these issues, yet they don’t know what actually triggers them.

Many studies claim that these problems are mainly caused by vitamin deficiency, particularly the low amounts of vitamin K and magnesium. The truth is that magnesium is one of the most crucial nutrients for our overall health, and is included in more than 300 chemical reactions in our body.

Magnesium health benefits:

This mineral is mainly in charge of creating proteins from amino acids. Additionally, magnesium converts food to energy, reduces anxiety, fatigue, relieves stress as well as headaches and migraines.

Not consuming enough magnesium can keep the serotonin levels low, thus constricts the blood vessels, and impacts its function. Moreover, you can experience symptoms of insomnia and feel depressed.

The daily intake for men at age 19 to 30 should be 400mg, while the older ones should take 420 mg. Women’s daily allowances are quite lower with 300g for women at age 19-30, and 320 mg for the older ones.

Here are the best dietary sources of magnesium:

  • Spinach
  • Fish
  • Nuts
  • Avocado
  • Bread (wholegrain)
  • Meat
  • Brown rice

Vitamin K health benefits:

Another vitamin which is also extremely important for the synthesizing of proteins. Also, it’s responsible for preventing blood clots, stops bleeding, and excessive bruising.

Additionally, this vitamin protects the arteries and valves from calcification, while preventing serious health issues such as Alzheimer’s and prostate cancer. When vitamin K levels are low, it leads to more fragile bones and fractures.

The advised daily intake of vitamin K for adults is 0.001mg of vitamin K for every 1 kg of body weight.

Here are the best dietary sources of vitamin K:

  • Herbs such as thyme, basil, sage, marjoram, parsley, coriander, and chives.
  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, mustard greens, beet greens, collards, turnip greens, and other greens.
  • Salad greens such as watercress, garden cress, rocket, spring onions, radicchio, romaine lettuce, red lettuce, iceberg lettuce, and celery.
  • Brassica vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, savoy cabbage, pak choi, and cauliflower.
  • Hot spices such as paprika, cayenne pepper, curry, and chili powder.
  • Other great sources: fennel, leeks, soybeans, olive oil, asparagus, okra, pickles, and dried fruit.

Mix These 2 Ingredients and Destroy Any Cysts and Fibroids

In general, cysts on the ovaries and fibroids in the uterus are benign growths that rarely show any symptoms. However, over time, they can be accompanied by pain, bloating, or bleeding. Both of these non-cancerous growths are very common and affect 75% of the women population.

Fibroids and cysts can vary in number, from a single to multiple cysts. The location and the texture is a main difference between them, as cysts are filled with fluid while fibroids have a denser tissue.

Main symptoms of ovarian cysts

  • abdominal bloating or swelling
  • vomiting and nausea
  • pelvic pain before or during the menstrual cycle
  • uncomfortable bowel movements
  • painful coitus

Main symptoms of uterine fibroids

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Struggle to empty the bladder
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic tension or pain
  • Repeated urination
  • Menstrual days last more

The following remedy can help you with numerous health issues, including fibroids and cysts. The treatments contain only 2 ingredients, yet it is extremely effective.

One of the ingredients is the plant houseleek, a common plant originally cultivated by the Greeks and Romans. It is loaded with nutrients and can treat almost any health problem, especially cysts and fibroids.

Here is the recipe that helps to destroy any cysts and fibroids:


  • 300 gr. / 10.5 oz. houseleek leaves
  • 500 gr. / 17.5 oz. honey


At first, chop the leaves of the houseleek and then pour the honey over them. Store the ingredients in a jar, and let them sit for 2-3 days till they are thoroughly soaked.


Take this remedy in the morning, on an empty stomach and remember not to eat or drink anything in the next two hours. The remedy has the ability to improve the metabolism and detoxify your body. It’s especially effective during winter days when there are more harmful substances that build up in our bodies.

As we mentioned before this powerful recipe is extremely beneficial in treating uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. Therefore, don’t hesitate to try as you will be amazed by the results!

