Category Archives: health

14 Symptoms Of High Blood Sugar And Which Foods Reduce It

Increased blood sugar levels do not necessarily imply that one has diabetes. In fact, having high blood sugar is only one of the numerous symptoms of the disease.

However, this is a serious sign that you should never ignore. In fact, by this way, the organism warns you to take care of your body. In the hope to prevent numerous complications which eventually may lead to diabetes.

Therefore, to prevent serious complications, it is extremely important to diagnose hyperglycemia.

Here is a list of the most common symptoms of high blood sugar levels:

  1. Extreme dry mouth
  2. Inability to concentrate
  3. Nerve problems
  4. Extreme tiredness
  5. Erectile dysfunction
  6. Having an unquenchable thirst during the entire day
  7. Dry itchy skin
  8. Frequent need to urinate, particularly through the night
  9. Recurring infections
  10. Delayed healing of wounds and cuts
  11. A blurry vision
  12. Stomach discomfort
  13. Feeling a constant unexplainable hunger
  14. Too much belly fat and unexpected weight gain

If you experience a few of these symptoms, you shouldn’t be worrying, it doesn’t mean that you are diabetic.

Now, how to reduce high blood sugar using a food list based on the Glycemic index:

Glycemic index (GI) is a type of scale that classifies foods according to their effects on the sugar levels in the blood. This scale ranges from 0 to 100 and the higher the food is on the scale, the more it raises glucose levels in the blood.

The following items have a high glycemic index, which means you should avoid food such as white bread, baked potatoes, rice cakes, popcorn, corn flakes, and glazed donuts.

These foods belong in the moderate glycemic group, which means you can consume them in moderation. Such foods are white rice, brown rice, honey, oatmeal, pita bread, and mac and cheese.

Lastly, here are the beneficial foods which can reduce your high blood sugar:

  • Apples
  • Peas
  • Broccoli
  • Eggs
  • Hummus
  • Spaghetti
  • Bananas
  • Butter beans
  • Green grapes
  • Yellow onions
  • Walnuts
  • Grapefruit
  • Kidney beans
  • Oranges
  • Cherries
  • Tomato juice
  • Pineapple juice
  • Cashews
  • Carrots
  • Turkey sausages

The consumption of these foods along with regular exercise will completely defeat your high blood sugar levels in less than 30 days.

Say Goodbye To Pain in Your Joints, Legs and Spine with this Simple Juice Recipe

This easy juice recipe is all you need in case you experience unpleasant pain in your legs, joints, or spine. Nowadays, many people are including higher amounts of raw, natural food in their diet. In fact, they claim that they experience pain relief along with other health benefits when consuming fresh natural juices. Moreover, the need for taking medications has gone.

Whenever you decide to consume larger amounts of raw foods, you are increasing the amount of anti-inflammation compounds. Also, the abundance of the antioxidants in your bloodstream help reduce inflammation and thus suppresses the pain response.

This simple juice recipe is also perfect for relieving pain in your joints, spine, and legs due to the many healing ingredients. In fact, the consumption of turmeric, ginger, and pineapple enhances the inflammatory response. Thus, helps you improve many conditions such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoarthritis, cancer, eczema, sinusitis, rosacea, acne, and psoriasis.

Additionally, turmeric lowers histamine levels in the body, which leads to a reduction of inflammatory processes. On the other hand, ginger has powerful little compounds known as gingerols, zingerones, shogaols, and paradols which have the ability to fight prostaglandins, lipid compounds that trigger pain.

Here is the simple juice recipe that relieves pain in your joints, legs and spine:


  • 1 peeled orange
  • 2 cups of pineapple
  • 1 peeled lemon
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 inch of fresh ginger root
  • 2 pears
  • 2 inches of raw, organic turmeric root


Take all of the above ingredients and put them in a juicer. Mix them well and enjoy this healthy drink. Also, you can blend this recipe and enjoy it as a smoothie, you only need to add a little water.

The powerful antioxidant properties from these ingredients will neutralize free radicals that lead to inflammation. Therefore, you will successfully prevent the pain in your joints, legs and spine.

Simply Place It In A Glass Of Water – It Heals Hernia, Protects The Heart, Prevents Diabetes…

Cucumber water is very popular, especially after the claims of some models. This amazing drink provides numerous health benefits and is extremely beneficial for weight loss.

The preparation of this cucumber drink is extremely easy and cheap. Moreover, it helps prevent a variety of conditions, such as cancer, hernia, and diabetes.

