Category Archives: animals

A hоmеlеss mаn tаkеs саrе оf 30 strау dоgs living in аn еmрtу lоt

There is no monetary value that can replace the feeling of love. The world’s most generous people are not its wealthiest. The answer is yes, sometimes.

worst of the worst; the poorest of the poor. However, being poor does not prevent a person from being sympathetic to those around them. This is the story of Oleg, a nice guy who looks after the 30 strays who have taken up residence around him.

what he’s trying to say. Originally, Oleg just had three dogs, but because of unchecked breeding, he now has thirty canine companions. It didn’t stop him from adoring his canine companions, though.

Despite the dogs’ difficult living conditions, Oleg does his best to provide for them. When the members of Love Furry heard about Oleg’s illness, they made the decision to see him in person.

Immediately, the question “What might they do to help?” popped into his head. The efforts of these dedicated rescuers have unquestionably changed Oleg and his dogs’ lives for the better.

Every day, rescuers from Love Furry Friends will drop by with food for Oleg and dog treats. In addition, they helped three of the kids in the families with

settling into a permanent home. While it may be trickier to find loving homes for older dogs, shelters and rescue groups are nonetheless actively looking for them.

The crew also helped Tima, who had been injured by a car, and Julie, who had vision problems, get medical attention. Both are expected to make a speedy recovery thanks to the prompt medical attention they have received. Oh, look how grateful they are!

A homeless man takes care of 30 strays on an empty lot, and the decision was made to neuter all of the female dogs to prevent any unwanted offspring.

Love is unquantifiable in monetary terms. The world’s most generous people are not its wealthiest. They are the poorest of the poor sometimes. On the other hand, a person’s poverty level doesn’t prevent them from being “compassionate.”

оthеrs. This is the story of Oleg, a nice guy who has 30 strays living around his tent. Originally, Oleg had only three dogs, but because of unchecked breeding, he now has thirty.

hm on that barren plot of land. It didn’t stop him from adoring his canine companions, though. Despite the dogs’ difficult living conditions, Oleg does his best to provide for them.

The first question that sprang to the minds of the Love Furry people when they heard about Oleg’s illness and decided to go see him was, “What could they do to help?” The efforts of these dedicated rescuers have unquestionably changed Oleg and his dogs’ lives for the better. Every day, rescuers from Love Furry Friends will drop by with food for Oleg and dog treats. Thеу аlsо

helped three of the kids from those families secure long-term housing. While it may be trickier to find loving homes for older dogs, shelters and rescue groups are nonetheless actively looking for them.

The crew also helped Tima, who had been injured by a car, and Julie, who had vision problems, get medical attention. Both are expected to make a speedy recovery thanks to the prompt medical attention they have received. Oh, look how grateful they are!

To prevent unwanted litters, they also decided to have all of the female dogs sterilized. It might also relieve some of the burden from Oleg’s shoulders, but he’ll be content with whatever the future brings.

That man is a hero with a golden heart. having puppies that you didn’t want to have born. It might also relieve some of the burden on Oleg’s shoulders, but he’ll be content with whatever the future brings. This man is a hero in every sense of the word. He has a golden heart, watch video below.

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Puppy Swimming Alone In Middle ocean Is Rescued As Boater Finds Him And Immediately Jumps off-Boat

Teens find a dog stranded alone in the middle of the ocean.
Something caught the attention of Bryn Crowell and his friends while they were kayaking off the coast of Florida. They decided to slow down and turn around to see what the unusual object was in the water.

From a distance, Bryn and his buddies assumed it was a misplaced hat, but when they got closer, everything changed.

Bryn explained to The Dodo:

“My first reaction was, “Wow, that hat looks like a dog!” After another second, I realized it was a dog!”

No one knows how the little dog ended up so far from shore, but it was clear that he was fighting for his life.

One of Bryn’s friends decided to jump in the water, grab the dog and carry him to safety on the boat.


Bryn’s buddy captured the exact moment of the rescue on video and chose to share it on social media. The episode was so incredible that it went viral almost immediately.