Make Your Own Electrolyte Energy Drink

If Gatorade and PowerAde are one of your favorite energy drinks, it’s time to turn to a healthier version. Additionally, buying these energy drinks frequently can get quite expensive.

Electrolytes are important for every process, especially for regulating the functioning of your nerves and muscles. Your body’s cells use them to maintain voltage, you need to keep their level after every workout or through it.

Many commercial electrolyte drinks in the market are filled with sugar-packed water, which is never a good thing. Instead, make your own drink as this is the only way to control its quality. Additionally, commercial electrolytes contain high-fructose corn syrup and many chemicals that you might not want to consume.

Here are 3 types of electrolyte energy drink you can prepare:

Lay-Low Recipe:


  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 2 tbsp natural sugar or honey
  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/8 tsp sea salt
  • 2 cups fresh water

Mix everything into a food blender and blend until the mixture is thoroughly combined. Pour yourself a tall glass, and add in a few ice cubes.

Sweet and Smoothie recipe:


  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 3 cups of coconut water
  • 1/8 tsp of sea salt
  • 1 cup fresh water
  • 1 cup ice
  • 2 tbsp natural sugar or honey

Simply toss everything into a food processor and blend away.

Bright ‘n Early Recipe


  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 2 cups fresh water
  • 1/8 tsp sea salt
  • 2 tbsp natural sugar or honey, to taste

Blend these ingredients until smooth and enjoy your energy drink. Citrus fruits, especially oranges, provide a great source of electrolytes.

Enjoy these refreshing drinks whenever you want to lift up your energy and mood. Since, the electrolytes control your nerve and muscle function, regulate the pH value of blood, rebuild tissue, keep you hydrated, and regulate blood pressure.

There are a lot of electrolytes, but the most crucial for your body are calcium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, magnesium, phosphate, sulfate and chloride. Too little electrolytes and muscles become weak, too much and they go over the record. Give your body what it wants, and it will be more than thankful.

What 15 Almonds Every Day Can Do to Your Health

There are a lot of nut varieties but rich, crunchy and delicately seasoned almonds are probably the best. Relatively low in calories, almonds are a tasty and nutritious snack with a plethora of health benefits. In fact, their nutrition offers amazing health benefits to the brain, heart, gut and more.

Additionally, almonds are extremely abundant in protein, fiber, monounsaturated fats, plus contain an amazing 37% of vitamin E, from the RDA.

No matter if you are enjoying homemade almond milk or eating pancakes with a top of almonds and fruits, they can be really satisfying.

According to clinical research, the consumption of 12-15 almonds daily has a profound impact on your health and wellbeing. In fact, it improves the HDL good cholesterol, controls triglycerides, and lowers the bad VDL and LDL cholesterol. Moreover, almonds can lessen the atherogenic list, which is associated with chronic inflammation and vascular diseases.

Additional health benefits of eating almonds daily:

You will experience the following benefits when eating 15 almonds every day.

1. You’ll get good amounts of antioxidants

You’ve probably heard or read about antioxidants and their importance for our general health being. They help protect our bodies from free radicals that can begin oxidative stress, which then leads to aging, cancer, and many other diseases.

2. Your cell membranes can be protected against damage

Vitamin E is known for its ability to protect the cells from oxidative stress as it develops in the cell membranes. Thus, keeps us safe and protects us against heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

3. Almonds are good for people with diabetes

Almonds are very beneficial for people with diabetes, as they provide very low amounts of carbohydrates. Moreover, they are rich in magnesium, a mineral that is essential to over 300 processes in the body, especially for the blood sugar levels.

4. Almonds are also good for people with hypertension

The abundance of magnesium is also extremely beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Magnesium can reduce hypertension, the main factor that leads to stroke, kidney failure, and heart attacks.