Here’s the cucumber water recipe, that heals hernia, protects the heart, prevents diabetes, and more:


To prepare this recipe you need at least 1 cucumber. In fact, there’s no perfect amount, you’ll get the same health benefits whether you add 1 or 5 cucumbers. You just need to take the cucumber, clean it well and slice it, don’t peel it. Then, add it to a glass container and pour 2 liters of water. Lastly, place it in the fridge and let your cucumber water infuse for a few hours.

You should consume a minimum of two glasses a day, in order to protect your health and improve your immune system.

Here are a few amazing health benefits of this drink:

  • Detoxification

Cucumber water is one of the strongest nutrient-rich, detoxifying drinks. It efficiently eliminates toxic buildup due to high fiber and water content.

  • Chronic diseases

Cucumbers are abundant in many powerful antioxidants that strengthen brain function and prevent age-related diseases. Moreover, they are extremely effective in treating some chronic types such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, eye disease, and more.

  • Heart

According to the American Association, the major cause of death in the USA is due to heart diseases. however, this natural treatment will reduce high blood pressure and thus reduce the risk of heart disease.

  • Muscles

Cucumbers contain silica, a trace mineral extremely beneficial for the muscles. When going to work out, make sure to add a few slices of cucumber in your water, that helps to enlarge the muscles.

  • Bones

Cucumbers are abundant in Vitamin K, thus helps to lower your risk of developing osteoporosis and assists to strengthen your bones.

  • Skin

Staying hydrated is the number one key to beautiful skin. Moreover, this drink is high in numerous antioxidants, especially in silicon. Therefore, it’s an extremely useful treatment for treating acne and moisturizing your skin.

How To Get Rid Of Kidney Stones Naturally In Just 6 Days

Kidney stones are clumps of mineral that are developing naturally within the kidney or urinary tract. In fact, the formation of kidney stones is about two times more frequent in men than women. The highest risk occurs amongst white people, between the ages of 20 and 50, with a peak at age 30.

Not everyone will develop kidney stones actually, you might’ve been having one in the past. The small and tiny kidney stones are getting rid of pretty easily through your urinary tract. In fact, you may never notice that you had a kidney stone, as the small ones won’t cause any symptoms.

However, if you have a larger kidney stone, you may notice pain while urinating, blood in the urine, sharp back and abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea.

Luckily, there is an amazing natural approach in order to eliminate kidney stones efficiently. The remedy not only eliminates stones naturally but also the entire process lasts less than 6 days. Additionally, it removes all sand and buildups.

Here’s how to get rid of kidney stones naturally:


  • 100 ml (3.4 oz) lemon juice
  • 100 ml beer
  • 100 ml extra virgin olive oil

Lemon is full of many health benefits, from improving the immunity of the body to removing kidney stones. Also, beer is a potent diuretic, and it helps to flush down the stones. Lastly, the extra virgin olive oil is a thick, rich oil that may benefit by lubricating the urinary tract.


Put all the ingredients in the jar, place the lid and shake well until combined.

Drink 50 ml of the treatment every morning, just shake the bottle before consuming it. The sand will start getting out in 4 days, and the stone in 6.

Note: You should always choose fresh organic lemons, and make lemon juice by yourself. Don’t choose the store-bought ones, as they contain artificial flavor. Additionally, you should be extremely cautious about large stones. In fact, stones larger than 15mm won’t pass or may damage the channels while passing through.

What 15 Almonds Every Day Can Do to Your Health

There are a lot of nut varieties but rich, crunchy and delicately seasoned almonds are probably the best. Relatively low in calories, almonds are a tasty and nutritious snack with a plethora of health benefits. In fact, their nutrition offers amazing health benefits to the brain, heart, gut and more.

Additionally, almonds are extremely abundant in protein, fiber, monounsaturated fats, plus contain an amazing 37% of vitamin E, from the RDA.

No matter if you are enjoying homemade almond milk or eating pancakes with a top of almonds and fruits, they can be really satisfying.

According to clinical research, the consumption of 12-15 almonds daily has a profound impact on your health and wellbeing. In fact, it improves the HDL good cholesterol, controls triglycerides, and lowers the bad VDL and LDL cholesterol. Moreover, almonds can lessen the atherogenic list, which is associated with chronic inflammation and vascular diseases.

