Adorable Kitten Finally Gets Adopted

Pets can be the source of great inspiration for humans.
And sometimes, they can even be used to carry important messages…

We’re not talking about carrier pigeons; in this case, we’re talking about an adorable kitten named Gandalf.
Jared Forsyth’s mother helps provide foster homes for kittens and one of those kittens was this beautiful gray fluffball, Gandalf.
How could you look at that face and not instantly fall in love?

Well, Jerad and his girlfriend, Kat (appropriate name!), certainly loved Gandalf and decided to adopt him.
So, they decided to visit the local SPCA and make the adoption official. A simple trip…but Jared had a more elaborate plan.
He called ahead to set things up and then, the SPCA called Kat and asked if she’d like to be part of an adoption video they were filming.

She agreed and when she showed up, they started filming her holding her new pet, Gandalf.
That’s cute enough, right?

But then an SPCA owner comes up to Kat and asks her to check the name tag on the kitten.

As it turns out, there was a secret message written on the inside of that tag and when Kat flipped it over, Jared suddenly materialized.
Watch the heartwarming video below to find out what happens next…
Not only does a wonderful kitten get a loving home, but a second blessed event is in the works.

Read these characteristics which almost all cat lovers have in common:

It’s the nature of cats that they are not friends with everybody, and the same trait can be seen in their owners too. Usually, they live alone and are happy with their independent lifestyle. They are introverts but are comfortable hanging around with other people. However, they would need some me-time to relax and recharge.

It has been observed that people with liberal political leanings prefer cats over dogs. You might be a liberal dog lover or a conservative cat owner; if you’re a liberal, you love cats and vice versa.

Five traits – conscientiousness, neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, and openness are often seen in most cat lovers. As compared to dog owners, people who have cats as pets are more open and therefore, have greater artistic creativity.

Just like their pets, cat lovers seek attention from people around them. They like to be the centre of all conversations. At times, cat owners rely on their pets for emotional support.

Cat people respect cats more than humans, in general. The saddest sight for a cat lover is to see the animal on the streets without a home. Cat lovers are often seen making a special effort to rescue or rehabilitate homeless cats.

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