Simply Place It In A Glass Of Water – It Heals Hernia, Protects The Heart, Prevents Diabetes…

Cucumber water is very popular, especially after the claims of some models. This amazing drink provides numerous health benefits and is extremely beneficial for weight loss.

The preparation of this cucumber drink is extremely easy and cheap. Moreover, it helps prevent a variety of conditions, such as cancer, hernia, and diabetes.

Here’s the cucumber water recipe, that heals hernia, protects the heart, prevents diabetes, and more:


To prepare this recipe you need at least 1 cucumber. In fact, there’s no perfect amount, you’ll get the same health benefits whether you add 1 or 5 cucumbers. You just need to take the cucumber, clean it well and slice it, don’t peel it. Then, add it to a glass container and pour 2 liters of water. Lastly, place it in the fridge and let your cucumber water infuse for a few hours.

You should consume a minimum of two glasses a day, in order to protect your health and improve your immune system.

Here are a few amazing health benefits of this drink:

  • Detoxification

Cucumber water is one of the strongest nutrient-rich, detoxifying drinks. It efficiently eliminates toxic buildup due to high fiber and water content.

  • Chronic diseases

Cucumbers are abundant in many powerful antioxidants that strengthen brain function and prevent age-related diseases. Moreover, they are extremely effective in treating some chronic types such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, eye disease, and more.

  • Heart

According to the American Association, the major cause of death in the USA is due to heart diseases. however, this natural treatment will reduce high blood pressure and thus reduce the risk of heart disease.

  • Muscles

Cucumbers contain silica, a trace mineral extremely beneficial for the muscles. When going to work out, make sure to add a few slices of cucumber in your water, that helps to enlarge the muscles.

  • Bones

Cucumbers are abundant in Vitamin K, thus helps to lower your risk of developing osteoporosis and assists to strengthen your bones.

  • Skin

Staying hydrated is the number one key to beautiful skin. Moreover, this drink is high in numerous antioxidants, especially in silicon. Therefore, it’s an extremely useful treatment for treating acne and moisturizing your skin.

Say Goodbye To Pain in Your Joints, Legs and Spine with this Simple Juice Recipe

This easy juice recipe is all you need in case you experience unpleasant pain in your legs, joints, or spine. Nowadays, many people are including higher amounts of raw, natural food in their diet. In fact, they claim that they experience pain relief along with other health benefits when consuming fresh natural juices. Moreover, the need for taking medications has gone.

Whenever you decide to consume larger amounts of raw foods, you are increasing the amount of anti-inflammation compounds. Also, the abundance of the antioxidants in your bloodstream help reduce inflammation and thus suppresses the pain response.

This simple juice recipe is also perfect for relieving pain in your joints, spine, and legs due to the many healing ingredients. In fact, the consumption of turmeric, ginger, and pineapple enhances the inflammatory response. Thus, helps you improve many conditions such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoarthritis, cancer, eczema, sinusitis, rosacea, acne, and psoriasis.

Additionally, turmeric lowers histamine levels in the body, which leads to a reduction of inflammatory processes. On the other hand, ginger has powerful little compounds known as gingerols, zingerones, shogaols, and paradols which have the ability to fight prostaglandins, lipid compounds that trigger pain.

Here is the simple juice recipe that relieves pain in your joints, legs and spine:


  • 1 peeled orange
  • 2 cups of pineapple
  • 1 peeled lemon
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 inch of fresh ginger root
  • 2 pears
  • 2 inches of raw, organic turmeric root


Take all of the above ingredients and put them in a juicer. Mix them well and enjoy this healthy drink. Also, you can blend this recipe and enjoy it as a smoothie, you only need to add a little water.

The powerful antioxidant properties from these ingredients will neutralize free radicals that lead to inflammation. Therefore, you will successfully prevent the pain in your joints, legs and spine.

14 Symptoms Of High Blood Sugar And Which Foods Reduce It

Increased blood sugar levels do not necessarily imply that one has diabetes. In fact, having high blood sugar is only one of the numerous symptoms of the disease.