Additional health benefits of eating almonds daily:

You will experience the following benefits when eating 15 almonds every day.

1. You’ll get good amounts of antioxidants

You’ve probably heard or read about antioxidants and their importance for our general health being. They help protect our bodies from free radicals that can begin oxidative stress, which then leads to aging, cancer, and many other diseases.

2. Your cell membranes can be protected against damage

Vitamin E is known for its ability to protect the cells from oxidative stress as it develops in the cell membranes. Thus, keeps us safe and protects us against heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

3. Almonds are good for people with diabetes

Almonds are very beneficial for people with diabetes, as they provide very low amounts of carbohydrates. Moreover, they are rich in magnesium, a mineral that is essential to over 300 processes in the body, especially for the blood sugar levels.

4. Almonds are also good for people with hypertension

The abundance of magnesium is also extremely beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Magnesium can reduce hypertension, the main factor that leads to stroke, kidney failure, and heart attacks.

Make Your Own Electrolyte Energy Drink

If Gatorade and PowerAde are one of your favorite energy drinks, it’s time to turn to a healthier version. Additionally, buying these energy drinks frequently can get quite expensive.

Electrolytes are important for every process, especially for regulating the functioning of your nerves and muscles. Your body’s cells use them to maintain voltage, you need to keep their level after every workout or through it.

Many commercial electrolyte drinks in the market are filled with sugar-packed water, which is never a good thing. Instead, make your own drink as this is the only way to control its quality. Additionally, commercial electrolytes contain high-fructose corn syrup and many chemicals that you might not want to consume.

Here are 3 types of electrolyte energy drink you can prepare:

Lay-Low Recipe:


  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 2 tbsp natural sugar or honey
  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/8 tsp sea salt
  • 2 cups fresh water

Mix everything into a food blender and blend until the mixture is thoroughly combined. Pour yourself a tall glass, and add in a few ice cubes.

Sweet and Smoothie recipe:


  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 3 cups of coconut water
  • 1/8 tsp of sea salt
  • 1 cup fresh water
  • 1 cup ice
  • 2 tbsp natural sugar or honey

Simply toss everything into a food processor and blend away.

Bright ‘n Early Recipe


  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 2 cups fresh water
  • 1/8 tsp sea salt
  • 2 tbsp natural sugar or honey, to taste

Blend these ingredients until smooth and enjoy your energy drink. Citrus fruits, especially oranges, provide a great source of electrolytes.

Enjoy these refreshing drinks whenever you want to lift up your energy and mood. Since, the electrolytes control your nerve and muscle function, regulate the pH value of blood, rebuild tissue, keep you hydrated, and regulate blood pressure.

There are a lot of electrolytes, but the most crucial for your body are calcium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, magnesium, phosphate, sulfate and chloride. Too little electrolytes and muscles become weak, too much and they go over the record. Give your body what it wants, and it will be more than thankful.

Mix These 2 Ingredients and Destroy Any Cysts and Fibroids

In general, cysts on the ovaries and fibroids in the uterus are benign growths that rarely show any symptoms. However, over time, they can be accompanied by pain, bloating, or bleeding. Both of these non-cancerous growths are very common and affect 75% of the women population.

Fibroids and cysts can vary in number, from a single to multiple cysts. The location and the texture is a main difference between them, as cysts are filled with fluid while fibroids have a denser tissue.

Main symptoms of ovarian cysts

  • abdominal bloating or swelling
  • vomiting and nausea
  • pelvic pain before or during the menstrual cycle
  • uncomfortable bowel movements
  • painful coitus

Main symptoms of uterine fibroids

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Struggle to empty the bladder
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic tension or pain
  • Repeated urination
  • Menstrual days last more

The following remedy can help you with numerous health issues, including fibroids and cysts. The treatments contain only 2 ingredients, yet it is extremely effective.

One of the ingredients is the plant houseleek, a common plant originally cultivated by the Greeks and Romans. It is loaded with nutrients and can treat almost any health problem, especially cysts and fibroids.

Here is the recipe that helps to destroy any cysts and fibroids:


  • 300 gr. / 10.5 oz. houseleek leaves
  • 500 gr. / 17.5 oz. honey


At first, chop the leaves of the houseleek and then pour the honey over them. Store the ingredients in a jar, and let them sit for 2-3 days till they are thoroughly soaked.


Take this remedy in the morning, on an empty stomach and remember not to eat or drink anything in the next two hours. The remedy has the ability to improve the metabolism and detoxify your body. It’s especially effective during winter days when there are more harmful substances that build up in our bodies.