The little pup was terrified and surprised, but he was very lucky to have been discovered by the sailors.

Bryan continued, ”

“It looked like he just swam for his life.”

After inspecting him, the young men discovered that the dog was wearing a collar with a dog tag and his family information. So they decided to call to report his rescue, and they heard them crying, fussing, and being puzzled in the middle of the call.

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According to the family of the dog named Zuko, they had gone sailing that day and had taken their dog with them. Zuko was very happy because it was his first time sailing, and he jumped every time a wave hit the boat.

The little puppy went overboard unbeknownst to his family, who mistook him for someone who was hiding in the boat.

They didn’t discover him after searching for a few minutes, so they decided to go back to where they had been exploring. It didn’t work out, but Zuko got a second start in life thanks to Bryn and his friends.

Bryan remarked:

“When we went back to Zuko, we saw [his owners] sobbing and cuddling him.

See more:

Dog Who Was Stabbed In The Head While Trying To Protect His Owner From An Armed Robber, Miraculously Survives

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He Laid Dying, Stuck On Side Of Road But Soon His Past Would No Longer Haunt Him

He Laid Dying, Stuck On Side Of Road But Soon His Past Would No Longer Haunt Him.

Alex was ready to give up. He was severely malnourished, dehydrated, and exhausted, and maggots infested his wounds.

He was on his deathbed. The worst part was that he was stuck in a remote location on the side of a road, with no way of escaping on his own. He was stuck because he wore a collar with a long chain. To make matters worse, he was completely indistinguishable from the road. He had only a remote chance of being rescued in time.

But little did he know that his life was about to improve dramatically and that his past would no longer haunt him. A person named Alex (after whom the pup is named) noticed the fading pup while cleaning the area.

He immediately sought help from the Feed Friends Foundation, a local animal rescue.

They agreed to take him in and found him a wonderful foster home in Alle Hadoc to care for him while he recovered physically and mentally.

His road to recovery would be long and difficult, but neither Alex nor his supporters would give up.

He met new dogs and kitties at his foster home who showed him the ropes and helped him along the way. Alex was a wonderful dog who adored every animal he encountered.

Alex began to heal from the inside out as time passed. The wound on his body and the one on his heart both healed. He found a loving forever home after fully healing and is currently enjoying his second shot at life!

Watch his rescue and makeover in the video below:

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This cat was rescued and raised as a husky, now she considers herself a big and brave dog

This cat was rescued and raised as a husky, now she considers herself a big and brave dog.

The friendship between a dog and a cat is one of the most adorable. We have presented you with enough stories to prove that dogs and cats can be the best of friends.

There is no such thing as a dog imitating a cat, but many kittens like to feel stronger and show a dog-like attitude. We have a similar situation in this story.

One day, a helpless little kitten named Kozy was dumped in the street, helpless and confused.

But fortunately, he was saved by an owner of three huskies, with whom he grew up. Today, Kozy is already an adult cat, who considers himself a big and bold dog like his “brothers”.

We take a look at her. She really feels like part of this other family.

But that’s not surprising, because they grew up together.

Kozy likes to show a bossy character and feel bigger than she is. This cat can’t imagine her life without her big brothers.

She loves to play with them, show off her supple body tricks and just enjoy their company.

Kozy is safe, and perhaps the security that her dog brothers give her, makes the cat feel much more confident than she is.

Watch video below :

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Black Labrador Born With A Cleft Lip And Palate Can Finally Play

Black Labrador Born With A Cleft Lip And Palate Can Finally Play.

Felix is a cute black lab that lives in Alaska, USA. He is well-known on the social media platform Imgur, where he has a big number of followers who have followed his trip and enjoy seeing the beautiful furry man evolve, writes embounce

“I’ve been caring for Felix since he was 11 days old,” Felix’s father, Jamie, told Bored Panda. I was the rescue worker called in by the breeder after they noticed that one of her litter’s puppies was not developing and was dying as a result of a severe cleft palate and cleft lip, and was unable to feed properly from her mother.”