However, this is a serious sign that you should never ignore. In fact, by this way, the organism warns you to take care of your body. In the hope to prevent numerous complications which eventually may lead to diabetes.

Therefore, to prevent serious complications, it is extremely important to diagnose hyperglycemia.

Here is a list of the most common symptoms of high blood sugar levels:

  1. Extreme dry mouth
  2. Inability to concentrate
  3. Nerve problems
  4. Extreme tiredness
  5. Erectile dysfunction
  6. Having an unquenchable thirst during the entire day
  7. Dry itchy skin
  8. Frequent need to urinate, particularly through the night
  9. Recurring infections
  10. Delayed healing of wounds and cuts
  11. A blurry vision
  12. Stomach discomfort
  13. Feeling a constant unexplainable hunger
  14. Too much belly fat and unexpected weight gain

If you experience a few of these symptoms, you shouldn’t be worrying, it doesn’t mean that you are diabetic.

Now, how to reduce high blood sugar using a food list based on the Glycemic index:

Glycemic index (GI) is a type of scale that classifies foods according to their effects on the sugar levels in the blood. This scale ranges from 0 to 100 and the higher the food is on the scale, the more it raises glucose levels in the blood.

The following items have a high glycemic index, which means you should avoid food such as white bread, baked potatoes, rice cakes, popcorn, corn flakes, and glazed donuts.

These foods belong in the moderate glycemic group, which means you can consume them in moderation. Such foods are white rice, brown rice, honey, oatmeal, pita bread, and mac and cheese.

Lastly, here are the beneficial foods which can reduce your high blood sugar:

  • Apples
  • Peas
  • Broccoli
  • Eggs
  • Hummus
  • Spaghetti
  • Bananas
  • Butter beans
  • Green grapes
  • Yellow onions
  • Walnuts
  • Grapefruit
  • Kidney beans
  • Oranges
  • Cherries
  • Tomato juice
  • Pineapple juice
  • Cashews
  • Carrots
  • Turkey sausages

The consumption of these foods along with regular exercise will completely defeat your high blood sugar levels in less than 30 days.

The Smell Of The Rain Reduces Stress And 7 Other Benefits Of Walking In The Rain

A lot of people enjoy these watery sounds of the pouring rain in fact, many find it romantic and soothing. The sounds of non-threats indeed remain an extremely beneficial way to calm people in times of stress. Moreover, walking in the rain can be a healing journey, due to the smell which implies directly to the hippocampus and amygdala.

Also, the rain calms the mind and helps you release your suppressed emotions and thoughts. Therefore, rain is one of the most relaxing sounds in existence, thus also makes it a perfect way to put your baby to sleep.

The lovely scent of the rain also has a special word, Petrichor, which is defined by two Australian scientists in the 1960s.

The fragrance comes when raindrops fall to the earth’s ground. Yet, the scent they’re picking up on isn’t actually rain, which is odorless. In fact, it’s a combination of chemicals released by soil-dwelling bacteria and oils released from plants during dry spells and ozone.

Therefore, rainy days are simply ideal when you are feeling sad or stressed out, as well as for when you just want to enjoy and ease at the moment.

Besides the stress reduction, walking in the rain offers the following 7 benefits as well:

  • Studies indicate that the fresh scent after the rain refreshes the mind, that’s why you feel so refreshed after breathing the air.
  • The high humidity in the air helps to keep your skin moist and young. Moreover, as it’s alkaline, it does wonders for your skin and scalp.
  • When you exercise in the rain, you can work out faster and longer. Also, rainy weather helps you burn more calories and fats than sunny days.
  • The air is really cleaner after the rain because the droplets have the ability to absorb the microbes and the dust in the air.
  • Walking in the rain makes you feel rebellious. Therefore, feel free to do it when you feel like you need to break a rule.
  • A walk in the rain encourages you to resolve problems from a different point of view. In fact, everything looks completely different when the rain falls.
  • As almost no one walks in the rain, these walks give us a better sense of space, so your personal feelings and emotions can roam free, and run wild.