As we mentioned before this powerful recipe is extremely beneficial in treating uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. Therefore, don’t hesitate to try as you will be amazed by the results!

If You Often Have Headaches, Low Energy, and Insomnia, Start Consuming These Vitamins

A busy lifestyle can often lead to various health disorders like headaches, low energy, and insomnia. Many people experience these issues, yet they don’t know what actually triggers them.

Many studies claim that these problems are mainly caused by vitamin deficiency, particularly the low amounts of vitamin K and magnesium. The truth is that magnesium is one of the most crucial nutrients for our overall health, and is included in more than 300 chemical reactions in our body.

Magnesium health benefits:

This mineral is mainly in charge of creating proteins from amino acids. Additionally, magnesium converts food to energy, reduces anxiety, fatigue, relieves stress as well as headaches and migraines.

Not consuming enough magnesium can keep the serotonin levels low, thus constricts the blood vessels, and impacts its function. Moreover, you can experience symptoms of insomnia and feel depressed.

The daily intake for men at age 19 to 30 should be 400mg, while the older ones should take 420 mg. Women’s daily allowances are quite lower with 300g for women at age 19-30, and 320 mg for the older ones.

Here are the best dietary sources of magnesium:

  • Spinach
  • Fish
  • Nuts
  • Avocado
  • Bread (wholegrain)
  • Meat
  • Brown rice

Vitamin K health benefits:

Another vitamin which is also extremely important for the synthesizing of proteins. Also, it’s responsible for preventing blood clots, stops bleeding, and excessive bruising.

Additionally, this vitamin protects the arteries and valves from calcification, while preventing serious health issues such as Alzheimer’s and prostate cancer. When vitamin K levels are low, it leads to more fragile bones and fractures.

The advised daily intake of vitamin K for adults is 0.001mg of vitamin K for every 1 kg of body weight.

Here are the best dietary sources of vitamin K:

  • Herbs such as thyme, basil, sage, marjoram, parsley, coriander, and chives.
  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, mustard greens, beet greens, collards, turnip greens, and other greens.
  • Salad greens such as watercress, garden cress, rocket, spring onions, radicchio, romaine lettuce, red lettuce, iceberg lettuce, and celery.
  • Brassica vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, savoy cabbage, pak choi, and cauliflower.
  • Hot spices such as paprika, cayenne pepper, curry, and chili powder.
  • Other great sources: fennel, leeks, soybeans, olive oil, asparagus, okra, pickles, and dried fruit.

Why Indian Food Is Incredibly Healthy and Appetizing, According to Science

Indian cuisine is one of the most popular foods for its class. The variety of foods is endless, rich in complex flavors, creamy sauces, fragrant vegetables, tender meat, spicy and sweet at the same time.

Besides, the variety of spices and vegetables is extremely important for your body. Therefore, traditional Indian food is not only tasty, yet is incredibly healthy. In fact, it supports immunity, reduces inflammation, boosts brain function and more.

Here are some of the greatest characteristics of Indian cuisine:

  • Spices

Spices play an essential role in Indian cuisine. They use a large variety of seasonings in their cooking methods, which maximizes the flavor in the final product. Indians use spices the way artists use paint, combining in a way they are comfortable with.

  • Tradition

Traditional recipes are passed down from generation to generation and there is probably no diet as nutritious as Indian food. Therefore you should expand your horizons in Indian cooking, as practice makes perfect.

  • Variety

A diversity of foods and nutrients is required for the trillions of cells in the human body. Therefore Indian cuisine is perfect with a lot of different types of culture to draw on.

  • History

Indian Cuisine is known for being diverse, ancient, also attacked by all kinds of factors, such as a rigid class system, weather patterns, and global trade routes.

  • Health

There is probably no other cuisine in the world that includes so many health benefits like the Indian. The main ingredients are used with balance and are extremely nutritious, most common foods are beans, coconut, rice, and lots of nutritious vegetables.

  • Color

Indian food is strongly influenced by food color. At first, you eat with your eyes and nose before you eat with your mouth.

  • Experience

The Indian culinary experience is quite unique, which many people would remember for their entire lives.

How to Detect Fake Honey (It’s Everywhere), Just Use This Simple Trick

Honey, the product of the hard-working bees, it is all-natural and provides amazing health benefits for your body. It is considered as one of the healthiest foods ever and can be extremely beneficial for treating many illnesses and conditions.