It took some effort to get this hairy fellow out.

“At the time, he had aspiration pneumonia and was not going to live another 24 hours,” Jamie adds. I took him home and fed him through a tube for the next seven weeks. I also assisted him in dealing with his pneumonia. He is 14 months old and a black lab dog!

The cause of cleft lip and palate is uncertain. According to Jamie, this aberration can occur in humans and animals as a result of a poor diet or prenatal exposure to specific items.

Felix is a fighter who refuses to let his medical challenges prevent him from enjoying himself and having a good time. This Labrador also has digestion problems since his intestines originated on the opposite side of his body; he only has one functional eyeball, and his jaws are misaligned. His face has a particular expression.

“He can only eat canned food since none of his teeth match,” Jamie added. I feed him hard food now and then to make him feel like he’s a part of the gang, but he doesn’t like it. He, on the other hand, keeps him busy ».

Felix had cleft lip and palate surgery in January of this year. According to his owner, the dog has a unilateral cleft palate that affects both the hard and soft palates. The veterinarian did a wonderful job, and he was able to reconstruct his palate problems using his own tissue.

Prior to his procedure, Felix was unable to eat or drink on a regular basis. His father washed the food from his cleft every time he fed him.

Since his procedure, he has acquired a neurological tic that causes him to spin around and occasionally bark at the air, most likely due to the dislocation of his head,” Jamie explained.

We’re testing some new medications to see whether they can help him.

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The Tale of a Man And His Dog Who Were Bonded By Loνe And Adνenture

Miƙael Lindnσrd, a Swedish athlete, grew uρ tσ be tσugh abσνe all else. He ρreρared himself tσ functiσn withσut sleeρ, tσ be extremely fit, and tσ be able tσ climb, ride, and treƙ acrσss the mσst challenging terrains under the mσst demanding cσmρetitiσn circumstances—always while racing against the clσcƙ and frequently with little tσ nσ sleeρ. Accσrding tσ νal Hudsσn, cσ-authσr σf “Arthur,” adνenture racing is “simρly the tσughest sρσrt in the wσrld.”

Grσwing uρ in nσrthern Sweden, Miƙael was a yσung man whσ tσσƙ tσ the σutdσσr sρσrts σf sƙiing, sƙating, and ice hσcƙey liƙe a ducƙ tσ water. He did nσt, hσweνer, grσw uρ arσund animals liƙe his wife Helena did, and he did nσt σwn σr desire any ρets. Additiσnally, they had ρhiliρρa, a beautiful and yσung daughter, in Nσνember 2014 when she was σnly twσ years σld, thus haνing any ƙind σf ρet was σut σf the questiσn.

Sσσn after, Miƙael was in the Ecuadσrian fσrest as a result σf his endurance racing. Tσ a biσdiνerse but incredibly hσstile regiσn σf the wσrld, where there were ρσisσnσus creatures that bit and stung, treacherσus ρathways, rσcƙy mσuntains, and swift riνers.

Fσur days intσ the marathσn, while he and his crew were switching frσm riding tσ treƙƙing, Miƙael caught a glimρse σf a calm, haughty figure in the cσrner σf his eye.

The tattered yet lσνely ρuρρy was an unexρected sight amid all the chaσs σf the transitiσn area. In that regiσn σf the wσrld, the majσrity σf stray dσgs bσther ρeσρle and beg fσr fσσd.

Hσweνer, this dσg was just staring at Miƙael, nσt mσνing σr barƙing, and Miƙael cσuld tell he was in trσuble. He σffered the dσg sσme σf his limited suρρlies σf fσσd, sσme meatballs, which he carefully sρσσned σntσ the grσund in frσnt σf the dσg.

The dσg ate the meal while raνenσus and hurt befσre turning his attentiσn bacƙ tσ Miƙael. Miƙael chσse the name Arthur fσr him because σf his majesty and serene air σf wisdσm, which reminded him σf regal, ƙingly beasts.

Frσm that ρσint fσrward, a remarƙable bσnd deνelσρed.