Sweet Potato Juice To Help Control Blood Sugar (Recipe Included)

Sweet potato is among the few veggies that have lots of fiber, vitamin B, and magnesium. They are extremely high in useful nutrients, yet affordable, easily available and super tasty.

The regular consumption of sweet potatoes can provide countless health benefits and bring your blood sugar levels to an optimal level. In fact, the health benefits provided by sweet potatoes are never-ending.

Namely, it is one of the few veggies abundant in vitamin B6. A very important chemical that aids in reducing homocysteine levels, yet preventing numerous degenerative diseases, as well as heart attacks.

Moreover, sweet potatoes provide a superb resource of vitamin C and D. As can be seen, they are crucial for the formation of blood cells, bone growth, and digestion. They contribute with great antioxidant potential. Thus, decreases damage caused by complimentary radicals and boosts the immune system.

The consumption of sweet potatoes often enhances your absorption of iron, potassium, magnesium, and beta-carotene.

The first two are important for your immunity system and stress management. While magnesium is a cardiac promoter and it likewise stimulates the formation of red blood cells. Lastly, the beta-carotene enhances your eyesight, adds resistance, as well as offers a powerful antioxidant potential.

Note, you should always consider a few things when buying sweet potatoes. Pleasant potatoes should be firm, without holes, cracks, bruises and soft spots. Also, you shouldn’t buy vegetables that have been stored in refrigerated aisles, since the cooler temperature may impact their taste.

Now, here is a sweet potato juice recipe to reduce blood sugar levels:


  • 1-2 raw and organic sweet potato
  • 2 carrots
  • 4-6 celery stalks
  • 1 jicama
  • A pinch of cinnamon


Place all the above ingredients through a juicer or a blender. Strain and finish your juice with a dash of cinnamon on top, serve cool. Drink sweet potato juice for breakfast, lunch, or just get it instead of your regular midday snack.

This juice recipe is an unusual yet, healthy way to start adding sweet potatoes to your food selection. Thus, will increase the intake of daily vitamins and minerals. Meanwhile, keeping your blood sugar in control will help you feel much better.


5 Foot Exercises To Help Relieve Back, Hip, And Knee Pain In 20 Minutes or Less

Your feet and legs are of great importance since they support the total body weight of your body. Therefore, it’s crucial to take proper care of them in order to prevent back, hip, and knee pain

Also, by not wearing proper comfortable footwear, you may create bunions, corns, and calluses to your feet. In fact, you shouldn’t ignore any foot-related conditions as you can seriously harm your overall health, plus you wouldn’t be able to normally perform your daily tasks.

A good balance of stretching and cardiovascular exercise is always beneficial for the feet. Also, stretching your feet every morning can ensure their healthy function. Moreover, activities like walking, running, dancing, exercising, and weight lifting are able to ease explicit pain you may be feeling in your body.

Here are 5 exercises to strengthen your feet and relieve any pain:

  • Toe Presses

The toe press is an alternative muscle engaging exercise, great for warming up your feet. Start with a standing position and bend slightly, grip the floor with your toes and hold for 3 seconds. Then, release and repeat 10 times, do 3 times each day.

  • Toe Pencil Pickups

All you need for this exercise is a single pencil. You need to stand in front of the pencil on the floor, and using your toes try to grab it and lift it from the floor. Hold for 10 seconds, and drop it. Repeat 5 times on each foot.

  • Toe Walking

You don’t have to be a ballerina for this exercise. Doing this exercise will improve the muscles in the toes, as well as the ligaments that support the arch of the foot. You should stand on your tiptoes with your feet straight and walk forward for 20 seconds. Rest for 10-15 seconds, and repeat 5 times.