However, there are numerous types of fake honey on the market with a nice low price which may trick you into getting one. According to a study done by Food Safety News, more than 76% of all honey sold in markets has been infiltrated. Thus, removes the pollen, which is known for its amazing health benefits.

Therefore, you should stay away from such fake honey with zero health benefits. Unlike processed honey, raw honey actually contains a mixture of resins which protects you from viruses and bacteria, while providing strong antiviral and antifungal properties.

Here’s how to detect fake honey:

  • At first, it is extremely important to notice that pure honey crystallizes over time. So, if the honey does not crystallize over time, it means it’s fake.
  • Read the labels carefully before buying, and if it contains high fructose corn syrup or commercial glucose it is not real honey.
  • Add a few drops of iodine to a glass of water and then add the honey. If the honey becomes blue, it has been mixed with cornstarch. This is surely the cheap variant, genetically modified.
  • To a glass of water, add a few drops of vinegar then add a little honey. If it foams up, your honey has been contaminated with plaster.
  • Burn your honey with a match or phosphorus, if it’s natural it will ignite.
  • Fill a glass with water and a tablespoon of honey into the glass. If your honey is adulterated it will dissolve.

Extra tips when buying honey:

  • The McDonald’s and KFC honey does not contain pollen.
  • More than 70% of the honey found at Target, Costco, and Sam’s Club are lacking pollen.
  • Some varieties of honey are abundant in low-quality mead or combined with glucose.
  • Honey “Winnie the Pooh” sold at Walmart does not contain any pollen.
  • Lastly, do not buy honey sold at Walgreen’s and CVS Pharmacy as they also don’t contain pollen.

The Essential Oil That Fights Anxiety, Relieves Arthritis Pain & Helps You Sleep

There are various assortments of chamomile and the ones that contain the most medicinal qualities are the German and Roman. The essential oil from the Roman chamomile is known for its amazing benefits to treat stomach related issues, aggravation, and skin conditions.

People have been using this essential oil for years. Actually, it’s steam-refined from the plant’s blossoms and has a new, sweet, fruity, and apple-like fragrance. After distillation, the oil ranges in color from light blue to dark green when it’s fresh. Yet, after storage, it goes to dim yellow.

However, this process does not mean it loses its great medicinal properties. In fact, chamomile contains around 120 optional metabolites, 28 terpenoids, and 36 flavonoids. This marvelous oil is produced by esters of angelic acid as well as tiglic acid, which possess amazing anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.

This powerful essential oil offers multiple health benefits, including:

  • This chamomile oil added to some tea regulates gastrointestinal conditions and helps with issues like acid reflux, diarrhea, nausea, and indigestion.
  • Roman chamomile basic oil is wealthy in flavonoids, which promote heart wellbeing, lower blood pressure, and drastically reduce the risk of death from coronary heart disease.
  • The flavonoids in Roman chamomile oil infiltrate into more deep layers of the skin and eliminate any traits of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • This oil is extremely great for battling congestion. Additionally, it reduces swelling caused by allergies and treats irritations caused by food sensitivities.
  • Roman fundamental oil promotes rest, reduces feelings of anxiety, and fights against sleeping disorders. Moreover, you can add a few drops of it to a warm bath, and allow it to relax you.
  • The chamomile essential oil has strong calming characteristics which, treat eczema, gout, poison ivy, and other skin ailments. Just dab a cotton ball in the oil, and apply onto the affected area.
  • This basic oil is a characteristic antispasmodic, therefore it eases menstrual cramps and pain in your body. Additionally, adding the essential oil to your bath helps to improve your mood.

Lastly, you need to start using this versatile essential oil that helps to normally treat various medical problems.

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Using Just 3 Simple Home Remedies

Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, can cause a quite unpleasant pain on your toenails or fingernails. This fungus is often caused by moisture trapped in shoes, therefore it usually affects the toenails. The fungus can also be caused by yeast or mold, but it’s still collectively known as nail fungus.

How does a toenail fungus look like:

Generally, a nail fungal infection looks like a simple white or yellow spot on the nail’s tip. As it begins to develop, the nail may start to thicken, get darker in color, become cracked, change shape, or become numb.

In a more severe case of nail fungus, the nail may begin to separate, which can be a bit uncomfortable. Without therapy, toenail fungus can go on forever. Moreover, even if you do treat your nail fungus, the toenail infection can again reoccur.