Arthur fσllσwed, equally fatigued as the grσuρ as they waded thrσugh mud, water, and dense wσσdland, neνer leaνing Miƙael’s side. Miƙael realized he wσuld eνentually be with Arthur, the dσg whσ had bet eνerything σn him, as they crσssed the finish line. Hσweνer, neither the Swedish nσr the Ecuadσrian authσrities wanted the dσg tσ be brσught intσ their resρectiνe natiσns.

Arthur alsσ suffered seriσus injuries and tσσth damage. He required surgery immediately. Unusually, Miƙael managed tσ get Arthur tσ a νeterinarian in Ecuadσr, σntσ a flight tσ Sweden, and finally intσ quarantine after days σf stressful discussiσns. Arthur’s jσurney tσ safety and haρρiness wasn’t simρle—the ρlane terrified him, and the surgery left him cσmρletely cσnfused.

But in the end, he and Miƙael arriνed in the tiny Swedish hamlet σf σrnsƙσldsνig, where Miƙael resided, and they all returned tσ Helena, ρhiliρρa, and the newbσrn baby Thσr. As gentle and dignified as usual, Arthur quicƙly adaρted tσ his new hσme and natiσn.

I ƙnew the tale gσing intσ this ρrσject and was incredibly enamσred with it. Since I’νe sρent my entire career wσrƙing in nσn-fictiσn ρublishing, I’νe written a lσt σf bσσƙs abσut dσgs, whether they’re abσut hσw tσ care fσr them, hσw they act, σr the adνentures they’νe had.

Hσweνer, this tale seems tσ transcend all limitatiσns. In the case σf Arthur and Miƙael, the remarƙable attachment between a human and a dσg is almσst unheard σf. And ρarticularly intriguing because Miƙael had nσ intentiσn σf eνer meeting a dσg, saνing a dσg, σr eνen σwning a dσg.

I sincerely hσρe readers enjσy this great, heartwarming tale and that it will raise ρublic awareness σf the situatiσn σf stray dσgs wσrldwide.

Since he was saνed, Arthur has becσme the face σf Sσuth American and Ecuadσrian dσg charities, serνing as a symbσl σf hσρe fσr thσse whσ wσrƙ tσ care fσr the hundreds σf abandσned animals. He has a fσundatiσn σf his σwn with the gσal σf rescuing and legalizing animals.

The ƙ9 Magazine team adσres this bσσƙ. It reflects the idea that sσmetimes yσu’ll find a sρecial being (σn twσ legs σr fσur), and be fσreνer attached. It is uρlifting, full σf hσρe and lσνe.

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A sweet Golden Retriever puppy that is ill and finds it difficult to breathe decides to wear a mask for his friends

A sweet Golden Retriever puppy that is ill and finds it difficult to breathe decides to wear a mask for his friends.
As he drove past the Dallas Fort Worth National Cemetery, Samuel Flores spotted a Great Pyrenees sitting by itself, looking sad.

He felt compelled to see how the dog was doing and checked on him, only to be appalled by what he saw. The sad animal was really guarding the body of another dog that had been killed when a car drove over him.

Dog wouldn’t budge from dead friend’s side when animal rescuers Jessy and Julie Fennell came. He instead pleaded with the rescuers to bring his friend back to life.

A stress drooler, he would moan and lick the wounds on the dead body. To “keep her safe,” the dog had obviously pulled his dead friend’s body off the street and onto the grass.

The rescuers were successful in convincing the dog to join them, and they disposed of the animal’s body with dignity.

Three-year-old Brian was identified as the lone survivor, but his lifetime best buddy and bonded companion Marley was found dead.

Marley, who was only a year old, died after his two dogs escaped the house via an open garage door, according to their owner.

Brian’s unwavering commitment to Marley has stunned the entire neighborhood. It’s a powerful reminder of the unconditional love and service that dogs are capable of providing.

Brian is struggling to accept his loss at the moment, but his loved ones are doing what they can to comfort him. It is our hope that this young man will be able to regain his strength soon.