  • Resisted Flexion

This exercise will build up the hard to reach flexor muscles of the toes and feet. You need to wrap an exercise band to a fixed object and place the band on the top of the feet. Sit on the floor, and position your leg in front of you. While sitting on the floor start sliding back. Continue until you feel discomfort or can’t move any further. Repeat 10 times.

  • Ankle Circles

Ankle flexibility are extremely important as tight ankles can lead to back, hip, and knee pain. Lie on the floor and extend one leg over your head. Rotate the spread leg’s ankle clockwise for 10 counts. Then do the same only in a counterclockwise direction. Perform 5 sets with each foot.

Gluten And Dairy-Free Lemon Meringue Cheesecake

We all crave for some sweet and delicious dessert whenever we are on a diet. Therefore, this gluten and dairy-free lemon meringue cheesecake is a perfect way to satisfy your taste buds.

According to many people, this rich and creamy dessert is impossible to resist in all its glorious forms. Especially, when it’s full of flavor, yet abundant in heart-healthy antioxidants extremely healthy for the body. it just melts in your mouth.

In Greece, the cheesecake was served as a way to reduce your stress and boost your energy levels naturally. Therefore, it was given at the Greek Olympic Games in 776 B.C. However, the flavor of the cheesecake we perceive today has developed around the 18th century.

Here is a modern, gluten and dairy-free lemon meringue cheesecake:

  • Ingredients:


  • 1 cup of pure coconut flour
  • 4 tablespoons of pure honey
  • ½ cup of organic coconut oil
  • 1 tsp gluten-free vanilla extract


  • 1/3 cup dairy-free sour cream
  • 4-8 ounce packages of dairy-free cream cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of fresh-squeezed lemon juice
  • ¾ cup honey


  • 7 egg whites
  • 1 teaspoon of gluten-free vanilla
  • 1 and 1/4 cup pure honey
  • Pinch cream of tartar
  • Preparation:


Preheat your oven to 325 degrees F and use parchment paper to line the pie. Mix the honey, vanilla, and coconut in a big bowl. Then, add the coconut flour and mix well until the ingredients are blended thoroughly. Line the pie tin with the mixture and spread it evenly.


Beat the cream cheese and sour cream together in a mixing bowl, add honey and mix again. Next, add the eggs, one at a time and mix again until everything is thoroughly connected. Add in lemon juice and beat in with the rest of the mixture. Spread the filling evenly over the pastry base and bake in the preheated oven for an hour. Afterward, cool on a wire rack and put it in the fridge for 3-4 hours.


Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Use an electric mixer to gradually beat egg whites into a foamy mixture. Then add cream of tartar and proceed to beat. Add the honey and continue on high until the meringue is thick. Once the mixture becomes thick, add vanilla extract and beat through the mixture quickly. Lastly, add the meringue onto the cool cheesecake and bake for 10-15 minutes.

Leave it to cool down and place it back in the fridge for another hour.

This Artificial Kidney Could Eliminate The Need For Kidney Dialysis

Taking good care of your kidneys it’s of utmost importance. In fact, there are a few steps you can follow that may help you to lower the risk of chronic kidney disease. Mainly, you need to be active, maintain ideal body weight, eat healthily, reduce your blood pressure, and don’t smoke or drink too much alcohol. Thus, chiefly helps to avoid overloading your kidneys.

The kidney play’s vital roles:

  • Helps to maintain the overall fluid balance
  • Regulates and separates minerals from the blood
  • Creates hormones that promote the formation of red blood cells, support bone health and manage blood pressure
  • Filter waste materials from food, medications, and other toxic substances

However, kidneys sometimes fail, this means they aren’t able to clean waste products from the bloodstream anymore. Therefore, dangerous levels of toxins begin to accumulate, leading to a chemical imbalance in the body. Now, a transplant is the only solution to end the stage of kidney failure.

However, there are more than 100 thousand people awaiting a kidney transplant in the United States. And the average wait-time for a kidney is between 3 to 5 years.