Here are the 3 natural ways on how to get rid of toenail fungus:

  • Tea Tree/Orange Oil Rub

To make this mixture you will need:

  • A teaspoon of tea tree oil
  • 1/2 a teaspoon of orange oil
  • 1/2 a teaspoon of olive oil or grapeseed oil
  • Cotton balls

Mix all of the ingredients together and soak a cotton ball in the mixture. Then, use it to apply the mixture on to the affected toenail, let it dry naturally.

Alternatively, you can place 4-5 drops of tea tree oil in a bowl of water big enough to soak your feet in. Leave your feet for about 15-20 minutes. You need to perform these treatments in the mornings and in the evenings.

  • Baking soda and vinegar soak

To make this soak you will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of baking soda
  • A cup of vinegar (white or apple cider)
  • Bowl to soak your feet in
  • Water

At first, mix the vinegar with enough water to soak your feet in. Let it soak for 15 minutes, and then pat dry your feet with paper towels. Add the baking soda to the mixture, and place your feet back for an extra 15 minutes.

  • Coconut Oil

For this treatment, you need coconut oil only.

In addition, this will help to soften your feet and hands. Just rub coconut oil onto the affected area and let it absorb and dry naturally. This can help destroy the fungus and keep it from growing back.

Only a Teaspoon of This in Your Morning Coffee Melts Pounds More Effectively Than Most Fat Burners

Coffee is one of the favorite morning routines that most people can’t do without. Therefore, adding only a teaspoon of this in your coffee provides your body with amazing health benefits.

Moreover, it prevents numerous diseases such as Parkinson’s, liver cancer, diabetes type 2, while promoting a healthy heart. Furthermore, coffee can be your powerful ally which will help you burn fat, boost your metabolism and get the body you desire.

Apart from being a great medicine, it remarkably improves the flavors of your coffee, making it a delicious morning treat. Remember that each ingredient in this recipe is extremely healthy and totally natural.

Here is the recipe for your morning coffee, which melts pounds like crazy:


  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ cup honey
  • ¾ cup of coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa (optional)


Mix all ingredients thoroughly until you get a homogeneous mixture. When done, store it in a cup and close it.


The next morning, add 1-2 teaspoons of this natural treatment into your hot coffee. Then, stir well and drink it.

The amazing features of this coffee lie in each ingredient packed with amazing health benefits. At first, caffeine increases your metabolism and supports your energy levels up. Then, cinnamon is highly appreciated due to its amazing fat-burning properties. Also, it lowers blood sugar levels, reduces heart disease and provides other impressive health benefits.

In addition, honey is the best natural sweetener, full of powerful antioxidants that help in reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer. While coconut oil is abundant in medium-chain triglycerides and provides healthy saturated fats that have positive effects for your body.

Therefore, you need to prepare this amazing coffee that will accelerate your metabolism, energize your body and place your body in a fat-burning mode. You will definitely be amazed at how soon you’ll notice the difference.

7 High-Protein Vegetables Every Vegan Needs

If you have chosen to avoid animal cruelty, you should know that a well-planned vegan diet can still provide you with all the nutrients your body needs. Moreover, certain plant foods are packed with more protein than meat.

Nowadays, there are many studies proving that meat as a protein source isn’t that healthy. However, you still need to eat enough protein to maintain your physical functions and regenerate the body.

Therefore, you should start consuming more high protein vegetables like spinach, brussels sprouts, and broccoli. In fact, vegetable protein is extremely good for your body’s immune system, especially for healing and recovery.

Here are 7 high-protein vegetables every vegan needs:

1. Leafy greens

Green leafy vegetables are packed with powerful nutrients. Veggies with the most protein include broccoli, potatoes, asparagus, artichokes, spinach, sweet potatoes, and brussels sprouts.

Boiling your vegetables before consumption increases its protein content. Additionally, you can add broccoli to your soups, salads, and veggie patties.

2. Sprouts

Sprouts are one of the best food you can add to your diet, high in nutrients with almost zero calories. Extremely abundant in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. A single cup of mung sprouts contains 14 grams of protein. And, a cup of soybean sprouts gives 9 grams of protein.

3. Soybeans

Soybeans are providing one of the highest sources of plant protein. A cup of soybeans gives 29 grams of protein. However, men should consume soy products in moderation as it can cause a decrease in sexual development and fertility.