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Heartbroken after losing her babies, pit bull finds comfort caring for orphaned puppy

Two very unfortunate stray dogs, have found comfort in each other in the cutest possible way. Their inspiring story won the hearts of millions and it shows that love and affection are enough to overcome any obstacle in life.

It was an extremely cold night when officers from the Animal Control spotted a pit bull wondering the streets of York in South Carolina. The dog named Daya was pregnant, so the officers tried to find her a shelter as quick as possible. They called Halfway There Rescue which agreed to foster the poor dog, at least until she will give birth.

Sadly, at a medical check things looked worst than anyone thought and Daya had to go surgery right away. She not only just lost her unborn babies, but her life was in a real danger, too. Yet, the pit bull eventually survived, but the thought of losing her puppies heartbroken her.

Daya’s story has a happy ending, though. The sun shined again for her when an orphaned rescued puppy arrived at the Halfway Rescue. With the tiny Raisin, life was also extremely tough. With an eye badly injured, very scared and confused, the little puppy was also find on the streets of York.

When the staff at the rescue decided to introduce Raisin to Daya, something extremely adorable happened. It was like when you perfectly fix two broken pieces. With a tiny puppy by her side, Daya finally felt how it is to be a mother and Raisin, on the other hand, suddenly found the comfort and the love his mom could never offered.

The two dogs immediately bonded and their beautiful relationship healed them both. Even though they eventually went on separate ways in their lives, the moment they spent together taught them how to live again. While Daya was adopted by the family who initially fostered her, Raisin also found (after a few attempts) a loving family to adopt him.

Watch the incredible story of these two beautiful souls, bellow!

The touching moment world’s ‘loneliest elephant’ finally meets another elephant

In a completely heart-melting scene, Kaavan – dubbed the “world’s loneliest elephant,” finally shares a tender moment with another one of his kind, for the first time in over eight years!

Kaavan’s story is one of the saddest in the animal world. However, after decades of suffering it all comes to an end as on Monday, the Sri Lankan elephant was moved to the Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary in Siem Reap. Once he got there, Kaavan meets another elephant for the first time in years. Some extremely touching footages and photos show the massive mammals tenderly reaching their trunks through their enclosures. What a lovely greeting for Kaavan after all he had been through during his life!

“First contact with an elephant in eight years – this is a huge moment for Kaavan,” said Martin Bauer, a spokesman of the animal welfare group that made the elephant’s relocation possible. “Kaavan will finally have the chance to live a species-appropriate and peaceful life. He has a very bright future ahead of him.”

Kaavan had a very rough past. The 36-year-old elephant spent around 35 years of his life in chains at the Maraghazar Zoo in Islamabad, Pakistan. Mistreated and neglected, Kaavan’s only consolation all those years was Shaheli, his companion. But unfortunately, she passed away eight years ago and Kaavan was alone since.

His salvation came last year after a campaign, started in 2016, made waves all over the world. Animal welfare, charities, activists and even got involved to set Kaavan free. Fortunately, their efforts eventually paid off!

Earlier this wee, the ‘world’s loneliest elephant’ has finally arrived in a much more better and peaceful place, after a ten hours flight and military escort. After a short rehabilitation period, Kaavan will be released to a wildlife sanctuary. Kaavan finally have the chance to live a peaceful live among others of his kind.

“Once Kaavan feels at home in a controlled setting, he will be released in a wildlife sanctuary, in Oddar Meanchey province, in the northern section of Cambodia, where some 600 Asian elephants live in peace and tranquillity,” a spokesperson of the Cambodian Environment Ministry said in a statement.

Loyal dog chases ambulance to stay by his homeless owner’s side

In a heartwarming demonstration of loyalty, a tiny dog was caught on camera chasing an ambulance in a desperate attempt to stay by the side of his human companion who fell sick!

Both the little puppy and his human, are living on the streets, so they only have each other. However, the dog named Spike shows a remarkable sense of loyalty, after his young owner has been taken by an ambulance. Shortly after picking up an ill homeless from the streets of Taguatinga, Brazil, the crew on the ambulance have noticed a dog is been desperately following them. The poor little soul was so concerned by his companion’s situation that was willing to risk his own life to try to keep up with the ambulance.