Since the waiting list for a transplant is so long, the patients waiting for a new organ are getting dialysis until they can receive a new organ. Yet, when a person can’t receive a kidney organ, they have to stick with dialysis for the rest of their life.

The average life expectancy of people with dialysis is 5 to 10 years. Also, every day 13 people die while waiting for a kidney transplant.

Here’s the artificial kidney that eliminates the need for kidney dialysis:

As a result of this, scientists are developing an artificial kidney that might solve the issue with this organ shortage. It’s a two-part implanted artificial kidney that incorporates recent developments intended to perform various kidney functions. It has special microchips, powered by the heart to realize the actions of a healthful kidney.

Moreover, the artificial kidney contains living renal (kidney) cells that will eventually develop around the chip and simulate a real organ.

Bloated? Anxious? Nobody Told You These 5 Essential Oils Can Help Reset Your Hormones

Hormones are highly potent substances, which have a great influence on the human body. Therefore, when the hormones are out of balance, they may lead to severe health disorders.

The female hormone, estrogen, affects mood, metabolism, reproduction, sexual function, and growth and development. For this reason, hormones are an important part of the development of secondary female characteristics, especially through puberty.

Nowadays, modern lifestyle causes numerous hormonal imbalances both in men and women. Especially because the women estrogen imbalance is highly influenced by chronic stress, unhealthy diets, car pollutants, and pesticides.

These hormonal imbalances can cause 3 major side-effects. Namely, they are thyroid problems, adrenal fatigue, and estrogen dominance. Therefore, if you encounter some of these disorders start using the following essential oils immediately.

Here are the 5 essential oils that can help reset your hormones:

  • Licorice Oil

Licorice has a bitter sense, so it may not be your favorite flavor. However, it has strong antidepressant properties which are of great help when fighting adrenal fatigue, estrogen dominance, and thyroid problems.

Also, in Chinese medicine, the root is used to treat gastric ulcers and raise metabolism. To utilize the oil, just rub a few drops on the palms and inhale to instantly boost your mood.

  • Basil Oil

Basil essential oil has a super calming effect for both men and women experiencing stress symptoms. Moreover, researchers found that basil oil is 39% more efficient than the placebo drug.

To regulate the hormones, just rub several drops of organic basil oil on your forearms and on the adrenal pressure point on your ears.

  • Myrtle Oil

This oil is especially good if you want to stimulate the function of the thyroid and manage the lower thyroid or ovary imbalance. Additionally, it supports the respiratory system in the case of asthma or a cold.

All you need to do is rub several drops of myrtle oil to the main thyroid points on your body. Also, make sure to include the base of your neck and the place under your big toe.

  • Lavender Oil

This essential oil provides better sleep, relaxes the body and boosts blood circulation. Thus, aids the body to defeat adrenal fatigue and estrogen imbalance.

You need to pour several drops of lavender oil on your pillow just before going to bed. The scent will relax the body, calm you, and promote your sleep.

  • Clary Sage Oil

The method of clary sage oil dates back to Medieval times, it is proven to balance the hormones and alleviate the PMS symptoms.

Just add a few drops to the bath. Afterward, the oil in the combination of the warm water will relieve your cramps and melt away any PMS pains.

Okra Controls Hunger And Diabetes, Lowers Cholesterol And Removes Fatigue

The hibiscus esculentus, also known as okra, gumbo, kiabo and lady’s fingers is a plant of Ethiopian origin. Thus, has a pleasant taste and a greenish color with tiny seeds that provide extremely healing benefits.

Thanks to its rich nutrient profile, okra has been used as a natural remedy to cure many illnesses and health problems for centuries. In fact, people have been using this vegetable as a way to control diabetes, lower cholesterol, curb cravings and even destroy cancer cells.

Also, you can eat this tender okra plant as a vegetable in salads, broths, stews, and stir-fries. It can bring your meal to another level, thus making it nutritious and delicious at the same time.