4. Black-eyed peas

These beans contain high-quality protein per serving, a single cup provides 7.7 grams of it. Additionally, they reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, enhance digestion, and prevent anemia.

5. Lentils

Lentils are rich in folate, manganese, and iron. A cup of them provides 18 grams of protein. Moreover, lentils help in reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, excess body weight and some types of cancer.

6. Artichoke

A medium-sized artichoke provides your body with 4 grams of proteins. Artichokes are especially beneficial and provide lots of antioxidants. Moreover, they reduce the risk of chronic disease and cancer.

7. Asparagus

A 100-gram serving of asparagus contains 2.4 grams of vital proteins. Also, provides a good source of vitamin K, potassium and antioxidants.

Prepare it Before The Pharmacists Erase it! 4 Tablespoons of This And You Can Say Goodbye to High Blood Pressure and Clogged Arteries

If you often have an invasion of infections, colds, high blood pressure, or clogged arteries you should definitely learn how to protect your body. Here is a simple three-ingredient, powerful remedy you should try before the pharmacists erase it.

The combination of these ingredients is extremely effective and it’s going to boost overall health tremendously. However, you should remember that the exact same ingredients used individually won’t be much effective.

The following treatment provides amazing improvements in your blood pressure, also it helps to unclog your arteries extremely fast. Moreover, the treatment compared to other medical drugs is completely safe and doesn’t cause any side effects.

Here is the recipe, that improves high blood pressure and clogged arteries:


  • 4 cm / 1.5 inch of ginger root
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 liters / 67.6 oz of filtered water
  • 4 unpeeled lemons


At first, you need to wash the lemons well and cut them in slices. Afterward, you need to clean the garlic cloves and remove the rind from the ginger root. Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix till you get a good homogenous blend.

Put the mixture in a pan and turn the fire on while slowly adding the water. You need to stir it continuously and until it boils. Then you have to remove it from the fire and leave it to chill down.

Once it’s cooled down, you need to strain the mixture and pour the remedy into glass bottles. Lastly, store them in a fridge.


Consume this drink daily 2 hours before a meal, twice a day. Remember to shake the bottle, before use so the ginger doesn’t remain at the bottom of the bottle.

Also, you don’t have to worry about the smell of the garlic as it’s neutralized due to the lemon and ginger. Lastly, enjoy the amazing properties of this homemade remedy!

The Tea That Cures Strep Throat, Flu And Sinus Infections

Oregano is a culinary and medicinal herb known for its astonishing medicinal properties. Traditionally, people have been using the tea for treating numerous health ailments, while enjoying the amazing taste.

The herb provides an excellent source of antioxidants such as thymol and rosemary acid. Also, the rich phytonutrient content prevents and treat any damage to the cells.

Moreover, oregano is full of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, amongst minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and iron. Additionally, there are some volatile oils inside, providing powerful anti-fungal, anti-malaria, carminative, and diuretic properties.

Due to its amazing antiseptic qualities, oregano can prevent the growth and multiplication of deadly microorganisms. According to the Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, oregano treats sinus problems, sore throat, and many infections.

Additionally, oregano extract can improve cancer indicators, and reduce the growth of colon cancer cells and eventually destroy them.

Due to its potent antiviral properties, oregano can significantly improve your immune system, thus preventing numerous illnesses. Also, drinking oregano tea on daily basis decreases the levels of cholesterol in the body.

Here are some extra health benefits of oregano:

  • Stimulates appetite
  • Treats urinary and constipation issues
  • Heals inflammation
  • Soothes headaches and back pain
  • Eases asthma attacks
  • Fights sinus and ear infections
  • Alleviates colds, flu, and coughs
  • Alleviates heartburn and fatigue
  • Treats nasal congestion
  • Kills the digestive parasites
  • Treats a sore throat
  • Improves the function of the cardiovascular system
  • Assists the optimal body weight
  • Alleviates menstrual pain and cramps

Here’s how to prepare oregano tea, and cure strep throat, flu, and sinus infections:


  • 2 cups of water
  • 1&½ tbsp fresh oregano leaves / 1 tbsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp orange juice (optional)


If you wish to use fresh leaves you need 2 cups of water and 1&½ tbsp of the leaves. However, if you choose the dried ones, add 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of these leaves.

Then, chop the fresh/dried leaves and put them evenly into the 2 cups. Lastly, pour the hot water over them, and let them sit for about 10 minutes. Enjoy!