“In 19 years of this profession I have never witnessed such a scene,” emergency worker Celiosmar Ferreira told the newspaper Correio Braziliense. “We were touched and concerned about the safety of the animal, who could be run over.”

The emergency crew had no idea the dog that is been following them is actually the best friends of the man they were carrying. But they realize it, once they made a stop on their way. “When we stopped the car at an intersection, he came to stand in front of the ambulance,” Ferreira said. “It was then that we decided to pick him up.”

The dog immediately jumped in and he looked very concerned about his friend well-being. Once they arrived the hospital, the faithful dog did not left his human side. Fortunately it turned out was nothing serious regarding the young man’s medical condition, so shortly after he and his four-legged friends were able to leave.

The young man may not live in the best conditions and he doesn’t have any of material wealth, but he’s definitely richer than many with such a friend! Watch the tiny dog’s journey, bellow:

Heroic pit bull drags 7-month-old sister by diaper out of house fire and saves her life

Some say having a dog around a little baby is not a good idea. Especially when we are talking about a dog breed with not the best reputation. Most likely top of this category are pit bulls, seen by a lot o people as unpredictable and dangerous dogs.

Well, for this California-based mom, her pit bull is nothing but a hero. And it could not be otherwise, after the selfless dog managed to save her human sister’s life. According to mom, Latana Chai, her baby Masailah and her dog Sasha have always been an inseparable duo. They were born just days apart and they even shared the same bed. But their special, unbreakable bond became visible when a fire broke in their building.

Few minutes after midnight, on Saturday, Sasha was having a very unusual behavior. “I heard like, a loud bang and I was like, ‘what’s going on?’ I heard Sasha crying and she kept jumping at the door. As soon as I got to the door, she runs in and starts barking,” Latana said, according to Kare 11.

When the woman opened the door for Sasha, the dog run directly into baby’s room. Then Latana noticed smoke coming from the ceiling, a fire that was spreading from their neighbor’s house.

Soon she realized the danger, the mom quickly run into her daughter’s room. But to her surprise, Sasha already grabbed Masailah by the diaper and pulling her to safety. The family credits Sasha’s early warning barks for keeping them safe. This story proves once again that it’s not about the breed it’s about how a dog is raised.Because all dogs are loyal, smart and cute.

Find out more about this heroic dog and her life-saving actions in the video bellow!

Don’t talk to strangers: Mother elephant protects calf from tourists

Incredible footage shows a mother elephant while stops her baby from getting any closer to a group of safari tourists. It’s like she’s saying “Don’t talk to strangers”.

Just like any other baby, elephant calfs posses a natural curiosity too. They are either trying to figure out why their nose is so long, why they can’t squeeze themselves into their old bathtubs or just simply refusing to leave the mud spot.

So naturally, when the cub in this video spotted a group of tourists all he wants is to investigate. However, his mom is having a different opinion. In an overprotective manner, she pulls her little baby away as fast as possible.

The video was captured at Kruger National Park, in northeastern South Africa. And even the rangers were moved by this protective mom. It is “almost as if she is saying, ‘Don’t talk to strangers,’” they wrote in the video caption.

Puzzled, the baby decides to fallow his mother. After all, mom always knows the best. Nice job of parenting there. The mom didn’t make a big deal out of it. However, she calmly and effectively redirected her calf’s attention elsewhere to steer it potentially out of danger.

Watch this overprotective mom bellow!

Dog has touching reaction when notices the portrait of his passed away brother

I can’t even imagine how heartbreaking might be to lose a puppy. A feeling shared by each and every dog lover out there. Unfortunately, we cannot control those things, but at least we can do is to keep the memory alive.

When Smiff passed away last month, his family was heartbroken. However, they all keep the sweet dog into their hearts. But to honor his memory, his mom Libby Davey decided to order a painting of her late furry companion and hang it in the living room, for Smiff to never be forgotten. A nice gesture for a faithful dog. However, Libby would have never guessed that Smiff fur brother, Frank is as much affected by the loss, as they were.