Here are the amazing health benefits of okra:

  • Treats fatigue

This veggie is extremely rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. Therefore, it supports the storage of glycogen in the liver and thus increases your energy levels.

  • Lowers cholesterol levels

The consumption of okra prevents fat accumulation and lowers cholesterol levels in the body. Additionally, it improves the production of bile acids in the stool, which then prevents atherosclerosis.

  • Controls diabetes

Okra seeds have alpha-glucosidase, a unique enzyme that breaks down carbs. As a result, it improves the insulin sensitivity of the cells and thus treats diabetes.

  • Prevents food cravings

Okra is abundant in soluble fiber that provides a feeling of satiety and prevents weight gain.

  • Protects from kidney diseases

The active compounds found in okra will improve the function of the kidneys and help you prevent kidney diseases.

  • Controls asthma

Because of its high vitamin C content, this vegetable is of great help in the treatment of asthma.

  • Improves eyesight and strengthens the immune system

Okra is rich in vitamin A, which increases the white blood cell count and thus promotes the immune system.

  • Improves hair health

Okra will improve the quality of your hair and make it shiny, healthy, and soft, while effectively preventing it from dandruff.

  • Fights gastritis

The juice of okra has proven itself as a powerful bacteria fighter, which helps to lower the risk of gastritis.

  • Fights constipation

Okra will stimulate the water absorption, assuring you free motion disposal, that fights constipation.

  • Stops bleeding and strengthen bones

The powerful vitamin K helps to reinforce your bones and promote better blood coagulation.

  • Improves skin health

The high antioxidant content will help you prevent pigmentation and premature aging. Additionally, will make your skin soft and healthy.

  • Prevents sunstroke

By consuming okra you can effectively prevent sunstrokes.

What Happens When You Don’t Wash Your Sheets

No one loves laundry day. Yet, if you’re thinking you can go more than 7 days without stripping your bed you are terribly wrong. You may not realize it, but lying in sheets full of germs and bacteria could be extremely harmful to your health.

On the other hand, if you are washing the bedsheets regularly, you are probably a person who sticks to a regular schedule discipline. Hence, this choice will keep you away from fungi, bacteria, pollen, also it won’t necessarily make you sick.

Also, you should consider that every week you spend from 49 to 63 hours between your sheets. Thus, producing sweat, dead skin, germs, oil, dirt, also allows for bacterias plenty of time to build-up.

Here are several issues that happen when you don’t wash your sheets:

  • Dust mites

Tiny organisms nearly invisible to the naked eye, they mainly gather in areas where they don’t get disturbed, such as the bedroom. They can cause allergies, aggravate asthma, and even lead to an eczema flare-up.

  • Bacteria and viruses

Daily humans shed around 10g of skin cells on their sheets. Plus, the saliva and sweat we leave on the bed make a perfect environment for bacteria and viruses to grow. In fact, pillowcases have over 17.000 times more bacteria than a single toilet seat.

  • Acne

If you notice your skin starting to look more vulnerable, you probably should change your pillowcase. Since bacteria, dead skin cells, and dirt piled on the pillowcase can trigger acne.

  • Bed bugs

When bed bugs infest, they will leave blood stains on sheets, as they are blood-sucking insects. Therefore, if you wake up with itchy bite marks you should wash the bed sheets with hot water.

  • Pet Hair

If you love sleeping with your pets, you should be extremely careful. Since their hair makes the bed even more attractive to dust mites.

Here are a few tips on how to properly wash your sheets to stay healthy:

  • Turn back the bed covers to let the moisture dry for a few minutes
  • You should wash the covers more often if you are ill, sleep naked, or go to bed without showering
  • Wash the entire pillows at least twice a year, along with the duvets and other coverings
  • Change your sheets once a week and wash them with hot water to disinfect them
  • Vacuum the entire mattress surface a few times a year
  • Change the sheets often if you sleep with your kids or pets, eat in bed, or sweat a lot