Cat Owner Made Hilarious AITA Post From Their Cat’s Perspective And Everyone Joined The Hilarious Thread

Have you ever wondered what would happen if cats could start speaking? When they could actually react and talk like humans, complain like humans. it would be exciting, right? Well, turns out, Reddit user ellle_em was having a bad day therefore she decided to ask people an AITA written from the perspective of cats under her post. she also asked people to upload a photo of their cat with the caption and the replies were hilarious.

The post started when she posted a few of her own cat’s pictures and some that she rescued from the cat’s perspective, the results turned out to be hilarious. We see users complaining about daily life things on Reddit every day but have never seen these posts from the perspective of cats. That’s what has made this post quite refreshing. Scroll down below to have a fun time.

1. Here’s how the fun started



2. It is every’s cats habit to chase the other, tease the other and run after them and consider it playful behavior



3. The one who’s always complaining about everything



4. Hee’s really handsome therefore he should be telling it to everyone



5. His hobby is to put claws on everything, basically



6. Are you even a cat when you don’t cause trouble at the construction site?



7. He got high on catnip and even got wasted after the party; yo Pysduck my boy!



8. And then expect them to understand everything I say when I go about meowing?



9. Yes, you definitely are the a-hole because they wouldn’t do the same to you.



Feeling lighter already? We hope that these stories are cheering you up. We have got some more, so don’t give your thumb rest just yet and keep scrolling!

10. Such a sad story



Cats will vet cats, it’s one thing we know for sure. Only if these cats knew what actual trouble they cause to humans. Despite them being troublesome, they are lovely and we can’t deny the fact. It was fun hearing cat’s stories from their own perspective. If you too, have any such stories, we would to hear them out. Keep visiting defused.



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