So when Frank has spotted the portrait of his late brother on the wall, he had one of the most touching reaction a dog could ever have. The woman captured on camera the moving scene and shared it on Facebook with the message : “I think Frank knows that’s a painting of his brother.” Well, judging by his reaction, he definitely does.

Blue parrot known from the movie ‘Rio’ is now officially extinct

A new study by BirdLife International revealed that at least eight bird species have disappeared in the last years. Among them also the blue parrot, so well known from the movie ‘Rio.’

In the successful animation movie the parrots fought for their survival as Blu flies all the way from America to Brazil to find Jewel, the last female of its species. The two fall in love and they have a baby in the happy ending story. Unfortunately in real life Spix’s Macaw parrots did not make it.

While many of bird extinctions occurred on solitary islands, the most recent ones were in South America, the study reveals. That shows the dramatic impact of deforestation in those areas. According to the Red List of Endangered Species, about 187 bird species have disappeared worldwide since 1500. The causes of this rapid decline include the introduction of invasive species, hunting and deforestation, as reported by the organization in Cambridge, UK.

Nowadays, the huge urban areas expansion and global warming put an extremely pressure on wildlife with many animals forced to adapt or to extinct.

As about the blue parrots who have bright blue plumage are officially extinct in the wild. However, some exemplars are living in captivity.

Dog who is chained up for his entire life sees the ocean for the first time and his reaction goes viral

As dog lovers we know how important is for a dog to run around and play with other dogs. As a safety precaution, sometimes we need to keep them in a leash, but dogs must be allowed to run freely with no exception.

Unfortunately this beautiful German Shepard didn’t enjoyed a freely life as his uncaring owner neglected him. More than that, Herschel has been stuck to a pole. In the end he was rescued and taken to a shelter to his excitement.

The sun seemed risen again on its street as he was adopted by a new family. But Herschel is a happy, full of joy and energetic dog and that turned out to be to much for his new owners. His temperament was mistaken for aggression. And when is looked like his fate was sealed to spend the rest of his life in a cage, someone just had a room for him.

He was surrendered to Michelson Found Animals who got him the medical and grooming attention he needed. Thanks to Rocky Kanaka and his “Dogs Day Out” program, Herschel experienced an adventure that he would remember for a very long time.

The first thing they done for him was to offer him a day of fun and joy. The road trip started with a few hours of play in the mountain snow. As you can imagine, the new fluffy stuff was really a joy to Herschel.

Herschel was finally free to explore, run and appreciate all that he had missed so much. But the best was yet to come. Their next stop was about to be on the beach. And dog’s reaction when first sees the ocean is incredible. He just could not contain himself.

Watch Herschel incredible reaction when discovers freedom at last!

Soldier nervously waits to reunite the dog he served with overseas

This is the emotional moment a retired soldier reunites the dog he served with overseas. The touching reunion has been possible thanks to a flight attendant, and the moment was caught on camera.

Taylor – a special trained dog – has served overseas, mainly in Afghanistan, on several occasions. But each and every time she was deployed with Sgt. Tom Hanson, her handler. So naturally, the two have shared a very deep bond. The military dog had always been loyal and protective with the Sgt. and his comrades. So when the time came, Hanson decided to return the favor!

Just like any military dog, when Taylor got retired from duty, she had to be put for adoption. And since Taylor and her former handler were so close to each other, she could not have been found a better forever home. Thankfully, all of this had been possible thanks to a big-hearted woman named Molli Oliver. Molli, who works as a flight attendant made herself a habit of reunited retired military dogs with their former handlers. That’s what we call a hobby!

Imagine that Molli is only arranging for the dogs the flying routes and the destinations, but she even supports the costs of the travels. That’s what we call a hobby and a very kind person! So thanks to this kind-hearted woman, Sgt. Hanson got the chance to adopt his old loyal companion, Taylor. All in a very touching reunion. Take a peek: